
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter 16

Darren walked in like a child. He slumped on his couch tiredly. He stared at his ceiling, all he do was think about Gwen.

"Gwendolyn" her name did things to him he couldn't understand. Why couldn't he say it? Why? He loved her so much but why couldn't he say it.

Darren felt convicted at that moment. If he had told her about his feelings would she have said same."I love you Gwen"

"Oh you're back" a deep frown appeared on his forehead.

"Why are you here?" He sat up immediately and glared at the woman descending the stairs.

"You wouldn't come home so I decided to visit" Felicia smiled as she made her way to her Darren. She wore a red robe that exposed her tigh and a portion of her bossom and styled her hair in a messy bun. To any man, Felicia looked breathtaking but to Darren she was repugnant.

"Are you planning to get yourself killed?" He asked coldly.

"Ahh, of course not" she giggled before walking to the dinning table "I made dinner"

Darren turned to her with a obnoxious look.

"What's inside?" He asked as if he was interested. He walked to the dinning table while losing his tie.

"Nothing, it was made out of love" Felicia giggled like an animated character. She began to serve him.

"Ahh, I see" Darren was about to sit when the door bell rang.

"I'll get it" Felicia skipped in joy and ran to the door. Darren stared at the meal on the table. It looked to good to be prepared by Felicia, having grown up with her, he knew just how nasty and uncultured the girl was.

"Ordered huh?" He sighed and stood up walking upstairs to his room.

At the door.

Felicia opened the door with a huge grin on her face. "Hi..." It slowly died down when she found a beautiful lady standing at the door with a basket in her hand. The lady looked really classy and was beautiful. Her black hair stretched down to her waist.

"And you are?" Felicia glared at her intensely.

"I'm Elizabeth James, Mrs Everest sent me"

"Which of the Mrs Everest?"

"Excuse you?"

"You should know there are two Mrs Everest in this family" Felicia folded her arms coldly."Mrs Susana Everest and Mrs Katherine Everest"

Elizabeth nodded slowly "well I am acquainted with both but I was sent by Katherine Everest, he's biological mother"

"Really?" Felicia glared at Elizabeth intensely.

"I believe we met at the Dwagan's party last week, I attended the party with Mrs Susan" Elizabeth smiled. The two women had invisible daggers pointed at each other's throat.

"I see" Felicia closed the door behind her and stood at akimbo in front of Elizabeth. "Well then be off, Darren wouldn't be needing any meal this evening. I'll take of it "

"Sorry, I can't leave without delivering my message"

"Are you trying to pick a fight with me " Felicia raised her voice angrily "who do you think you are to go against my word"

"A potential spouse for Mr Everest and you?" Felicia's blood boiled at the boldness of this Elizabeth in front of her. Just when Darren had decided to spend time with her, this vixen appears from nowhere.

"I am Darren's future wife" Elizabeth's eyes widened in surprise then amusement.

"Really?" Her voice was coated in sarcasm.

Darren who stood at the balcony of his parlour upstairs listening to the bickering of the women downstairs. His eyes were sullen and dull. All he wanted was a quiet time to think about Gwen but the odds were against him.

He picked his phone and dialed a number

"Good day sir"

"Good evening, there are two trespassers at my door bickering and disturbing me deal with it"

"Sorry sir, is there a way we could get your..."

"No 13 Dwagan street, St Louis estate" he gave the address "I give you 5 minutes to get here or you'll find two dead bodies at my doorstep" he hung up and walked in.

A few minutes had passed with Elizabeth and Felicia throwing death notes at each other. They both weren't ready to back down for the other.

Darren stepped out of the door startling Felicia a little. He wore a white T-shirt and black pants. He's hair was wet and dripping water.

"Darren, are you done eating?" Felicia tried to rub her body on him but he shoved it away.

"Hi, Darren" Elizabeth gave a dashing and seductive smile. Darren didn't glance at her, he walked past them like they were non existent.

