
It’s Strange How Often In Darkness My Heart FINDS YOU

#Ongoing Roma Roy, a 26 years old Indian girl returned to her hometown after eight years. Nothing much has changed since the last time she has been here, her hometown, she herself, the smell of the air, her passion for ambitious future, except one thing. She is getting married in a month. She works and is gonna settle her life in Bangalore, city in Karnataka state of India. She is back in her hometown to help her parents for the wedding preparation. The first thing in her mind today is to meet her childhood best friends whom she hasn’t met in the past eight years to invite them for the wedding and tell them everything about her “husband to be.” How are they gonna react when they get to know about the first meet to the groom? How will she tell them about the phase they went through from the first conversation “you cold hearted, arrogant toe rag!!” to “it’s been you and always will be you”. The love story blooms when Roma dictates her story to her childhood best friends that started eight years ago, starting from “the first encounter” till this date. Here our male lead character makes an entrance. He is totally opposite in nature to our female lead character. She is kind, sweet with ordinary looks. He is arrogant, cold hearted with oh! so handsome looks. Glimpse of the first encounter :- Roma’s POV I : WHAT looks like UNDER CONTROL to you here. I don’t care if it is Vicky Dixit or PRESIDENT OF AMERICA!! NIKHIL : Exactly, but she do care if the president of America is Nikhil Dixit. (I turned around to the familiar voice and started getting chills down my spine seeing the devil again. I feel so angry right now.) I : #NEWSFLASH Mr.Nikhil Dixit, I wish I had contacts with any of the psychiatrist to help you to get out of yours own fantasy land and daydreams. As for reality, I can just say that you are a cold hearted, arrogant toe rag and more importantly you are hell ya self obsessed. Stay the heck away from me and don’t you ever dare again to cause TROUBLE TO MY FRIENDS !! Tanya and Advik dragged me from the out hall before I could kill him and that’s when I heard him saying. NIKHIL : Don’t miss me too much my feisty fireball. A/N : Please read this story. Chapters are released every weekend. Stay tuned to know what happened further. Author name :— Vandana Panigrahi

Vandana_Panigrahi · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
14 Chs



Wow, the other evening was a blast! I had literally no idea that Roma's mind could be this evil. Honestly, I am also proud of Advik. Nikhil finally caught on that his feeling for Roma aren't platonic. I can't hide the smile imagining Nikhil's reaction seeing Roma getting number of other blokes. Last time I saw him like this was ages ago. It was for the wrong girl. But this time, it all feels right. Yesterday, that's Sunday early morning we all were informed about the freshers party on Wednesday evening in the campus designated area. Hope Roma and Nikhil become each other's date.

Today the college would be flooded with gossips, girls getting excited for dressing up for the event and confused about what to wear, men being nervous who would be their dates. It's not compulsory to have one, but hey! everyone likes it. I don't have to think about it though, I am fortunate to have Advik. My focus for now is to convince either of the two (Nikhil or Roma) to ask the other for date.

ROMA : We will be late!! (Roma shouted from the other side)

TANYA : It's gonna be exciting. (Roma gave me a questioning look which I ignored)

I was wearing a turquoise skirt with floral prints. It ended just below my knees, black full sleeved shirt. I had my red hair up in a pony tail and matched it with black hills. Roma was wearing a peach colour sleeveless one piece dress which ended at her calves. She paired it with skin colour hills and let her hair down.


ROMA : I will place the orders. (She went to the counter for placing the orders)

I : So, are you gonna ask her to be your date? (I asked at a really low pitch so Roma doesn't hear us)

NIKHIL : No (I was stunned with his reply so he elaborated). Well, I have noticed that Roma isn't as bold as she actually is, around strangers. So there's no chance she has a date yet. As for me, I want her to show the slightest of the hint that she's into me.

I : What? You want her to ask you? That needy of attention you are?

NIKHIL : Oh, no Tanya. I will ask her. But she has to show some sign that she wants me as her date.

ADVIK : That might take ages Nikhil. I told you, miss the opportunity once and regret for life.

