
Chapter 58

The first thing Danuja registered was the euphoric feeling, the buzzing in her head and the wild grin on her face.

The second thing Danuja registered was the taste. Iron and familiar with a hint of salt that made her spit on the ground. Somehow she felt dizzy even though she was pretty sure nothing hit her while she was getting up. There were drops of blood that fall off her chin and the gummy, strange thing that was in her mouth. It made her want to throw up but she hold it down and tried to swallow just to spit it right back on the ring ground.

Danuja, still unable to hear anything around her, stared at the piece of flesh that fall out of her mouth.

Did she bite her tongue off? she couldn't help but thing, taking a step back, suddenly dizzy, getting her guard up nonetheless Or was it the inside of her cheek?  she thought running her tongue around her mouth just to be sure

The fuck it's that then?  she though blinking startled, noticing how much her jaw hurt and teeth ached

The next thing Danuja noticed was the noise and if she thought that the crowd was wild before than now they couldn't be anything but unbroken, an never stopping roar that made Danuja stare at them with wide, slightly unfocused eyes.

'' Danuja! Danuja!'' she looked back, locking eyes with Mr. Touma who was banging his fist on the ring ground '' Knock him out! Do you hear me?! Knock him out now!'' he yelled at her but Danuja couldn't help but tilt her head at him

Something wasn't right and it wasn't the piece of flesh she randomly spit out.

Then she saw it or more likely hear it. It was a scream, a scream coming from her adversary who was on the ground holding the right side of his head while standing on his knees, trying to get up. Danuja looked back at the piece of flesh on the ground before looking at her opponent.

Oh shit she couldn't help but think, doing the next thing she know best by pushing him on the ground again before lunging herself at him


Her opponent was in agony and the only thing Danuja could think about was how, if the pause in their fight would have been smaller than the adrenaline would have let him move forward and punch her in the face.

Danuja would let him have that punch even if blood would spurt on her face. 

Now though, something like that wasn't the case because Danuja was punching nothing more than a crying, bloody faced man.

She tried to feel disgusted with herself, to feel something like shame creeping on her body, trying to throw up just to feel something like regret because she bite of a good chunk, if not all of this guy ear.

There was nothing but the adrenaline in her body and the constant thrumming under her skin that made her lick the remained blood on her lips, more probably making a bigger mess on her face than it was already.

Frustrated more with herself than anything else, Danuja get off her opponent body before taking a hold of her leg, who begin thrashing with no luck, tugging him towards the end of the ring. The fight, per the rules of the match, wouldn't end if one of them wouldn't fall unconscious or fall off the ring.

So Danuja did the next best thing she could, by straining her arms and throwing him off the ring under the crowd roar. She didn't even hear the referee announcing her win. Danuja could only stare at the piece of flesh on the ground while licking her teeth of any remains.

Somehow, she felt strangely light and she was pretty sure it wasn't a normal thing.


Going through the wild crowd while trying to stay on your feet and having a frenzied Mr. Touma by her side was a challenge in itself.

'' Open your mouth.'' the man said when they entered the changing room, looking ready to force her mouth open himself '' Doesn't look that bad.'' he murmured before poking at one of your teeth, hissing before staring incredulous at his finger '' What the hell were you doing to your teeth kid?'' he said showing her how he almost cut himself

Grimacing, Danuja closed her mouth before looking away from the man

'' Fuck off.'' she croaked, massaging her jaw.  It hurts  she thought, prodding her own teeth with her tongue, trying to see if any of them were acting weird.

Was it weird that she was more worried if her teeth will fall off than her opponent injury?

'' Of course it hurts.'' he said incredulous '' You bite that guy ear off, at last half of it was on the ground.'' he said amused putting a pack of ice on her jaw, letting her hold into it '' I know I said that anything it's fair when you fall on the ground but damn. I didn't except that.'' he said laughing, wiping the blood on Danuja chin

Danuja looked at the man with curiosity before scolding herself.

If he doesn't thing it's weird than I'm not saying anything either she thought stubbornly after an ear wasn't that big to begin with. Anyone must be able to bite them off.

'' Good job though.'' Mr. Touma said patting her head '' You even got a nickname! It's a step closer to the Second Ring for you.'' he said grinning, obviously pleasant

'' I didn't hear any nickname.'' Danuja mumbled, groaning while switching the ice pack on the other side

'' I can't fault you, you were a little busy. '' Mr. Touma joked patting her back before lifting her up, steadying her on her feet '' Let's go now, we stayed here long enough, there are others who are next.'' he said, Danuja going after him, shivering when the cold air hit her shoulders, wishing for her soft jacket

It was rather anticlimactic how Danuja could still feel gummy pieces in her teeth while seating in Mr. Touma car feeling more awake than before her fight.

'' Ah.'' she said in the quiet car, over the music the man put on '' What did they call me after all?'' she asked making Mr. Touma laugh, grinning at her

'' Kyoken.'' he said before adding '' Sounds fitting doesn't it?'' Danuja couldn't help but snort before leaning back on her seat, jaw numb from the ice

'' It does.'' she said smiling at the man, somehow sharing his good mood

The Oh Hellos - Soldier, Poet, King (Official Lyric Video)

Kyoken-Mad dog

I eat a sanndwich wuth cheese and tomatoes today, also I drink a tea so I suppose I'm good. I feel good which it's enough. I will try to eat again tonight.

That or I drink another tea.

If anyone has any other ideas for Danuja nickname in the ring, you are all welcome to try.

Have a great meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts