
It's All Me

My name is Dylan Maxwell. I'm a freshman at West Valley High. My life practically revolves around the library, school and home, so it's pretty boring. Who knew that one fire accident which almost burnt down the school building and the murder of two students could turn me into the female version of Sherlock Holmes though I haven't read his books yet.

Starfall12234 · Teenager
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7 Chs

Oh My God, I don't know what I'm Doing

I felt wierd and nervous as i walked into Cornerstone High, because of the fire at my school, we had to go to school at Cornerstone High since it's nearby, though there's some stupid rivalry going on between both schools which makes it dumb for them to put us all together. After the second fire, I've been doing some digging and all I've gotten is and article online about the first fire being caused a gas explosion and the second one was treason so someone actually did it, but who, and that's what I'm trying to figure out. Although part of me is thinking of staying out of it while another is saying I should do it but my curiosity and nosiness always wins so I'm going for it.

I went to the office to get my locker assignment, since we're a bit much now, we have to get locker mates. As I walked through the busy hallway, I saw a few familiar faces, when I got to my locker, I saw it was empty so I just decided to be bringing my books from home instead of keeping it there because I didn't really feel open to the idea of sharing a locker with a stranger.

"Good day class, I'm Mrs Stone, some of you are familiar with me already and some of you aren't, but I hope that you will all enjoy today's class cause we are going to learn how to make a website," said Mrs Stone, she looked pretty young and non-nerdish for someone teaching AP Computer Science.

I already knew how to do most of it so it was pretty easy, so I went online to search on West Valley High Fire, I saw that there were some pictures of the fire at our school online but they all looked the same. After getting bored I went on YouTube and searched for Mirabelle's channel which she calls Mira's Life & Style and saw that she had done a live stream recently, I usually watch her videos obviously on an anonymous account because her videos are actually good and she's almost at 100k subscribers, but if only she was nice in real life.

Once her channel and videos filled the computer screen, I saw that she had done two live streams on the day the fire happened. I clicked on the first one which she was doing her make up in the bathroom. As she was talking about concealer someone opened the bathroom door, I saw the person was holding a book that looked familiar, I was about to increase the video quality to 4k to get a clear view of the book when Mrs Stone came over,"I instructed all of you to follow the way I've put up the codes on the projector for you to follow and practice and not tell you to watch videos on YouTube," she said. I immediately felt bad because I hated when I was seen as a bad student in the eyes of a teacher, I mean I'm not a teacher's pet though. I closed the video and went back on the browser where the outfit was viewed, " What's your name?" she asked, "Dylan Maxwell," I replied, "Dylan, I'd like to see you after the class."

She then walked away. After class I stood in front of her desk and waited for her to finish with a student.

Dylan, is this your first time making a website?" She asked as she sat on a chair, "No," I replied, "Well your work looks really good, how would you like to join the coding and robotics club," she said, " I'll think about it," I replied, she nodded then said, "You can go now". I walked to my next class, Calculus, thinking about what she said, I already wanted to try out for the dance team before all that happened, speaking of the fire, I have to check who the diary belongs to.

Once it was lunch, I walked out of the class to head to the library. As I walked down the hall I noticed that they had already split the hallway into two, some of the jocks from.West Valley High were glaring at Cornerstone High jocks so hard that I felt it and it wasn't even for me. As I passed beside them I felt someone staring at me, I looked around and saw it was the green-eyed guy, what the heck is he doing wearing a Cornerstone High Team Jacket. I looked away and went towards a door that looked like a library door only to see that it was a classroom. I then continued to go down the crowded hall, I tried asking someone but they ignored me and I just turned towards the direction of the computer lab, I opened the first door I saw there and saw it was the library, the place looked triple the size of our school library, well the school too is bigger than our school which was why they decided to bring us here.

I went to the back and sat down, I pulled out my new phone from my also new backpack since the other one was burnt. I saw that all my files were back on my phone, I went back to Mirabelle's channel, I then played the video in 4k, I saw the back of the person's shirt which looked familiar and that the book in her hand was the one that was taken from me. The girl turned towards Mirabelle whom was still talking and then walked out. I was able to get a clear view of her face before shee turned back and walked out. I played it back and then screenshot her, I then zoomed into the picture to see her face and saw that she was a redhead with long hair and Caucasian skin, she was wearing black jeans and a grey hoodie, her hoodie looked really familiar but I couldn't place where. I then decided to look around the school for the girl. "Isn't lunch over now," said a female voice, I looked up and saw the same girl from the video face to face, I firstly looked at my phone then back up to confirm and saw she was the one, she actually looked really pretty, even prettier than Mirabelle up close, she was probably a senior with her height and the look of maturity, "Are you okay," she asked. "Um yeah, sorry just zoned out," "OK, the late bell is about to ring so I'd advise you to go to class now," she said,"Oh okay thanks, I'm Dylan by the way," I said, "I'm Jessie," she said, "I thought everyone in this school was actually mean," I said,"Well not all of us," she said,"Now you'd better head to class now," she said.