
It's not always Black and White

It's not always Black and White. Two potential lovers, who never realised how much they needed each other until they met. Bea, a black girl in a predominantly white school, believes that no one will love her and treat her as she should be treated because of the colour of her skin. However, her previous relationship with a black boy, Ryan, enlightens her and makes her realise that she can have a positive relationship with any boy no matter their skin colour. When she meets Josh, she finds love, a love that she has never felt before. Someone that loves her for all of her imperfections and perfections. But will it end well? Will Ryan get in the way? You'll have to read to find out!

bea_reads · Teenager
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75 Chs


Theo's POV

Stephanie? Shit, this isn't going to end well

"Who's Stephanie,"Grace asks as we walk upstairs

"Well, she's a really good friend of Josh's. But she was his first and last ex and -"

"Oh shit"

This is about to be a long long night


Bea's POV

"Hi Steph" I walk up and give her a hug.

"Hey girl, we haven't talked in ages"

Stephanie is one of my oldest friends, we always used to be close when we did athletics together. She was in a relationship with one of Ryan's friends, so we all went out together. I mean-that was until he broke her heart, but we stayed friends.

"Why are you here?" No one else knew her besides Ryan, did they?

"Oh, Josh invited me. I think I'm going to have an eventful night."

Fuck, you have to be kidding me. Wait it's not like I care, it's just- Josh is so shitty. Stephanie deserves better. But, why would Josh possibly want anything to do with Stephanie unless-

"Oh, I see you guys have met Steph" He kisses her, "We used to date. She was and always will be the only one to have my heart"

"Aww. You guys are so cuute." Grace- Grace needs to shut up.

So cute? I mean, yeah she's pretty. But they used to date? How did I not know about this...

"Well, I know everyone's tired, so I guess we all should go back to our rooms. But thanks for coming down and meeting Steph"

Everyone's tired? Bullshit. I know he's probably going to stay up all night fucking her or something.

But I don't care, I have my own man.

I'm happy, I don't like Josh anymore. Right?


Josh's POV


I can't sleep.

I can't dream.

I can't do anything without thinking about Bea, I thought if I invited Stephanie it would help me get over her. I even helped her take pictures for Instagram.

But it just made me miss her more.

I can't deny these feelings anymore.

I open my phone. I begin to type.

"Bea, r u up?"

"Yh, wbu"

"Duh, then I wouldn't be texting you."

"What do you want"

I type "you" then delete the messgae. Let's not be too forward.

"to talk"

"Can this wait till the morning"

"Why, you're not doing anything rn"

"I'm kinda busy w Ryan, sry"


I'm so embarrased. I should be busy with Stephanie, but my feelings always get in the way.

Steph, looks over at me.

"What you doing?"

"Nothing" I lean closer, "But I know what we should be doing."

And that's it. The start of a relationship.