
It's All Me

My name is Dylan Maxwell. I'm a freshman at West Valley High. My life practically revolves around the library, school and home, so it's pretty boring. Who knew that one fire accident which almost burnt down the school building and the murder of two students could turn me into the female version of Sherlock Holmes though I haven't read his books yet.

Starfall12234 · Teenager
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7 Chs

The Fun's Just Begun

It was only nine- fifty five in the morning but to me it seemed like hours. This morning I was having English and our teacher Miss Macadams was teaching them about diphthongs. I don't get why English is a subject when we basically speak it every single day, I thought to myself. Ouch! I cried quietly, when I felt something hit the back of my head. I looked down and I saw a ball of paper that someone threw a paper at her and it came from Mirabelles direction. I read the paper and the paper which said "English Sucks". Miss Macadams quickly snatched the paper from me and she read it aloud, then she said, "Dylan , if you're gonna spell English sucks at least spell sucks correctly, go to the principal's office now,"" But the principal is on vacation", commented one of the kids in the class, "Well go to the vice principal's office," said Mrs MacAdams in an angry tone. I stood up from her seat, on my way out I saw Mirabelle making faces at me, I was already mad at her for what she did but if I acted back, which I obviously can't do, plus was already in enough trouble so I went out of the classroom and headed towards the vice principal's office. I entered the Vice principal's office and saw him talking to a blonde haired girl, immediately the Vice principal, Mr Franks, noticed I was in his office he quickly introduced me to the new girl,"Dylan meet Mackenzie and Mackenzie meet Dylan," Mackenzie waved shyly at the me but I just ignored her because it wasn't like we were going to be friends once she finds out that I'm a social outcast. "And Mackenzie, because you're new and you are both freshmen here Dylan here will be your student tour guide,"said Mr Franks ,"What!", exclaimed I, "Um Mackenzie could you please excuse us for a minute,"said Mr Franks, Mackenzie got up and went out of the office."Dylan, I'm the vice principal of this school and I know a lot of things that go on here and I've noticed that you mostly keep to yourself," he said,"So," said I, "I want you to get out of that head of yours, leave the fantasy world and discover the beautiful world around you, try to make friends with people," said Mr Franks. "I recommend you talking to Dr Walker, she's a psychologist at t hospital and from what I hear she's very good, here's her business card," he said as he searched his drawer for the card, he finally brought out a small white card, he handed it over to me,"Um this is a dating hotline for single guys," she said, Mr Franks quickly grabbed the card and gave her another card. As I turned to leave his office, he said,"Hold up I am not done with you yet," "You are still going to be Mackenzie's tour guide,"I groaned internally,"Yes sir," "Now let me see that enthusiasm,"Yes sir!," I shouted with fake cheeriness, "Now that's better," he said. I went to meet Mackenzie who was standing beside a nearby water fountain,"Welcome to West Valley High ," I said ,"Thanks, I was hoping to find someone to talk to, by the way you can call me Kenzie," said Mackenzie,"Like Mr Franks said," you should avoid the cafeteria food, "I said , then I saw a boy with familiar brown hair which made me stare in his direction , "Are you okay?, asked Kenzie with a puzzled look, she faced the direction that I was staring at, and she saw that I was looking at Max Jones, a member of the Junior Varsity soccer team."Dylan ", said Kenzie waving her hands over my face ,"What'd you say?", I asked turning back to Kenzie,"Who's he?", asked Kenzie smiling a bit, "Oh just some random guy," I lied. I continued the tour.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."Um mom, I kinda left my Math notebook in my locker, do you think you can drive me back to school please, I have an assignment that is due tomorrow and I need it," I said as I sat on the couch beside my mom."It is just 4 pm so you can still go to school yourself, I am seriously tired right now, go and ask your father," she said, not taking her eyes off the health magazine she was reading. "Never mind I'll walk back, I could use the exercise anyways," I said. I grabbed my jacket from closet because it was a little bit cold and went outside, as I closed the door, I heard mom yell,"Don't talk to strangers and don't come back late."My school was like twenty minutes away from home which isn't too far but most times my parents or Melody dropped me off. As I got to the school