
It Can Only Be You

"First time i was sorry, but this time i am not. Wanna take revenge on me Parth? Go ahead. Try me and believe me you will regret messing with me. You will regret that you met me. I'll be your nightmare Parth Maurya." Parth's fist tightened hard. Her eyes were full of anger and with disappointment. After all the worse things he had done to her, this is the only time she showed her hatred towards him. He very well knows that he deserves it. But, at that moment he realised that he can take anyone's loath but her. Even if she had a misunderstanding about him, he is at fault for starting such a thing. *** "You got all the rights to ask me any of your questions Nora. You got all the rights to order me to do anything for you. I want you to exercise such right of yours idiot. That would make me happy." Parth tenderly spoke. "Why? Why do i have such rights on you?" She asked. "Because i know except you no one was there, no one is here and no one ever will be there." ... "Parth i love you." "I already know that idiot." "Don't you ever think of leaving me alone." "I would rather die my love." *** Nora Steave, a big-time aloof, is a sixteen-year-old girl, an heir of Steve enterprises. In her life, she got what one desires the most and also what one hates the most. She had what those people fancy, but she also had to suffer from something which no one wanted. Parth Maurya, is a nineteen-year-old boy, is known not just for his powerful background but also for his tyrant behaviour. His life either revolved around his studies or business. He never cared about other things because he was left with nothing to love. Until she came into his life. *** Nora came back to her home country with her brother after a half-decade. After all the mishaps she could face in her life, she wanted a peaceful life to move on. However, things didn't go that way from the very first day of her college. Initially, it was all about hatred and bullying, however, one must pay the price of being a dickhead. He had never thought that those words would bite him back this hard. Even if there was no hatred left between them, that girl cared less about his feelings for her. The more he tries to get close to her, the more she expands the meaning of their friendship in her dictionary. After all the push and pull game, Parth understood his assignment. 'Need to strike hard.' #I only like happy stories with lots of dog food and possessiveness. (Not in a toxic way but in cute way). #I don't like stories with revenge, or hatred drama. Neither do I like humiliating stuff much. #The cover page is not mine. #Last but not the least, English is not my first language, so forgive me.

chiao2 · Fantasie
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168 Chs


Hearing his plain confession so fast, Nora got nothing more to say. "So what next?"

"All we need to show is your father's will in court. With that we have got those contract papers on your name too. In front of our document those things will be baseless."

"That's it?" Nora's eyes scruinted doubtfully.

How can the matters of Last Will be solved this easily and fast? Impossible.

Karan coughed lightly and hid his embarrassment. Looking away from her, he answered. "Our lawyer is fully prepared with other documents. All we need from you is just those two documents."

Nora dubiously looked at him but his words were convincing too. With a nod she agreed. "Okay. Bring me the locker. If only those two things are important, then I can go back by tomorrow evening."

Karan's bows frowned but he said nothing and looked at Carter for the answer of her words.

Carter apologetically affirmed his doubts with his eyes.

Karan started getting a headache. Massaging his forehead he took a pause of five seconds before saying. "We can't bring it here."


"Because it has been set down to your dad's study room."

"... What? When did that happen?" Nora frowned.

'This morning.' Carter almost blurted out. The moment Nora decided not to visit her mansion, Karan asked the workers to shift the locker at the mansion.

If Nora had decided to stay at home, they would have put the locker directly in Naitik Steve's office. Their only intention was to bring her where she didn't want to go. To open her heart.

Getting up from the couch he went to his desk while explaining. "For safety purposes without letting anyone know about it, we shifted that locker from the office to your dad's study room at home."

Rahul has done all the investigation by sending his people in her house discreetly. Karan and Nora both knew about that.

In fact, they wanted it to happen and that's why Karan only shifted Locker's place once the investigation was done yesterday.

Nora sighed exhaustingly but understood his reasons too. Keeping all the papers back into the folder she spoke. "Okay, then bring the locker back here, I'll open it."

"No, we can't."

"Why?" Nora asked immediately.

"Because the locker was installed long ago. It can't be removed now or else we have to break the wall." When the locker was installed, there was already a place for it to keep. There was no need to break anything much. So what he said was somehow true too but mostly a big lie. However he did his best with the finishing work too.

"So?" She looked at him with an unsettled mind. She knew what was coming for her and she is definitely against that.

"So what? You want us to break the wall?"


"There is no need to go roundabout, Mr. Gill." Carter commented.

"Then it's simple. She has to go back to her mansion and fetch those papers herself. In this, we really can't help. If she wants, I can accompany-"

"Break the wall."

Before Karan could complete his words Nora spoke, interrupting him in between with a loud and stern voice.

"You said what?"

"How can you?" Both Carter and Karan asked together.

One was angry and the other was surprised to hear that. Carter by now was used to her indifferent nature towards her parents.

He knows that Nora doesn't like to talk about her parents a lot. But still this indifference towards your own house?

Whereas Karan was shocked to see Nora being this impolite with her words and willful act. The way she said those words were very discourteous. And he highly disagreed with that.

"Mr. Gill. I am not going anywhere. If you want those documents then please bring me the locker."

"If you didn't hear me the first time, then I'll repeat it one more time. We will have to damage the whole wall for that."

"It doesn't matter to me."

"Nora!" Karan loudly called her name.

He was disappointed by her. No matter what her reasons are or with what identity she carries, he wouldn't allow anyone or even her to do that.

Nora got scared by his yell. Her fist tightened with uneasiness. All these years she was accountable to no one for her actions.

But now seeing Karan in front of her, she was scared. Because she can sense her answerability towards him. She almost forgot that still there is someone who has the right to yell at her.

Pursing her lips she looked away. Carter's eyes widened with his voice too.

He had never seen Karan yelling at Nora before. In fact, till now, he had never seen anyone yelling at Nora. He instantly wanted to check on Nora. However, he didn't want to make it look like a bigger deal.

He was about to say something when Nora stood up. "If there is nothing else, I'll go back."

Saying that she walked forward.

"Tomorrow you have to fetch those papers."

Nora's footsteps stopped. Without looking back she denied again with firmness.

"I think I wasn't clear enough. But Mr. Gill, my point will stay the same no matter how many times I say it. I am not going back there. If you need those documents, bring the locker here."

Holding the door knob she slightly turned back and informed Carter. "I have got something to do. I'll leave first. You can stay."

Without waiting for anyone's reply, she left the room. Once she left, the room got all quiet. Neither Karan spoke for next five minutes nor Carter got anything to say.

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