
Twenty-Two: Forgiveness

The sun had set, leaving the sky a dark indigo colour. My lamp was on, and I was pacing the room. Back and fourth, back and fourth.

I sighed.

I flopped on my new bed. Jace must've put this together. Though, I don't know how and when.

I rubbed my neck, still a little... confused at what had happened, though, a little disgusted.

As I said before, I like Chat, he's nice, but... things got a little out of hand for my liking. I shut my eyes and sighed.

"(Y/n)? You okay?" Tripp asked, worrying one of his little hands in my hair. "Still uncomfortable?"

Tripp and I's relationship was a little different from my brothers and his kwami. Whatever I feel, Tripp also feels. So touch and hearing really played a part. The little experience we had with Chat had affected us both.

"I'm still uncomfortable. You?" I looked over at the little guy. He shook his head. "Feels weird. I don't like it either."

I nodded. "Sorry for doing that to you..."

"As long as everything's okay now, then I'm good." He said, pulling out a small dried apple from a dried fruit pouch.

"Glad you understand." I murmured.

We sat there like this for a while, him occasionally flashing different coloured lights, mostly sickly greens and pale reds. I could tell he was confused about all of this too. The silence was both comfortable and uncomfortable. We wanted to say things, but were afraid to break the calm. So tenseness strung the air between us.

Suddenly, Tripp's little antenna perked up, and he sat in a more alert position. "You've got a visitor." He then shot under the pillow.

"Tripp, what–?"

I looked over to my balcony, to see Chat Noir himself there. I hesitated for a moment, then got up and opened the door.

"Hi." I said, a little stiffly. What a great time for him to show up, just when I was puzzling over things.

"Hello, my lady." He said, then glanced over my shoulder. "Do I have permission to come inside?"

I thought for a second, then moved out of his way. "Sure... Just... Don't try anything..."

His ears dropped guiltily. "Ah, yes... I wanted to see you about that."

I felt Tripp's sense of unease inside me. I answered his feeling with reassurance. Jace was downstairs. He'd come up, transformed, and take care of Chat if anything was wrong. I was replied with silence.

I saw Chat pull out a box and an orange lily from behind his back. "I-I wanted to apologize for my... uh... recklessness..."

I took the chocolates politely, and placed them on my desk, but he gingerly wove the flower into my hair. "Yes... thank you..."

"Listen, I understand that you might not forgive me right off the bat, I just–"

"Wasn't in your right state of mind." I finished for him, with a small smile. "You were under petal face's control. You didn't really know what you were doing. Therefore, I forgive you."

He sat there for a long moment, then smiled at me. Then, a thought struck me.

"How do you know where I live?"

"Well... Thrip and you seem to know each other, so..." He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

I frowned. "Looks like I'll have to talk to him."

"Hey, don't go screaming at him. Scream at me. I'm the one who–" He shuddered, "–who did those horrible things to you."

Tripp had another feeling, which almost formed words in my head.

It took all of my willpower not to laugh. "No, it's alright now. It's over. I'm okay." I said, quickly.

"... If you say so..." He muttered awkwardly.

I opened the box. "Chocolate?"


After about an hour, he left, and I fell straight to sleep, completely forgetting about the flower in my hair.