
It Doesn't Matter.

"It doesn't matter what they think, I don't care... All I know is I like you Y/n." He said. His pretty eyes were locked onto to mine. __________ This is a story of Y/n, a girl who got a plastic surgery done, and her life changed drastically. What will she do when she enters the university with a new face? A Story consisting of Romance, Drama and a little garnishing of humor.

Kookie_87 · Teenager
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Beginning.

Hi! I'm Y/n, welcome to the story of my life! It's going to be interesting! I guess...

Anyways!  I'm a simple girl who's passion is writing. I love literature. My mom is a calm and beautiful lady who supports my passion with her whole heart. My Appa is a office worker, and he earns enough to keep our little family happy.

So as you guessed it, Yes I'm from a middle class family, but everything in my life is Perfect! Except... My face....

When I was in Middle school....


Y/n: Here... You can copy my homework.

*Handing out the book*

Ji-hoon: Why are you giving me this?

Y/n: Because I heard you saying that you didn't do your homework, and... I like you...

Ji-hoon (Laughing): Come on! Do you know what you're saying?

What were you expecting? You'll say you like me and I will say it back? No way! Don't you dare come near me you ugly pig! I don't want rumors spreading about us, you better stay away.

You're so fat and ugly! There's no way I'll like you!

Y/n walks away from there, while tears roll down her chubby cheeks.

*Flashback ends*

So yeah...I got rejected because I was fat, and ugly. While everybody used to sit with their friends during the breaktime, I sat alone in the corner.

I could hear some girls whispering: "she's so ugly, how does she even have the audacity to come to school?" And they giggled.

I was tired of living like this.


I can't live like this anymore.

I want to make friends...I want to live differently. I want to change.

So, I decided to go through a plastic surgery.

I knew that my father would definitely not allow me to get a surgery done.

So I asked my mom. She was reluctant at first but she knew what I was going through. And if this surgery is successful, I'll be able to live a better life, and if not, then I'll remain ugly forever.

She used up all her savings for my surgery.

Before entering the surgery room, my mom looked at my face, hugged me and said, "Omo, this is the last time I'm seeing my daughter's real face." and she burst into tears.

To comfort her, I told her

"It's okay mom, a better version of me will come out of this room." And I go into the room.

The surgery starts, it was painful, but it's okay, because I was used to feeling pain.

During the surgery, moments of my school life, all of them flashed before my eyes.

-After some time-

I get out of the room along with the nurse. My mom looks at my face, and smiles with joy.

"My pretty daughter has gotten prettier! I'm so happy!" She said in a happy tone.

I look into the mirror, and I see a beautiful girl. This is not exactly what I thought of, but better. I couldn't unsee my beautiful lips and double eyelids.

I couldn't have been more happier.

Everything was going on right. But...Appa doesn't know about this. He doesn't know that I got a surgery!

I turned to my mom and said, "Eomma, what about Appa? He doesn't know..."

She gave me a smile but it seemed like she was worried too. She said, " It's okay dear, for now we can't tell him. You will stay with your cousin at her apartment. It's near your University. You can come to visit me sometimes. I'll tell Appa, when it's the right time."

I nodded and looked at my face again in the mirror...

Only thought in my mind when I looked into the mirror was, "B**ch I look perfect!"

It was time to move to my cousin's apartment. I wonder how my first day at University will be like.


Author's Note: Thank You for reading! :)

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