
It was disgusting, really disgusting

(There is something here that I really described thoroughly and may feel you disgusted. Suggesting you guys not to read this chapter while eating"

Herro and Kira fixed their things and started to walk towards the other end of the Underground Military Base, where Kira said is the entrance for Mutants to enter this place and also the side where their base is located.

Herro felt nervous they drew nearer and nearer towards their destination. The fear was already there in his heart, but it was overridden with his excitement and now it slowly shows up, making him feel restless and nervous.

Kira saw Herro's facial expression slowly changed. It was filled with excitement and now it gradually turned into a worried one.

"Just take it easy with me here we can easily escape if things go south," Kira said as she tapped Herro's back to make him feel less tensed.

Herro took a deep breath and exhaled it forcefully in a shouting manner. He felt that the nervousness looming around in his heart slowly vanished.

"Thank you." He said as he smiled at Kira, who helped him overcome his nervousness.

They continued walking deeper into the tunnel-like Underground Military Base.

After walking for a while, Herro's nose twitched after he caught a faint rotten stench. He looked back at Kira and asked, "You also caught the rotten stench, right?"

"I already smelled it a couple of minutes ago. My senses are more sensitive than you." Kira said while her mouth and nose are already covered with a gas mask.

Herro did not notice her wearing a gas mask because he is walking in front of Kira. Kira asked Herro to stop and she put down her bag on the floor. She opened it and pulled another gas mask and gave it to Herro. She also gave Herro a flashlight from her bag.

Herro gladly takes it and immediately wears it. The Gas Mask can be adjusted to suit his size, making him a lot more comfortable using it. And he placed the flashlight inside his pocket.

After he finished adjusting his mask, they continued on their way towards the other end of the Military base, where the Main base of the Mutants is located.

Herro noticed that as they got nearer and nearer towards the Mutant's base, the destruction caused by Mutants grew clearer and clearer. It was now filled with darkness because the electricity was cut off on this side. Kira was ultimately prepared for this trip that she got flashlights to light up the place.

Claw marks were visible on the walls and dried bloodstains were still there. Herro tried to imagine how fierce the fight between the Mutants and humans was and was forced to shake his head at how cruel the fight he imagined.

Mutants were a lot of times stronger than humans. Although the weapons and technology were a lot more powerful and advanced compared to the time where he came from, he knew that it was not enough to stop these mutated creatures.

Even though most of the people will agree that the weaponry and technology that this era possessed were enough to deal with the Mutant's onslaught, but the Mutant's rampaging attacks came so suddenly and caught the military off guard, resulting in this disaster.

They keep on moving forward, they only have three hours to prepare the traps before the Mutants will be back after hunting for their foods.

No one is left here to be a guard, since there is nothing here worthy of being guarded by them. They didn't have any offspring that they needed to protect and they just made this their base to become their resting place and no more.

After walking for another thirty minutes, they finally reached their destination. The place was filled with mountains of rubble, making their vision obstructed, forbidding them to see the entirety of the place.

Herro and Kira climbed the mountain of rubble and when they reached the top, Herro felt his body grew cold immediately and he was stoned in his place as cold sweat running down throughout his body.

His stomach grumbled and the food he ate at lunch erupted, attempting to escape his stomach, but he forcefully stopped it from happening. He can't take his mask off because it will only result in non-stop vomiting.

Herro acted this way because what he saw beyond the mountain of rubble is bunch of clean white bones, with some still had reddish flesh attached to it, and some rotten flesh filled with maggots wriggling in and out of the fleshes scattered on the ground that looks like the Mutant's leftovers.

Herro was on his knees with his eyes wide with terror as he erratically breathes due to his shock. Never in his life had he ever seen this disgusting thing making him react this way, the normal way. Kira didn't react like how Herro reacted. Her face was just filled with seriousness.

She had already seen things crueler and disgusting than this. She had spilled her foods as she vomits in disgust for the last two years. She's already a lot mature than her actual age.

After looking around, Kira leaned down and rubbed Herro's back to help him calm down while consoling him with words: "That's fine, it's a natural reaction."

Herro gradually calmed down after a minute and he was now sitting on the top of the rubble.

"Are you good?" Kira asked, after she noticed that Herro's breathing turned back to normal.

"Yes, I was just shocked about how disgusting the scenery that was waiting for us," Herro said as he wiped the cold beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"The scene was indeed disgusting, but you need to gather all of your fighting spirits and strengthen your guts because we will be walking down that place you called disgusting," Kira said as she looked at Herro filled with seriousness.

Herro's eyes widened in shock from the realization. How could they set a trap if they won't walk down there?

Herro shook his head and said to himself that he shouldn't be a wimp in front of a girl, even though she was stronger than him.

He decided to stand up and jump in place a couple of times, helping himself to calm down and gather his spirits. After that, he slapped his forehead twice, he wanted to slap his cheeks, but the mask was in the way of doing it and he couldn't afford to remove it, so he was forced to slap his forehead. It was his way of calming himself and waking up his courage to do things that scares him.

"I'm ready!" He courageously said to Kira. Kira smiled at him and said, "Then go down first,"

Herro flinched after he heard what Kira had said and he sheepishly added while looking downwards and scratching his neck, "I'm... ready to follow you..... hehe"

Kira let out a soft chuckle and then without a word she jumped down towards the Mutant's base. Since Herro's physique is just considered to be slightly stronger than a normal human, he didn't jump, but he slowly walked down while balancing himself.

The rubble was not that tall, but one couldn't say that it was a short one. The military base was really big and it was not considered as a simple tunnel. Just think of a large tunnel that can keep hundreds of planes inside and had a hangar inside.

Kira reached the ground instantly and she started walking forward without looking back at Herro and waiting for him.

Herro was still struggling while descending because he had to avoid things like steel protruding from the rubble. He was afraid that what happened before, when he was escaping in the building from where he found himself after his transmigration, will happen again. (Refer to chapter 2)

After a minute: He was able to reach the ground unharmed. After reaching the ground, he looked around and saw that Kira was far away in front of him. He was startled and he shouted, "Wait!" And he was about to run towards her when he saw the rotten piles of flesh scattered around, he decided to slowly walk in caution.