
It's not always Black and White

It's not always Black and White. Two potential lovers, who never realised how much they needed each other until they met. Bea, a black girl in a predominantly white school, believes that no one will love her and treat her as she should be treated because of the colour of her skin. However, her previous relationship with a black boy, Ryan, enlightens her and makes her realise that she can have a positive relationship with any boy no matter their skin colour. When she meets Josh, she finds love, a love that she has never felt before. Someone that loves her for all of her imperfections and perfections. But will it end well? Will Ryan get in the way? You'll have to read to find out!

bea_reads · Teenager
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75 Chs

A Fake Boyfriend Dilemma

Bea's POV

As the evening rolled on and the clock struck 9 pm, I went downstairs with Josh by my side, ready to face our friends with the news that we had made up. Little did I know, our playful banter and humorous circumstances were about to take yet another turn.

"Guys, guys," I called out, gathering everyone's attention. "Good news! Josh and I have made up."

Theo, never one to miss an opportunity for a joke, coughed theatrically and exclaimed, "Ah, made up, you mean, you made love instead!"

The room erupted in laughter. No it didn't, he wished-

Grace and Steph wrapped me in a tight hug. Sometimes, in the midst of chaos, it's the laughter and lightheartedness of true friends that bring us back from the edge.

But just as the atmosphere lightened, Ryan, asked me in front of everyone, "Bea, when are you going to invite Jake? I can't wait to meet him!"

Panic surged through me as the words hung in the air. Jake, the fictional boyfriend that I had created as a cover story, was never meant to be part of this tangled web of secrets. My mind raced, trying to come up with a plausible excuse.

"Oh, you know Jake," I stammered, my voice breaking. "He's just... not really part of our friend group. Maybe some other time."

Ryan's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and Grace's playful expression morphed into concern. I could tell they both could sense something was off. The weight of my fake relationship hung heavily on me, and it felt like the walls were closing in.

"I have his number."

As Josh casually mentioned having Jake's number, excitement spread across the room like a fucking wildfire. Everyone's eyes widened with anticipation, and I felt a sudden wave of panic wash over me.

Jake didn't exist.

Jake was a figment of my imagination, a made-up charade meant to protect our secret relationship. How on earth could I reveal the truth without facing humiliation?

Trying to mask my anxiety, I mustered up the courage to jump on top of Josh, my lips crashing onto his in a passionate kiss. The room fell silent as everyone stared at us, their jaws hanging open in surprise.

After a few moments, we pulled away, breathless and fighting back laughter. This unexpected make-out session had effectively diverted their attention and allowed me to regain some semblance of control over the situation.

Theo raised an eyebrow, unable to hide his amusement. "Well, that's one way to handle it, I guess."

I let out a nervous laugh, my mind racing to come up with a convincing excuse.

The momentary silence hung in the air like a thick fog, settling upon the room as everyone processed what had just occurred. Wide-eyed gazes and stunned expressions stared back at me, making me feel as though I had just catapulted myself into a romantic comedy scene. Grace's voice broke through the silence, disbelief dripping from her words.

"Don't you have a boyfriend, Bea?" she inquired, her eyebrows raised with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Steph gasped, her hand covering her mouth in shock. "Oh my gosh, Bea! You just cheated!"

My mind whirled with amusement as I fought to hold back a mischievous grin. Oh, the irony of the situation! The very person accusing me of cheating, Steph, had done the exact same thing to Ryan. It was almost too rich not to savor.

Suppressing a laugh, I playfully waved off the accusation. "Come on, guys! It was just a harmless kiss. No need to jump to conclusions. Besides, let's not forget what happened with you and Ryan, Steph."

Steph's eyes widened, her face reddening in embarrassment as she realized the weight of her accusation. Grace couldn't contain her laughter, doubling over with amusement at the comedic twist that unfolded before her.

Ryan sat there, confusion etched across his face, still trying to process the sudden turn of events. He kept staring, utterly bewildered, uncertain how to react.

Theo, always ready to find humor in any situation, released a hearty laugh. "Oh Bea, you really know how to keep things interesting! I love the chaos you bring to our lives."

Josh, ever the charmingly sarcastic one, couldn't resist chiming in. "I can't complain, Bea. If you want to take me upstairs, I certainly won't stop you."

A mischievous heat rose in my cheeks, and I tried to play it cool, brushing off his comment with a nonchalant laugh. "Oh please, Josh, don't flatter yourself. Let's keep it PG-rated for now."

As laughter erupted throughout the room, the tension diffused, and the weight of the past moments lifted ever so slightly. We were a group of friends bound by unpredictable moments, quirky humor, and sometimes, unintentional chaos.

In the end, it was these very moments that stitched us together, forming the tapestry of our shared experiences.