NIKHIL : What's life without a little risk? (He said it with a wink)

I : You know what! Enough of you. I will have to butt in now. (Suddenly do,a came back with our food plates)

ROMA : Enough of whom? (She asked sitting on her regular chair)

I : Oh nothing dear. We were just talking. (She nodded but didn't ask further. There was an awkward silence and Roma was just eating)

ROMA : Did you know beforehand that I have tampered with your food by mixing poison? (We all looked at her surprisingly as none of us were in mood of her sarcasm)

ROMA : What's wrong with you all today? Did I do something?

ADVIK : Well, everything is fi…(I cut him off)

I : Aren't you excited? (I was beyond angry now. I didn't know why. Maybe because neither of the two were making any efforts for the significant to ask them as a date)

ROMA : For what?

I : For freshers party!

ROMA : Oh for heaven's sake. Can we stop talking about it for a minute? Is this party the only thing to survive? Why is it so overrated? I mean, yeah I am glad to be a part of it and am excited but I don't want to act like a maniac. This party is all everyone has been talking about at hostel, since morning at college. What is there to discuss so much on this? (She was smothered now).

ADVIK : You don't like partying?

I : I do like it. I just said I am excited but what more is left to discuss on it? We are aware of the time and place. Tanya and I have decided what to wear. What's there to talk?

NIKHIL : Well, is that all you think is required for the freshers party? (I reckon this tone of Nikhil which says "are you dumb". Before Roma replies something offending to Nikhil unintentionally, I pitched in).

I : You have a date??

ROMA : Duh! Yeah. (At this, I was shocked, embarrassed and felt really pity for Nikhil. I am not exaggerating when I say I could see his eyes coming out of his sockets and rolling on the table)

[A/N : Tanya didn't exaggerate, but I did. Duh! You still get it what I mean to say]

I : How come you haven't told me?

ROMA : I clearly did when we were dressing up this morning. Weren't you listening to me at all?


What happened to my vision? Why does everything seems blurry? I soon sensed warm drops sloping down my cheek. Am I really crying because Roma chose someone else over me as her date. Why does it even matter? It's hardly been 48 hours since I have realised that I am fiercely attracted to her. Moreover it's just one freshers party, it's not that she is getting married to some other bloke.

(Conscience: Then why were you desiring to go with her.

Oh shut up conscience.) I could sense Advik's and Tanya's eyes on me. But I didn't have the guts to meet their eyes. I don't want their sympathetic looks. I am the tough guy here, I have always been for the past three years. I am not going to let anyone change that. So I pushed back all my emotions, hoped Roma didn't see my tears and asked the question in friendly manner as if it didn't bother me at all.

I : Oh ho, who is the lucky guy. You have never told us about him. (I asked with a smile even though I wished to roar)

ROMA : Well, it got decided last night.

TANYA : You talk with him at late night?

ROMA : Um yeah, why, is it a big deal? (I was about to say yes. But probably Advik noticed so he interrupted me)

ADVIK : No, we are just surprised that you never mentioned to anyone of us. Who is he?

I : Well, that's a surprise for you all (she said it with a wink)

I : Don't you get tired of keeping secrets? I see you still haven't learned how to communicate. (I was fuming now. She looked at me with wide eyes. I better leave before my mouth again slip things that my mind doesn't mean)

I : Excuse me everyone.

I dashed out of the cafeteria and started running. Am I descendent of Hussain Bolt. Because I swear I ran as fast as a storm wind. I just wanted to be isolated. Just somewhere I would be away from Tanya and Advik's sympathies, somewhere away from Roma. As much as I don't want to lose her in my life, I equally feel disgusted of her right now. I should be unaffected by her, I should be the dominant but, here I am, sitting in the bench of the college garden, the heart of the university, burying my head in my hands. Class hours must have begun because there is no one around. Then I suddenly heard footsteps and panting noises. I lifted up my head and saw the feminine figure I just ran away from.

ROMA : How the hell do you run so fast?

I : Why are you here?

ROMA : Don't steal my dialogue. (I gave her angry judgemental look). Isn't it obvious I came to check up on you. Why did you leave the cafeteria like that?

I : It's not only you who has got a date Roma.

ROMA : You got a date? (I nodded so she asked further) Who is it? (She asked her voice almost shaking)

I didn't know who to name now. But then my phone vibrated for a message notification . I saw the name of the sender and then what happened wasn't at all I asked for.

I : It's Eliana.

Hello readers! I am sorry for not uploading earlier. Here is 5 chapters in a streak as an compensation. Please vote and comment if you liked the chapter here and please review the book.

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