Elizabeth tailed behind him "I came with dinner, well your Mom suggested it so" she stroked a few strands away from her face.

Darren didn't reply he kept walking to his gate that was far away from the main mansion.

Felicia who felt left behind ran to them.

"Darren, who is she?" She asked like a wife questioning her husband "she said both Aunt Susan and Aunt Kathy know her"

Darren didn't reply, he kept walking slowly to his gate. Once he got to his gate he walked to a pillar at one end and pressed a button on the surface.

The gate began to open, both women were puzzled, they didn't understand what was going on but deep down had prayers for the third wheel to be evicted.

To their surprise, a police vehicle was parked in front of the gate with two police men outside. "You're late"

Darren finally spoke to the policemen

"Sorry sir, traffic" one of the policemen replied with a bow. He looked at Darren and the two women behind him. He also peeked inside the surrounding. "So where are the trespassers?"

Darren stood aside for the man to see Felicia and Elizabeth standing. "Here, take them with you"

Both women were shocked to their bones.

"Darren? What's going on? I'm not the trespasser she is" Felicia was the first to react she pointed at Elizabeth with rage in her eyes.

"Huh? If you weren't ready to receive visitors why not say so, arrest me are you serious right now" Elizabeth yelled in annoyance.

The confused police men stared at the women in shock.

"Are you still standing or you're waiting for me to stain my shirt with their blood" his words made the police men sprout into action.

"Darren, you can't do this to me" Felicia yelled as she was taken away. Elizabeth on the other hand glared at him intensely.

"What should we do with them sir?" The police man asked Darren.

Darren looked at the men blankly "let them make calls" he replied and walked in right after his gates locked.



Mikel stood in front of his boss with pity in his eyes. His boss looked so different from his normal self. His hair wasn't waxed neither did he wear his all stunning black suit. Instead he wore a black turtle neck.

As if the dress didn't give away his sober attitude. He was literally resting his head on his desk and playing with a bracelet in his hand. Mikel has been standing in front of him for over thirty minutes, yet Darren hasn't said a word.

"Are you alright sir?" Mikel asked cautiously

"No" Darren replied sullen causing a loud gasp from Mikel.

"Do you want to talk about it sir?" He asked further

"No" Darren buried his face in between his hands and his table.

"Would a cup of coffee help you feel better sir?"

"No" he grumble.

"Is it about what happened yesterday" Mikel squealed out. Darren looked at Mikel contemplating something. "Well, It was kind of obvious from the way she left" he confessed.

Darren sighed before resting his head once more.

"If I may sir, I have a suggestion " Mikel had a slight smile on his face. "Why not pay her visit?"

"Like the last time?" He grumbled like a child.

"No sir, this time it would be different sir believe me" Mikel hurriedly reassured him. This was his chance to final help his boss.

"Go on"

Darren's voice was filled with interest. He looked up to his personal assistant. As words poured out of his mouth a bright smile spread across his face.

"What do you think sir?" Mikel smiled cheerfully, he had his fingers crossed behind him for luck.

"Let's do it"


A black limo drove into Gwendolyn's Empire getting the attention of the workers around. The limo parked in front of the entrance, right after a young man stepped out he looked posh and dashing. He wore a green emerald suit and a matching top hat, with a pair of glasses.

He stepped in majestically, right after a man stepped out of the car as well holding a huge bouquet of flowers. They both walked into the plaza gaining the attention of every one.

"Who is he?"

"I have no idea"

"It looks like he came to visit Mrs Gwendolyn herself" three women who stood by the door watched them walk past the hallway and head upstairs to Mrs Gwendolyn's office.

People who were purchasing things as well as selling items kept their gaze on the dashing man.

The face of the man who held the bouquet couldn't be seen. He walked carefully as he followed his boss.

"Ahhh, watch out"

He heard a child screaming in his direction non stop. But it was too late when he turned. They both bumped into each other. Though the boy fell backwards the man stood tall like a statue.

