
Chapter 3




It took three years for their gang to be recognized by others, respected and feared alike, for the cigarette punishment that all intruders get, for beating Hanma Shuji to a pulp and not killing him. For protecting their territory viciously. For growing more than they ever though.

After Hanma there was no other gang to enter their territory, there were attempts but never like those. Live goes on. Going to school. Fighting, patrolling Setagaya. Ayuna and Soushi getting a pup each. Wearing their new dark purple uniforms at night and by day if wanted. Fight with cocky men and woman alike, because for all their talk of pigs the girls didn't hate men.

Abuse can come in all forms from all types of people.

It can come in the form Danuja experienced

She was 5 years old and her parents disappeared. She called and called but they didn't answer. She was too scared to go out of the house, scared of Zeus that was looking like a monster in her child like eyes, of the walk to school, of the dark corners of her too big house, of the sounds of motorbikes outside, of the high pitched screams.

She didn't leave the house for three weeks. Ob the beginning of the forth her parents called - finally they call, they will come get me out-

'' Why didn't you go to school?! Do you even know how I feel now Danuja? ''

Outside for the first time in three weeks, first thing Danuja saw was Zeus, giant, fluffy pile of bones. Danuja cried and she carried packs of dog food and water until her nails broke, than she cried some more because her parents weren't coming anymore.

Or Tatsuo

Broken glass on the floor, yelling.

'' Disgusting!'' slap '' like you!'' slap ''and your mother!'' the plate of food was thrown at the wall, little Tatsuo body falling useless on the ground

''Clean up already.'' a foot pushed her


'' Your role in live dear is to sit quietly and look pretty. Exactly like you should be'' thin fingers squeeze her cheeks, referring at her name ''You should lose some weight first, no one likes fat girls dear.'' her mother says slapping her cheek gently

'' Yes Kaa-san.'' a demure voice says after.

After saving, getting people out of problems, beating scums to the ground, the girls saw all types of abuse on both woman, girl, man and boy.

Beside this, the Nohara um, siblings joined their school sewing club making clothes for their friends or painting their sneakers. Kiyoko and Tsubaki were taking lessons of first aid from the nurses that were helping them by having an ambulance always close or by giving them medicine. Soushi, Kyoufu and Katsuki were working part-time on groceries stores, at the same time keeping peace in that area with their partners help, Kai, Purrin and Hakku. With the others patrolling the streets, schools, parking lots and corner streets, Setagaya become a peaceful place.


If you ignore the screaming.

Sound of fighting, flesh hitting flesh, the clink-clank of chains, growls and screams. There still were gangs who though could finish them off. They come in waves after waves of delinquents, all of them in their gang uniforms with bright hair matching pipes to the side.

'' Those bastards-'' a punch to his gut and two fingers in his eyes made the bastard fall ''- I want food after this!'' Katsu yelled, her pink hair all messed up, black eyes narrowed at the incoming boys

'' Sure!'' a knee in the gut and another kick with her leg made two of them fall. If Danuja is not mistaken then a rib was surely cracked, and she had enough cracked ribs to know how that sounds like '' Where?'' she yells taking one of her chains out and swinging at the boys heads, they back up some of them running.

'' Omurice! Gh.'' Katsu took at hit in the face, splitting her lip '' From bloody Shibuya!'' she takes a fallen pipe and hits one of them in the head

'' Not fair! '' at a distance Takumi voice is heard. She was using her rings making all her punches to break skin '' I want salmon then!''

'' Sushi!'' Tsubaki cheerful voice is heard, this time closer to them. She was blocking and hitting the boys in their weakest points her chains helping her.

Groaning Danuja hits the last one on the ground. Panting the girls goes closer together and after a quick call to Mister Yamato, they cart the boys outside of Setagaya.

'' Thanks Mister Yamato!'' four girl voices says in unison waving cheerfully at the leaving car. With little pleading they were left in Shibuya, their clothes the same like always.

They go at the closes restaurant their appearance taking the eyes of the passerby. People in Shibuya rarely saw a Sukeban outside of Setagaya. It wasn't strictly forbidden but if it wasn't their territory they just don't enter.

'' What can I get you?'' a middle-aged woman says after greeting them. If Danuja was right she was the Aunt of Shoyo, a 13 years old that was groped in the train by some pig, at the same time she was a Inactive member of Ueta Inu. After taking their orders she comes back with a magazine, in it a handwritten report.

In bright letters the gang name Tokyo Manji was written in bold colors. They formed a week ago and already defeated the Ninth Generation Black Dragon.

'' They sure move fast.'' Tsubaki whistle appreciatively.

