
Three: More Clichés

Where were the cameramen? The director? This had to be a joke.

The excitable blogger, the shy artist, the new kid who doesn't know what the hell was happening. Can you guess which ones which?

This was some sort of reality television show. It had to be. I don't remember ever applying for a job as an actress. My panic increased when I met the rest of the teenagers that this Alya girl had associated herself with.

Nino, the chill dude with the sick beats. He seemed to be a super fun guy to hang out with. He had a pair of Bluetooth headphones around his neck.

Adrien, the clueless cute guy. He was very nice, and seemed a little shy at first. I was told that he was a model for his famous father and designer.

And finally, Marinette, hopelessly in love with the clueless cute guy. I guessed that she had pictures of his face taped to her wall and his schedule hung up so she could see him at every possible point in the day. She most likely stalked Adrien on the Internet, and I wouldn't be surprised if she had made a small shrine for him.

This was a reality show. This had to be.

I saw Alya check the time, and gave a little start. "Guys, we need to head back to school!" She exclaimed.

The others looked at their designated time tellers, and agreed. They parted ways, waving goodbye and promising to see each other again.

Alone once more, I sighed, and allowed Tripp to fly out onto my shoulder.

"Those people seemed nice!" He said. "Except for that rude one who stole that book."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah."

Tripp looked up at me with his brilliant blue eyes. "What's got you so blue?"

I shrugged. "Not sure. I'm not lonely. I'm not hungry. And not thirsty."

He gave a tiny giggle. "Lovesick?"

I glared down at him. "Do not speak of that word. That word is taboo."

He grinned. "Just wondering!" His little paws and feet lit up, blinking.

I sighed, and returned to the bench. Before I knew it, the sky was turning scarlet. I took out my phone and messaged mom.

I thought to myself.

Yeah, my internal compass is completely broken.

Tripp retreated back into my hood. After a couple moments, I heard his soft snores. I looked up at the brilliant sky. Reds, pinks, violets and blues were streaked across it with linings of gold and silver. It looked like a painting.

I was so enraptured by the glorious sky that I didn't hear the figure come up behind me.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He crowed.

I jumped at least ten feet high. At least.

He chuckled at my reaction. My eyes widened when I saw who he was.

He had a full black jumpsuit on, with cat ears and a belt tail to match. His eyes were an illuminating emerald colour. His grin was both courageous and flirtatious. His blond hair was a mess.

I immediately pulled my guard up. "Oh. Hello."

His grin turned into a smirk. "Tense, are we?"

I glared at him, bristling. I knew that Tripp was awake. "I'm alone in a park and you just snuck up on me. Forgive me for acting this way." I said stiffly.

He jumped up and landed in front of me, taking my hand and kissing it lightly. "Apology accepted, my lady."

I narrowed my eyes and gingerly pulled my hand away. He didn't seem to be moved by this. "What's your name?"

"(Y/n)." I said that a little harshly. I didn't mean to. I honestly didn't.

He looked a little excited, though I didn't know why. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

I couldn't help but blush a little at the compliment. I luckily didn't have to answer, due to a distant scream.

Chat looked a little disappointed. "Well, I guess it's time to go save Paris again." He gave me a smirk. "Well, princess, I'll be seeing you around."

With that he jumped off, leaving me completely alone. I looked around, just to make sure.

Tripp appeared in front of me, looking giddy, his hands and feet lighting up, his eyes shining in the fading light.

I smiled. "Tripp, !"