
Sixteen: I Am Currently A-Okay-Wait, Nevermind

I'd gotten ready for school. Tripp kept annoying me about how askew my hat was. Perfectionist.

I walked. It was lunchtime right now. I didn't really honestly care. I ate an apple tart on the way. Apples galore.

I entered the grounds with a heavy sigh. I really didn't want to be here. I wanted to catch up with Jace and hug mom and talk to dad over the phone. All this drama was driving me insane.

Just as I was about to pull my hair out (Not in a literal sense I assure you), Adrien ran over and crushed me in a bear hug.

I squeaked (Quite embarrassingly) and stood there for a moment, until he pulled away and grasped my shoulders firmly.

"How are you? How is ? Mari and Alya wanted to contact you, and Nino–"

"Wait, how you contact me? I don't remember handing out my number." I gazed at him.

"Well, the hospital tried to call you but failed, but they saw me with you on that night and they know the Agreste number, so they got a hold of me and I had to call you, because they gave me your number. I'd just left gym, so I may have sounded a bit out of breath." He explained, all to fast in my books. "How are you?"

"I am currently a-okay–wait, nevermind." I saw Chloe flouncing up to us.

"ADRIKINS!" She wailed, flinging herself into his arms. "WHY ARE YOU WITH WHEN YOU COULD BE WITH !?"

"Hey, girlie, tone it down. Agreste can hear you just fine without you screeching like a tortured bat in his ear." I defended him. I had to admit, that was a very colourful insult. I was proud of myself.

"HOW YOU SPEAK TO ME IN THAT WAY!" She shrieked. "," She whined. "Make her stop!"

I rose an eyebrow at him. He looked slightly defeated.

"Not now, Chloe. I'm making sure my friend is okay." He gently pushed her off. I had to admit, he was a gentleman, but he had to show her the respect she was showing him, which was very little. I was glad that she thought of him as of higher power, though. She was the flipping daughter of the mayor, and she was asking her model 'boyfriend' to defend her.

"But she's okay!" She cried. "Why even !?"

We shared a glance. I sighed.

"Listen, Barbie, just... go play with your makeup or something, kay? I need to talk to Mr. Model." I folded my arms impatiently.

She gave a very pterodactyl like screech. "Don't call me !"

I shook my head. "Okay, then, Miss Prissy Pants, go away."

She actually listened. I groaned and looked at Adrien. "You have my sympathy."

"Thanks." He laughed.

Two shrieks came from a couple metres away. Too much pterodactyls...

Alya and Marinette ran over and almost murdered me in a hug. Bear hug wouldn't suffice. It was more like... twenty elephant hug.

"ARE YOU OKAY!? WE HEARD WHAT HAPPENED! IS SHE GOOD?" Alya yelled, pulling away along with Mari and shaking my shoulders.

"I could deliver cookies." Mari offered.

"Listen, guys, everything's good–"

Nino appeared and pulled me from Alya and gave me a hug intended for murder.

"How is she? Are you okay?" He asked, pulling away. "Dude, you had us worried."

"Oh my actual gods everything is fine well and dandy. Seriously, it's good." I pulled myself from their grasps, putting my hands up as if I was surrendering.

"Good." Adrien sighed. It was actually a little adorable. In a dorky way.

The bell shrilled through the yard. I hung my head. "I don't wanna be here..."

"None of us do." Alya said pointedly.

"Come on guys, it'll be fast." Mari encouraged. "Let's go before the teacher butchers us."