
It All Started With That Guitar

A headstrong girls experiences something unexpected on her trip. She meets someone who changes her point of view for life. They create memories together , but suddenly things take serious turns, and both stop contacting each other. What is the reason for staying away from each other? Will they ever end up together? Stay tuned and find answers in," It All Started With That Guitar".

Caracu_ss · Teenager
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9 Chs

ID Cards

We all were panicked as we heard what mom had said. But we stayed calm and asked mom" is there nothing that can be done because we are not going back after coming this far, that also because we do not have our ID cards…right!" mom replied that "what if we have too, because even if we have our reservations they are not going to allow us in until we do not show them our ID cards." After listening to this our faces went pale. But we still had hope that we were not going back. Than mom said "here take the phone and look for hotels nearby, obviously we won't be leaving. We are here to enjoy not returning back." This move of hers was seriously powerful as three of us were looking for hotels around with different thoughts in our mind. As it is obvious to have second thoughts , when you come this far, have a beautiful suit reserved under your name and suddenly you aren't allowed to go in just because you don't have your IDs… does this even make sense?

Absolutely not! So while we looking for hotels an email popped in the notification section which said that there were three ID cards attached electronically and also a message by dad saying that we enjoy our trip to the fullest and not fight amongst ourselves. We all sighed out of relief. Well were all pranked because we were very stupid of not thinking of this solution. Then what we were warmly welcomed and escorted towards our studio as if we were their VIP guest. And as we reached our studio we all showed are true colors. I straight away went to check out the bathtub, and Mire and Shakhi started jumping on the bed. The hotel staff looked at them as if it was their first time. But of course it was not, my family is fond of travelling so definitely it was not the first time. My mom got those looks of the staff, she opened her handbag and gave the staff a tip and asked for an extra bed and closed the door.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Caracu_sscreators' thoughts