The leader of the Ninth Generation was Shion Madarame, cruel, bloodthirsty, arrogant and prideful. Hanma Shuji was a stronger individual but the Ninth Commander was much strong than him despise being the same age. Still being brought down by a newly formed gang was a great accomplish though.

'' Mikey..'' Danuja mutters softly to herself, tasting the power in Toman leader name.

The food arrived but before Danuja could get a bite Katsu trusted a pair of chopsticks in her face. '' So, did you though of the bikes?'' she ask making Danuja sigh

'' I did and it doesn't match up our style Kat, and no I'm not buying a van just to bash it in the first three.'' she says stuffing her face with sushi. Katsu disappointing whine makes her roll her eyes

'' If we take motorcycles or even a moped that's means we can't bring our partners and we can't make them run too long, they will be late and their paws wouldn't take it.'' Tsubaki says

Danuja flicks a piece of rice at Katsu '' Stop pouting and eat your food.''

'' Ah right -'' Takumi says her plate empty '' - There is Musashi Shrine in Shibuya, should we go visit?''

'' Sure, just clean your rings first.'' looking down Takumi looks at the dried blood on her rings and hurry's to bathroom. Her friends giggling behind her

'' At last our skirts are in one piece.'' Tsubaki says making Danuja snort

'' True, Sachiko method is the best.'' Katsu smiles thinking.

In the beginning their skirt were taking more damage than themselves and where always in need of reparation. At some point and maybe too many sleepless nights Sachiko began to sew small pockets inside their skirts, putting razors or pins inside the pockets. Now if someone tried to break or grab their skirts harshly their hand will be damaged with mini stabs and cuts.

They pay and leave for the Shrine, Takumi blabbering excited about Musashi, that apparently was a samurai and didn't lose a fight since he was 13 years old.

It was a big place, that could easily have hundreds of people, the shrine was surrounded by trees and shrubs. In front of them Takumi was paying her respects to Musashi, Tsubaki was beside Danuja looking around while Katsu was trying to stick her BL stickers back on. At some she should just sew them there.

'' What would you think if I get a boyfriend?'' Tsubaki ask Danuja. Danuja growls a little and looks at her best friend confused.

'' I would say you should just dump him.''

'' Ugh, we are not even together yet Dan-chan.'' Tsubaki says frustrated, she knows that Danuja wasn't interested in boys or at last has a really specific type.

Really Tsubaki though it's like she made that type of a boy up, where the hell would she find a tall,great fighter, handsome with a huge understanding of woman ,to be the same age as her and not be scared of Zeus, like I get the others, she can always get a doctor but the Zeus part? 30 inches, 100 pounds with a bark that could be heard across the neighborhood who wouldn't be scared? glancing at her best friend Tsubaki sighs again thinking of all the times she saw Zeus taking delicate bites so he can eat his food from her hands

'' His best friend is really cool ok. Like so cool Dan-chan.'' Tsubaki whispers excited. Breathing hard and blessing Takumi for finishing her prayer Danuja makes sign that they should go back home '' Let's talk when Junko is here as well ok?' Danuja ask feeling relieve when azure eyed girl nods pouting.

On the way to the bus station they see a boy with shoulder length black hair, a fanged smile staring at them shamelessly. The girls don't pay him attention, already thinking of their own problems in Setagaya. Tsubaki about her future boyfriend and his cool best friend, Danuja about the new gang in Shibuya and what new training should she throw herself at, Katsu about sewing her BL stickers and Takumi thinking if she should get some brass knuckle's. So no they weren't paying him any mind.

" Oiii!! Setagaya Inu! " he yells wearing a toothy grin

" Can you help you?" Tsubaki says already thinking if they will beat him up or not

" Maybe ,maybe not." he laugh " I'm Baji Keisuke! First division Captain of Tokyo Manji Gang!" He says grinning with an too confident air on him

Sighing Danuja steps forward, the chains on her legs clicking softly. If he wanted a fight she would give him one.

" And what can we -" another step to him "- Setagaya Starved Dogs can help you with?"

If possible the boy, Baji, smiles wider. " Just a question. " he comes closer to Danuja and says in a suppose whisper " It's true that all of you eat men flesh?" He says with a expected look

At the stupidity of the question Danuja laugh, behind her the girls snort as well. Really with his grin and attitude Danuja was expected a demand for a fight or an inappropriate comment but that's was refreshing as well.