I noticed that a few people were still in school, they're probably finishing practice or club meetings. My locker was on the far end of the hallway. I quickly got to my locker and grabbed my math notebook. When I got outside I spotted Chase Myler, the striker for the varsity soccer team talking to a man who looked more like he belonged in sketchy part of town than in a highschool parking lot . I hid behind one of the bushes before any of them spotted me. I then saw Chase take a package from him, he immediately stuffed it in his pockets and turned to go back into the school. I immediately knew that it was probably drugs that he got from that guy. Seriously who delivers drugs in the open where they could easily get caught. The other guy turned and walked towards a rusty motorcycle and drove it out of the school parking lot. I immediately crawled out of the bush and used my hands to remove some of the leaves that was on my jeans. I picked up my book and ran out of the parking lot, so as to not run into those guys. "Do you often have school assemblies here?" asked Kenzie as well both walked towards the school auditorium,"Well, not really," I answered. Maybe it's because they found some drugs in the school or something happened after I left yesterday, I thought to myself. We pushed our way through students to enter the auditorium, I spotted Mirabelle sitting with some older girls who looked more like seniors as we passed her row, out of the blue she stuck her leg out and tripped me, my head was about to hit the ground when a pair of hands caught me before I hit the ground, the person pulled me up and I turned back to see a boy about a year older than me looking at me, once I could stand well, I muttered,"Thanks," and walked away. Once I found an empty row, I sat down and also felt someone taking a seat beside me, I looked beside me and saw Kenzie sitting next to me,"Why do you just let her walk all over you like that," she asked, I just kept quiet and stared at my hands, when she saw that I didn't reply, she kept quiet and stared at the Vice Principal who was talking to a girl beside the stage. I tried to make out her face but I couldn't really see her clearly, dang, that's what I get for spending to much time with my gadgets. She turned away from him and went to sit beside one of the dark areas of the large auditorium. Mr Franks then walked up to the podium. "I know you all wondering why we are here," he said to the mic. "According to the career quiz we did last semester, we discovered that about only twenty five percent of your all know what you want to do with your lives so today all classes are canceled because we are going to have seminar, we've brought in different people to come and talk to you kids," practically the entire auditorium groaned. I was kind of excited because that meant the quiz we were to have today in History was canceled.I looked around the auditorium to look for who the first speaker would be when my eyes landed on the boy who stopped me from falling earlier and I noticed he was sitting with the some of the members of the soccer team and some cheerleaders. "So much for studying for our history test," said Kenzie snapping my focus away from the boy. We had spent about an hour in the seminar, a lady who was a fashion designer was talking which caught most of the female's attention. All of a sudden we heard the fire alarm and everyone started running out through the nearest exit, since that was already crowded I ran out of the auditorium,"Are you sure there's another nearby exit," said Kenzie as she walked behind me. We both started coughing when we saw smoke coming out of the Home Ec lab that was beside us, I looked closer to the door and saw something moving around the flames before collapsing inside there. The flames in there was spreading before I could blink I felt someone yank my hand and drag me towards the towards the nearest exit, the entire hallway was already filled with smoke and even I could barely breathe. Once we got outside I smelt fresh air filled with a little bit of smoke."Thanks for getting me out of there," I said looking at Kenzie,"What where you thinking when you were standing close to the fire when you knew it could get to you and you would be injured," said Kenzie,"You know you could have gotten hurt," "I saw someone in that lab and the person needed help, that was why I did that," I replied. "The fire department is already here so they'll save the person," she said pointing at a fire truck followed by and ambulance making its way to the school. The teachers started gathering all of us together so that we wouldn't get in the way,"I would advise you all to call your parents to pick you up or go home right now because the school isn't safe," yelled Mrs Gertrude, one of our teacher who was probably in her sixties.