
Fifteen: Yay! No Death!

Don't ask me how it was possible. It just was.

"(Y/n)?" Adrien asked through the line.

"I'll be at the hospital." I said, and hung up.

"What's up? Who was that? The hospital–oh." Realization struck him within a moment. "Let's go then."

We took apples from the fruit bowl, woke up our kwamis, and were off.


We both ran in, breathless. I ran up to the desk.

"My mom. I was here—"

"Same room." The person said, jabbing a finger to the stairs.

"Merci!" I gasped, and thundered up the steps with Jace right behind me.

The sense of déjà-vu hit me for a moment, but I shoved it away. I'd gone here before when I was going to visit mom.

I burst into the room. Mom looked at me. Her skin was pale, and her eyes looked sunken. "Hello, darling..."

"Mom! Oh my gods–" I was cut off by Jace running into me, causing us to fall to the floor with a loud thud.

"Way to go, Jace!" I yelped, shoving him off. "Just when–"

"Jason?" Mom asked, her eyes were wide with tears. Oh. Yes. I'd forgotten that he'd been gone for five years. Oops.

How could you forget, you may ask?

Here's my answer on short form.

I don't bloody know.

"Y-your father called last night... I didn't know if it was true..."

Oh, yes, some extra information. Mom and dad knew about our kwamis and stuff. Trust me, you really don't want to know how or why.

"Y-yeah, sorry." He sat up with a nervous grin, and scratched the back of his neck. I smacked his shoulder, and he gave me a look.

"You're grounded." Mom said immediately.

"Wh-what? Hey!" He stood up. "No warm welcome for your long lost son?"

Mom sighed, and held out her hand. "Give me your phone. I know that you have it."

This is why I love my family.

Jace sighed in defeat, and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Geez, that thing was roughed up, and that's an understatement.

"Jason (L/n), what happened to your phone?!" She shrieked.

"I'm glad that you've got your priorities straight..." He mumbled.

I laughed. "She's had them straight since forever. Of course, wouldn't have known that."

He shot me a glare and I have him an innocent smile.

"And where have you been?" She demanded.

"Alaska." I said pointedly. He glared more furiously at me.

"When your father come back you'll be in so much trouble." Mom said. Jace sighed.

"I know..." He whined. Mom touched his cheek.

"And (Y/n), you still have to go to school today. I'll get Jason in there soon." She said, quite sternly. I nodded, trying not to look disappointed. I was going to skip because mom had died, but she wasn't dead, so I sort of had to go back. Besides, I didn't want to be held back.

"Okay. I guess I should go." I stated, standing up, as I was still on the floor.

"Yes. And Jason, you stay here." She ordered.

I made my escape before she started screaming at him.

I was lucky.