
Thirty: Rain

Dark grey light filtered through my windows. Rain patterned against the roof. It was still relatively dark right now, just before another day of school. The setting was perfect for my current mood.

I sat on my bed, my legs tucked to my chest, my chin resting on top of them. My eyes were sunken, with dark circles underneath them. I could feel my physical health slowly deteriorating.

Tripp sat beside me, equally miserable. He had no problem, staying with me like this, because he didn't want to die. But that made me equally sadder.

Thunder was now being hounded by journalists and reporters after battles, being asked where Firefly went and so on and so fourth. I didn't watch the news anymore.

My mom was home most of the time now, trying to urge me to go out. When I explained Tripp's condition, she stopped.

Dad called every day, saying that he was going to come within this year, which excited me. Tripp wanted to see him too.

My mood has also changed my life at school. I was mistaken for being ill the first week or two, but when my condition didn't seem to brighten, my peers and teachers alike became concerned for me.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciated this, but I didn't want all of the attention on me. I couldn't get through a day without somebody asking me if I was okay.

I sighed, and looked down at Tripp. His eyes were wide and hollow, and his position was always tense. He'd pointed out that I also fit that description.

Occasionally, his little lights would flicker a pale green, which represented fear, or a dark blue grey, the colour of sadness. It was common for me to get anxiety and depressed stabs from him every couple minutes or so.

The only good thing that was happening in my miserable life right now was Chat Noir. He visited me everyday, and always asked me if I'd eaten, or if I was thirsty. My family never questioned his appearances, due to my alter ego knowing him well.

He expressed his concerns for Firefly to me, to which I answered with pressure. He seemed to notice this, and stopped after awhile.

I watched the small droplets of water hit my window, and leaned into the wall gloomily. I felt another prickle from Tripp, and he flew over to my shoulder and sat there.

"I'm sorry..." He muttered horsely. He often did this. He launched into long speeches of how wrong he was and how he didn't mean for this to happen.

But it did anyways.

I didn't argue back anymore. I didn't have the energy.

I slowly dragged myself from my bed, with Tripp still perched on my shoulder. He still came with me to school, just in case something really bad happened.

I got ready, and thumped down the stairs. Waving goodbye to mom, I limply walked out of the house, mustering up all the courage I had for another day.