
Seventeen: A Very Big (Not Very) Problem

We were currently learning about Martin Luther King Jr. or whatever his name was. Why were we learning about American history in France? Great question. Wish I had an answer.

It was very boring. The teacher droned on and on about it. Of course, I had my respects to this man, but we were in France, not America. We were halfway across the world for the sake of bloody hamburgers.

Damn. That was beautiful. *Wipes tear away*

I doodled on a paper. Suddenly, the teacher shouted my name.


My head shot up. "America."

The teacher frowned at me. "Very well... correct... Mr. King did live in America."

They looked disappointed that they didn't get to humiliate me in front of the entire class. I exchanged a glance with Adrien and grinned. He flushed. I wonder why.

The bell rang. It took all of my physical and mental well being not to give out a cry of relief. Instead, I sighed. The end of the day!

The teacher wrapped up their presentation, and began going over the day with us. Yes, I know, they had math this morning, Adrien told me, blah blah blah...

The teacher dismissed us, and I rushed to my locker, grabbing my bag. I met up with Marinette, and we decided to walk together, since we went in the same general direction. Tripp was asleep in my bag, like always.

"So, how was your morning?" I asked her. I'd never gotten the chance to earlier.

"Very boring." She sighed dreamily. "But me and Adrien were partners for a science lab..."

"Girl, you need to work things out between you two." I stated.

She whined. "But hooww? What if he doesn't like me back?"

"That sounds like a you problem." I told her.

She frowned at me. "Glad to see that you care."

"No problem." I elbowed her gently. I wasn't destructive, what'chu talkin' 'bout? Okay, maybe I was, but that's besides the point.

"Ugh." She slouched as we walked. "He's just..." She seemed to struggle to find the words.

"Cute? Funny? Nice? Adorkable? An outright charming guy?" I offered her. I sounded like Jace.

" of those." She sighed. "He's so... So... ." She blushed.

"Dear gods, Mari. This is bad." I shook my head. "You've got a bad case of valentine."

She gave me a withering look. I laughed. "Don't worry. You'll find a way." I patted her shoulder with sarcastic sympathy.

She shrugged my arm away and groaned.

"Geez. You look like Cupid shot you with a dozen cannons..." I muttered.

"It feels like it too..." She groaned.

I was about to retort back when a rose arrowed past my ear and maniacal laughter was heard from ahead.