
Chapter 6

Everyone was waiting for something to pop on Salem's computer.

Salem was behind his desk, messing with some robotic gadgets on his desk using a screwdriver and other tools. At the same time, Zeek was in a white rolling chair. Seated between Salem and a toolbox all while being requested to hand whatever tools Salem called out.

While Zeek and Salem were occupied Venith was near the window resting her heavy eyes. Her strayed thoughts were now put to rest by the idea of sleep but only for the moment. It was about 12:51 am when Zeek and Venith had shown up at the laboratory. This would make the time at the moment 2:00 pm sharp. The rain had stopped some time ago but the pavements and buildings of the city were still wet with raindrops and puddles along the sidewalk. Still, there was no quiet or serenity in the busy city.

Though Zeek's eyes were glued to Salem's work his mind was somewhere else as he stared into space. Salem carefully set down his tool's as to not wake the black-haired miss, in the big pastel blue armchair that was sat in the corner of the room.

"Zeek." Salem quietly voiced his name trying to get his attention turned toward him. Zeek now cracked out of his daze turned his light amber eyes towards Salem. "I don't know much of Venith's past... other than the fact she is an innocent wanted criminal. Why did she not want to give more explanation to the story?" Zeek now with his full attention trained on Salem's words took a slightly stressful sigh.

Zeek blinked a few times and moved his arm to run through his long twisted hair. "Well uh, as you know she's not guilty since you say she's innocent, a lot of stuff happened that day that the news didn't tell anyone about. When she's comfortable enough she'll tell you what happened. Until then you wait."

Salem gave a look of understanding going back to his work on his desk.


Suddenly a loud beeping commotion rang from the computer screen, Salem put his hands on the desk and pushed himself near the computer. "We have report on your Victor Steel. Known to the public, he is a comrade with the mayor, owns three car dealerships-" Salem was cut off by Zeek.

"Yeah, um instead of his whole history can you see what he's up to recently?" Salem nodded his head typing a couple more things into the computer keyboard.

"For some reason, nothing seems to be popping up. You said he was going to be in a hotel tomorrow but it's not showing that on my screen. The latest thing we got is, Victor went to one of the mayor's party's."

"Maybe this is something the public doesn't want to know," Venith said startling both Zeek and Salem. "What do you mean V?" Zeek let out, trying to piece together what Venith was talking about.

Venith still being a bit tired from her rest, yawned a bit running her hands through her dark curly hair. She got up from the armchair and stretched, before walking over to the boys and then stopping precisely in birds' eye view of them.

"What I'm saying is I got this information from one of Victor's little henchmen." she paused seeing if they will connect the dots of information she was giving them. "...So?" Zeek said now spinning himself in the seat. Venith giggled a bit while Salem sighed and rolled his dark green eyes.

"So what she is trying to assert is that this has nothing to do with the public eye." Salem stopped his sentence and pushed up his glasses with his index finger, before going back to the conversation at hand. "This would make sense in which since as you told me some time ago he's some kind of crime boss. Not only that but I guess we can also add crooked politicians to the catalog." Both Venith and Zeek nodded their heads in unison to Salem's statement.

"If you got info from a crook how do you know if he was tellin' the truth or not V." Salem shook his head in agreement with Zeek's words. "And if he is telling you the truth how would you be certain there isn't some kinda ambush?" Salem started, using his analytical intellect on the subject at hand.

"Be prepared for the unexpected," Venith said sheepishly shrugging her shoulders with a small grin on her face.

"Yea, no we have no plan so we should make one." Zero deadpanned looking at Venith.

Venith rolled her eyes, crouched down on the floor then sat criss-cross. "Since you so smart what's the plan, smart guy." she voiced while smirking at Zeek. Zeek opened his mouth to tell Venith off but, he closed it being cut off by Salem.

"Did they tell you which hotel and room number Venith?" Venith crinkled up her face in confusion.

"uhh, The Nadir Hotel and I think room 1105." Salem nodded his head, and walked back over to his computer, as he started pacing when Venith started to speak.

Salem started typing on his computer. Venith got up from her spot on the floor and started reading over his head the same as Zeek. Salem suddenly stopped typing, his face going from focused to blank.

"Just because I'm not the average human height doesn't mean, stare over my head. I consider it very rude."

"Sorry, buddy," Zenith said as she backed away from Salem. Zeek awkwardly doing the same. "Also you do know you could have just said your short it's not that hard. Plus you have plenty of time to grow thanks to your age."

Salem now went back to typing, giving a small mhm not concentrating on what the girl was saying.


Zeek looked over at Salem interested, him being curious he wanted to ask a question. Both Venith and Zeek still standing a good length behind Salem by the way. Zeek leaned over to Venith, "Hey how old is Salem anyway?" Zeek whispered making sure to keep his voice low.

"He's 12, his power is enhanced intelligence. It's pretty cool, he likes being alone but I don't let that stop me." Zenith said in a normal tone of voice.

Zeek looked stunned to learn that he's the age he was. "Why we're you whispering?" Zenith asked giggling.

"You two do know I can hear you. Anyways I think I got something."


The small, precise details makes one unique.