
It's not always Black and White

It's not always Black and White. Two potential lovers, who never realised how much they needed each other until they met. Bea, a black girl in a predominantly white school, believes that no one will love her and treat her as she should be treated because of the colour of her skin. However, her previous relationship with a black boy, Ryan, enlightens her and makes her realise that she can have a positive relationship with any boy no matter their skin colour. When she meets Josh, she finds love, a love that she has never felt before. Someone that loves her for all of her imperfections and perfections. But will it end well? Will Ryan get in the way? You'll have to read to find out!

bea_reads · Teenager
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75 Chs


Bea's POV:

Omg. Omg omg.

"Grace, did you see that?"

"Yeah. Duh. He TOTALLY likes you"

I mean. Does he? I really don't see anyone liking me anymore . Especially Josh. Everyone knows that he has a particular type and he goes for a certain type of girl. But would I really have a chance?

I totally zone out when I walk into class. Grace walks up to her ultimate crush. Theo.

I know. Ironic right? I like his best friend, Theo likes mine.

It's science my favourite lesson of course (don't be stupid, it's called sarcasm)

Mr Anwar decides to put me next to Josh. And this is when I commit brain suicide.

I fully freeze at the door, and give my teacher a pleading look. As if he could move me somewhere else. But of course not. I'm Bea. I don't give him a pleading look, I walk straight to my seat because secretly I want to sit next to Josh.

I place my bag on the floor, not on his foot. I take my books out. I write down the date and the title. And what is he doing???


He is staring at my face. And I can see it from the corner of my fucking eye. Luckily Theo and Grace sit right in front, she turns around catches my eye and then mouths "he's staring right at you. Say something"

Say something?! Like what does she want me to say. This boy doesn't like me at all and we are never going to -

"Bea. Beaaaa" I look at him

"You zoned out. Anddd you never told me, how you're going to make it up to me"

AHHH. Fucking butterflies

Like is anyone else hearing this, I am literally dying . This is my one and only chance, and he looks so fucking good today with his -

"Beaaa." I jump back into reality "I thought I lost you again."

"Oh." I do my little sultry giggle " who said I'm going to make it up to you"

Oh my god. That was perfect. That was amazing. I deserve an Oscar for that amazing -

"Students, you will all be working on a paired project, with your current partners that you are sitting next to" Josh nudges me on the shoulder "please make a revision poster for these five tops: cell...."

I zone out. A paired project?!

With.....Josh. Outside of school , what the -

"It is due next week Monday. So I advise all of you to work on this during after school hours"