
It's Not The Hero Story

What would you do if you regressed in a novel? take all the wealth? get lots of OP skills? collecting harem as pok■mon? or trying so hard to stay low until the main character brag open your front door and start dragging you around?. No right? the story its already set on motion! The fate of main character is like a tornado pulling everyone and creating chaos wherever they go. So, tell me one good reason why you need to stay close with them? Cowards? It’s okay to run if you going to die, it’s okay to hide if you feel in danger, and it’s also okay to ask help if you not strong enough. Wait till when you ready, then give them what they deserve. ■■■■■■■ wasn't built in a day. Why bother to get in the way from main character growth. Remember it’s not your job to save the world anyway! As a side character we just need to enjoy the ride! Minding your own business and maybe make a new story as main character! There still lots of world to discover, lots of op treasure to be found, lots of friend to make and maybe find a sweetheart somewhere! As that is your purpose as a ■■■■ ■■■■■■ -■■■■■

BlueJelly · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Entrance (6)

I entered the inn. Its alredy full of people, eating and drinking together.

Slowly i walked towards the counter, i dont want to make a trouble with the drunken constumer. As I reach the counter set on the stall waiting for the innkeeper. I silently hired an intristing story, from increasing price of mana stone, monster got spotted near the farm and an affair of the mayor.

"Aren't you still to young to drink kid?" asked a dwarf behind the counter, wake me up from listening to other people.

"Yes, yes I'm" I answer him.

"Then what you doing here?" he asked.

"Mr. Smith said that you need someone to help you in your stable" I said to him.

Even if there are hundreds of people that have name Brown, the innkeeper instantly know which Mr. Smith I mean. Its quite conventional not gonna lie.

"Ahh yes yes, I need someone to tidy that place. For now you can sleep there. But don't make a mess there boy" he said.

A costumer come and aske for a room stopped our conversation.

The dwarf is plump with man bugling arm thicker than my tight but he's height is no more taller than my chest, still no one want to mess with dwarf. He has log brown beard that nearly touched the floor as he walk.

Thank for their high affinity for earth element and genius brain if compared to human. The dwarf is known as great miner and the best race for making difficult artifact and weapon.

So the world currently have 4 big race, there are Human 37%, elf 12%, dwarf 29% and the rest is beast folks 22%. Sometimes in the past this body have seen an elf 3 times, and even if beast folks have higher population but they is quiet diverse as species. There are Lizardman, Wolfkin, Khajit, Minotaur, Kitsue, Siren, Mermaid, Harpies, and much much more. They counted as one but there not united so the number is actually smaller than the statistic. Its from this body memory, for their appearance I don't have any idea.

The dwarf finidhed his busines and come to me.

"Boy, take care of his horse. Bring it to the stable in the back" he said pointing the man in back with his thumb.

"Okay" I reply.

I take the brown horse that tied in front of inn to the stable in the back. The stable is quite small actually, it can contain five horses, and one for me to sleep later. I put the stallion on empty stall and then put the saddle down, luckily the stallion doesn't mind, and then I take a bucket of water from the well and put some hay on it to eat for today, and I'll do this again tomorrow.

Soon after i finshed some hay to he other horses a dwarf woman come inside the stable. She is plump woman, with her hair braided to a bun at her back. She use simple dress and apron. I think she is Mrs. Orik.

"Good evening Ma'am" I great her soon after her enter the stable, while I just finished putting the bucket of water in front the horse.

She's looking to the hay, bucket, and the saddle I hung in the wall. She then nod her head to show her approval.

"Well done" she said

"Please tend up the place tomorrow too. It's filthy" she said after pinching her nose.

"Now you can rest there" she point to the empty stall.

"You can ask my husband for the payment, each day you got 5 copper maybe 6 if you did great job." she said before left me again.

There are 3 horses now in the stable. Two brown and one black horse. The water bucket is still full and the hay in still plenty so I don't need to change or replenish them.


My stomach growling, it's time for dinner. But i can't just eat the bread like before. I need to make it soft enough first.

I exit the stable and come towards the back door of the inn. inside I see the Mrs.Orik star cleaning he kitchen.

"Can I have a glass of water mam?" I asked showing her my half bead I buy this morning.

Noticing my code she just say. "Suit yourself, you can seat there" she point to an empty table inside the kitchen.

"Thank you!" I answered.

I take a big glass and put some water on the kettle. I poured too much, afraid to make a mess I walked slowly to to table. I put the glass of water and the bread. Ready to eat!


In the kitchen.

"Honey, can you check the stable for me?" Mr. Orik says to his wife.

"Is anything wrong?" She asks worriedly.

"No, it's not like that" he says to his wife clearing the misunderstanding.

"Then what?" She asks her husband again.

"You know my friend Smith right. He recommends me someone to tend the stable for a while. He said he is a hardworking fella. So, I just told him to tend a guest horse a while ago" he said.

"Fine, I'll check him later" she said.

Soon after fished serving some food to the e guest she walks towards the back door of the inn. She opens the stable door to find the horse already tended. A bucket of water, some hay, and he also put the saddle down.

'Not bad' she thinks about the boy job.

After some talk she left him again back to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Mrs. Orik, a diligently cleaned pots and washed dirty dishes. The dark wooden floor of the inn creaked softly under her feet as she moved about, breaking the night silence. With each scrub and rinse, she make sure they are spotless, make sure that the kitchen was spotless and ready for the next day.

The back door open and a young boy walked inside.

"Mrs. Orik can i have a glass of water?" the boy ask her.

"Suit yourself" she answered didmt mind the boy.

"thank you!" the boy said.

Meanwhile, outside the kitchen, the inn began to settle down. The last patrons had retired to their rooms, and the lively chatter had given way to a gentle murmur. Soft mana lamp in the common area, casting a warm glow on the worn wooden tables and flipped chairs. Mr. Orik wipe down the counters and put away the last utensils, a sense of satisfaction washed over him.