"Ouch!! Sorry" August rubbed his head gently as he stood up. The man with the bouquet dropped the flowers and picked the toy jet that was beside his legs.

"Popsicle man" August yelled in shock. Darren on the other hand smiled warmly.

"Hello, I'm surprised you remember me" he stretched his hand and rubbed August's head. "Aren't you meant to be in school or something"

"It's public holiday today so I followed my mom to work" August smiled brightly.

"I'm not sure you should be playing around like this you could get your Mom into trouble. You don't want your mom's boss to get mad. do you?"

August puffed out air from his nose and pushed his chest out. There was a mischievous smiled on his face. "What is it?"

"Can I tell you a secret Popsicle man?" Darren nodded slowly. He brought his ear closer to August but the little boy still had to tiptoe a little to reach Darren's squat height.

"My Mom owns the place " Darren pulled back a little and smiled. "So she can't get into trouble with herself.

"You're something little boy, what's your name?" Darren stood up slowly and picked up the bouquet of flowers. Mikel the dashing man was no where to be seen. It looked like he was left behind.

"August " Darren stretched his hand to August and held it.

"Take me to your Mom, August"


I sat on a chair in my store house, calculating some goods that had just arrived. It was so much work for me that I had three of my trusted workers including Jesse helping.

"How many pieces"


I wrote it down on my tab. I picked a pencil from her bun and wrote it down in our register. "Almost done girls, how about we order pizza after we're done. On me" I could hear them squeal in joy.

"Mrs Gwendolyn" a young employee knocked on the door.

"Yes " I had my eyes glued to my tab.

"There's a man downstairs looking for you" she replied.

"Why?" I closed the tab and stood up from my chair and walked towards the door."Jesse wrap things up here"

"Yes ma'am" I heard Jesse reply before I left.

I followed my employee up stairs to the reception. Along the way I tried to arrange my disheveled hair.

"Where's August?" I asked the lady as I looked round.

"He's on the second floor" I nodded and adjusted my hair.

"Let's go" we entered the elevator to my office which was at the top floor.

I got to the reception, I found a posh looking man sitting on one of the couch.

"Welcome sir" I smiled and bowed to him.

"Ahh, the lady of the day, Mrs Gwendolyn Kingsley" the man shook hands with me "I am Mikel, a fan of your collections and Independence"

"Thank you " I smiled warmly at his complement. "So you wanted to see me, is there anything you want to buy, something specific"

"Well..." Mikel looked back from where I came from. He looked distressed, I turned to the door but I couldn't see anyone.

"Is there someone you're looking for?" I turned to him but my smile faltered at the sight of his cringe smile.

"Well..." Mikel gradually smiled warmly as he stared at the door.

"Mommy" I turned to my baby's voice but my body stiffen when I saw who held his hand.

"Darren?" I gasped "what-t are y-you doing here?" I felt so nervous I couldn't talk straight. My heart was banging against my chest.

Darren had a calm smile on his face which scared me the most. My body was so hot I felt like I'll faint any minute.

"Welcome sir" Mikel said from behind me.

Darren walked towards me with a big bouquet in his hand. August hugged my leg and pointed at Darren.

"Popsicle man is my friend, the man who bought a popsicle for me"

"Now August you're giving me too much credit, didn't we share it equally" Darren stood right in front of me. He had a sweet smile on his face that made me feel ice on my back. "For you Mrs Gwendolyn"

My throat felt dry, I felt like I was been suffocated, suffocated by my guilt finally surfacing. I didn't have any time to think about Darren finding about August this soon. No, I didn't have any thoughts of Darren coming back or us meeting soon. I expected he'd be back like 10 years from now at least by then August can make decisions for himself.

I picked the bouquet from his hands and gave the employee beside me who was gawking at him. She hurriedly took it and left.

"T-thank you" I smiled awkwardly.

"Hmm" Darren hummed before closing the gap between us and grabbing me by the waist. Pulling our bodies so close, I yelled in fear.

"He's mine, isn't he?"