
Thirty-Four: A Name

"Who are you?" The man in black queried.

I grinned. "Your worst nightmare. Pleasure to meet you!" I stuck out a clawed hand. He cringed.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I tapped my chin, and an idea sprung in my head. "Silverclaw. You?"

"Chaos." He spread his hands dramatically.

I blinked, and looked around for a moment. I rose an eyebrow at him. "Am I supposed to be scared? Sorry, but I'm–"

"Flame–I-I mean..." Thunder seemed to be at a loss of words for a moment. "Claw? Yeah. Claw, look at us. We fought this guy for hours. Run. Quickly."

I gave him an exasperated look. "Do you really believe that I'd do that? It seems to me that the idiot here."

He hung his head. "Worth a shot."

"You missed." I pointed out. He scowled up at me.

"So, Mr. Chaos dude, where's Creation at?" I felt proud at hinting Egyptian mythology. They were big on the whole 'Creation is good and Chaos is bad' sort of thing.

I suddenly felt bad for Chat.

I shook my head from the thought, my tail whipping out behind me in an agitated way.

"Creation? There's no creation here." He growled.

"Can I just point out that you're on the same team as Evillustrator?" I flicked my wings.

He arched his eyebrows. "That doesn't matter right now. Right now, we fight!"

"I couldn't have said it any better myself." I grinned, and flung myself at him.

"FIREF–!" I heard Thunder cry. Chat and Lady called out along with him.

I was expecting the guy to use his most powerful move first, so I dove to the side, flinging out my wings for balance.

I dove forwards, slashing at his arm with my claws. He yelled out in surprise, but shook me off as if I was done annoying beetle.

I was sent flying, but I opened my wings and went at him again. I was able to slash his cheek, and kick his chest, sending him back.

I quickly flew over to the three, and cut the ropes away. "Join me if you want!" I called, and leapt at the dude again.

"Stop dancing, little girl! Fight like a man!" He taunted.

I rose an eyebrow at him, and frowned. "I'm obviously a female. Are you blind? Is he blind?" I looked over my shoulder at my friends. Ladybug was being supported by Thunder, which I thought was cute, while Chat used his baton like a cane, leaning in it. Chat shrugged along with Thunder.

I shrugged back, and lunged again. We did this for awhile, until he summoned a sword made of pure darkness. Like, seriously, that thing didn't catch any light or nothing. Just a big blade of darkness.

Now the real battle had begun.