
It Can Only Be You

"First time i was sorry, but this time i am not. Wanna take revenge on me Parth? Go ahead. Try me and believe me you will regret messing with me. You will regret that you met me. I'll be your nightmare Parth Maurya." Parth's fist tightened hard. Her eyes were full of anger and with disappointment. After all the worse things he had done to her, this is the only time she showed her hatred towards him. He very well knows that he deserves it. But, at that moment he realised that he can take anyone's loath but her. Even if she had a misunderstanding about him, he is at fault for starting such a thing. *** "You got all the rights to ask me any of your questions Nora. You got all the rights to order me to do anything for you. I want you to exercise such right of yours idiot. That would make me happy." Parth tenderly spoke. "Why? Why do i have such rights on you?" She asked. "Because i know except you no one was there, no one is here and no one ever will be there." ... "Parth i love you." "I already know that idiot." "Don't you ever think of leaving me alone." "I would rather die my love." *** Nora Steave, a big-time aloof, is a sixteen-year-old girl, an heir of Steve enterprises. In her life, she got what one desires the most and also what one hates the most. She had what those people fancy, but she also had to suffer from something which no one wanted. Parth Maurya, is a nineteen-year-old boy, is known not just for his powerful background but also for his tyrant behaviour. His life either revolved around his studies or business. He never cared about other things because he was left with nothing to love. Until she came into his life. *** Nora came back to her home country with her brother after a half-decade. After all the mishaps she could face in her life, she wanted a peaceful life to move on. However, things didn't go that way from the very first day of her college. Initially, it was all about hatred and bullying, however, one must pay the price of being a dickhead. He had never thought that those words would bite him back this hard. Even if there was no hatred left between them, that girl cared less about his feelings for her. The more he tries to get close to her, the more she expands the meaning of their friendship in her dictionary. After all the push and pull game, Parth understood his assignment. 'Need to strike hard.' #I only like happy stories with lots of dog food and possessiveness. (Not in a toxic way but in cute way). #I don't like stories with revenge, or hatred drama. Neither do I like humiliating stuff much. #The cover page is not mine. #Last but not the least, English is not my first language, so forgive me.

chiao2 · Fantasie
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168 Chs


"Sister, are you going somewhere?" Krish asked with his sleepy eyes.

Today is Saturday. The day both Krish and Carter like to sleep till noon. On weekends they didn't bother to have breakfast. As per schedule, Krish knew that Nora had no classes to attend, nor have any meetings. They were about to spend the weekend at home.

"Nowhere. Just having lunch with Matthew."


"Matthew!" Both Krish and Carter exclaimed loudly.

"Why?" Krish asked.

"No reason. He just needed my help."

"Your help at lunch?" Carter asked.

"There is something wrong." Krish commented.

"Definitely wrong." Carter supported.

Nora sighed and pushed Krish's forehead with her index finger, playfully. "You guys are overreacting and nothing more."

"We aren't!" Krish denied firmly.

"You better stay away from him Nora." Carter warned too.

Their reactions confused her a lot. Till now she didn't get why both of them hate Matthew so much. She helplessly rolled her eyes and went downstairs. In Matthew's fight she never gets the chance to win, nor does she have to say anything about him. So the best she could do was to leave.

"Call me if something happens sister!" Krish shouted loudly.

"Would she need you?" Carter sneered at the boy's words.

"But she doesn't know how to fight."

"She can use her guards anytime she wants."

"Oh yeah."

"Now if you are done, can you please freshen up fast so that I can have my lunch?"

"Yes sir."


Nora was on her way outside her apartment when she got a call. The number wasn't saved to her contact, but she clearly knows the identity of that number. Her eyes darkened a little. Exhaling strongly, she picked it up.

"Hello?" From the other side of the call, a girl spoke first.


"Where are you?" Not minding if Nora was replying to her or not, Sana asked again.


"If you don't reply to me then I'll call again and again from different numbers, until you answer me properly." She threatened.

Nora wanted to ignore but the thought of hearing her voice from a different number, sucks. Having no choice she asked. "...What do you want, Sana?"

"I heard that you decided to never come back."

"..." Nora chooses not to answer that comment.

"Good that you know your place and that there is no one here waiting for you. And guess what, we are actually happy to hear that. You and your parents are already-" Before Sana could continue, Nora frustratingly hung up the call and blocked the number.

Nora's fist tightened with irritation. Taking a few deep breaths she tried to forget that voice. All these years, a number of times, she did get calls from her paternal side family.

Her uncle, from time to time tried to show his dominance and his duly right over the company and properties. But every time she ignored them and if can't then Carter would handle them for her.

From her homeland, only her paternal family and Karan ever called her. Among them, she didn't save anyone's contact number except Karan. Other than his number, only those people had her number to contact her.

Since she moved she tried her best to ignore everything, but every time, whenever they called it's hard for her to forget everything. By this call, she again expected her uncle to speak. But surprisingly it was Sana.

Although Nora hated to have a talk with her, she still noticed the fault of having her call this suddenly. It makes no sense for Sana to suddenly call her and tell her those nasty words.

Something was odd, but she cared less what was happening there. She noticed the fault, but that doesn't mean she would care about it more than that. She is at the point where if her uncle actually succeeds in taking away her company, she wouldn't mind.

All she cared or wanted was her and her brother's distance from all this. Which she isn't getting. It took a lot of time for her to overcome her emotions before she drove off for the dinner.

Reaching at the restaurant, she got in the lift before pressing the button for the VVIP floor. She was an hour late. At first, she had to complete her file, and then she got late by call and by emotions.

Reaching the floor she elegantly walked towards the restaurant door. Asking the waitress, she arrived at the room door.

Outstretching her hand to the knob of the door she thanked the waitress before getting in.

Inside the room, the first view she got was Matthew's back, holding the wine glass. The room vibe looked gloomy for some reason.

"Sorry, I got late." She apologised first.

Matthew heard her steps but didn't turn. Instead, his hold on the glass of wine tightened. Initially, he was all excited to see her. He had a lot to say. But with her one decision everything got changed.

Even then he had a hope of convincing her, but as time passed he started losing his only hope for the happiness he was imagining. He kept turning his head to the door. After half an hour he ordered the wine and called Nora a number of times, but that also only to be ignored.

With time he had already finished the bottle of wine. Once Nora finally arrived, he got all drunk.

Hearing her words, he sarcastically replied. "I am used to it."

Because of his drunkenness, his words weren't audible. Nora's brows frowned but didn't ask to repeat. Walking towards the front seat, she sat down. "Have you ordered?" She asked.

Matthew looked at the girl and sneered with provocation. Nora's eyes wandered around the table.

Spotting the empty wine bottle, her eyes narrowed with confusion.

"Are you… are you drunk?" She asked as she couldn't understand why he would drink the whole bottle of wine.

"Yeah... but… Just a little wine." He answered carelessly.

Nora's mouth opened as she hummed in response. "Ohh…"

Nothing to continue, Nora called the waitress and ordered herself Sughi Rossi Pasta, whereas Matthew just ordered the same, care nothing more.

Slowly, Nora wanted to talk, but Matthew continued ignoring her question with his wine. Later Nora didn't probe the matter more. After twenty minutes their orders were served.

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