She claps his shoulder and takes him with her to walk with her girls. " Baji right ? I'm Danuja, the leader of Inu, Alpha I suppose. " she says grinning, saying this Baji returns it with his own his eyes wide

It didn't really take a long time for Danuja to come with the hierarchy idea. It was there as well in the First Generation, like it was in all gangs. Adding rules, punishments and position using their gang name, Setagaya Ueta Inu or Setagaya Starved Dogs, used the dog hierarchy found. With Danuja, the main provider, protector and best fighter as Alpha. With Tsubaki medic in training skills, mediator and second in command as Beta. With Junko as the second best fighter and her act first, question later personality made her a Beta as well. The others after an almost break out war in Danuja house, a destroyed TV and Zeus breaking his chain and putting his head through the front door, it was decided that the term Gamma will not be used. Active Member for the ones fighting outside and Inactive Member for the ones fighting inside.

And after another more calmer talk, where Zeus was back at his place, they decided to add their partner occupation as well. It was immediately approved by an extenuated Danuja.

" I'm Tsubaki, Inu Second, Beta." she says smiling, her azure eyes sparkling. You wouldn't guess she just made numerous men's to cry in pain just a couple of hours ago

" Takumi, Inu Active Member. Hunter'' she says raising a hand in greeting, the rhinestones stuck on her long skirt and the multiple rings on her fingers catching Baji attention

" Katsu, Inu Active Member. Messenger.'' she says her bouncing her toes, smirking

Long story short goes like this.

Baji grandmother, Michiko Kiramoto, was a First Generation Sukeban member. Regrettably she died some years ago but before that, every time she would meet with Baji she would tell him story's of her delinquent time. Because of this Baji grow up respecting woman on a bigger scale than others, the dream to be a delinquent, that apparently was already done being a member of Toman and all. And meeting a Sukeban.

In that exact order.

So when he first heard or the Second Generation of Sukeban or more like the bloodied girl that dragged Hanma Shuji more bloodied body back in Shibuya, all the time wearing half a skirt, a one sleeved blouse and leaving red footsteps behind, Baji know that all his dreams will come true.

Strange guy. Or just chaos incarnated. That was in Danuja mind when in a park Takumi and Baji bending the fence. Metal fence.

'' So...about my boyf-''

'' Hey Baji let me show how to make a star with that!'' Danuja yelled at Baji who was holding a long piece of metal. Excited he give it to her and begin to cheer her when it began to look more and more like a star. Behind her Tsubaki snorted and shakes her head

This girl seriously she though

After they were almost caught by the police they decided it was time to go home, Baji carrying a metal star on his shoulder.

'' I'm gonna hang it in my room and show it off to my friends in Toman as well.'' Baji says with them to the train station. The last train to Setagaya was coming in hour.

They talked a little more Baji blabbering about his Toman friends but almost never giving an exact name beside 'Mikey'. People come and go but they remained in their own bubble. Takumi talking about how good would he look if he wears some jewelry. Baji and Katsu compared what birds they hunted until now, well more like what Baji and Hakku hunted. About Baji dream of having a pet shop and his reality where all the stray cats always climbs in his room and now he needs something, anything to get rid of all the cat hair. Tsubaki explained what where the easiest points to put an opponent bigger than him down. And Danuja was telling him about the gang as a whole, almost like she was trying to recruit him. She really didn't. She swears.

When the train come, before Danuja could leave she look at Baji in the eye. For a moment Baji though that Mikey grown in height ,obtained a laid back personality and never quite learned how to smile. He stared back not backing down.

With a lazy smile growing on her face Danuja said '' We don't make a habit of always coming in Shibuya, but if you ever need help, of any type. Don't hold back, Baji. We quite like you.'' gulping Baji grins his being filled with joy. He knows that now he will have his back protected by two great gang.

Toman and his precious friends that knows will fight for them until death.

Danuja with her lazy smirks, and all her pack feeling like a small army.

Baji returned home feeling strangely relieved. He didn't dwell on it much, Mikey birthday was coming soon, maybe Kazutora has some present idea.

'' So.. um..'' Tsubaki said awkwardly. Behind her the newly brought TV with a hole in it, Junko fist red with little bits of screen on her knuckles.

'' His name is Kenji. And he will be my boyfriend. '' Tsubaki said looking calm as ever. '' Best friends with a Toman member who by the way looks pretty cool as well. So I do know that I have not a single change with a boyfriend if both of you are like this.'' She says nodding towards their current stage.

Junko trying to remain calm and not punch something else, while Danuja was curled in a dog bed her partners cuddling her. She was so close to a mental breakdown.

'' So I'm going to wait another year to pursue him.'' She gets up and smiles at him '' Ok?'' her sickly sweet tone makes Junko snap once more.

For her part Danuja was staying still cuddled by her dogs, desperately trying to not look at either of them.