
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime und Comics
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166 Chs

Evil God

"Are you ever interested in becoming a King of your own peerage?" Azazel asked suddenly. Issei snorted.

" That's if I become a High Class Devil first, Azazel." Issei replied.

" But are you interested though? "

" Of course, who wouldn't want to compete in Rating Games, train alongside your subordinates and go on missions with them?" Issei asked loudly. Azazel chuckled.

" What if I told you, you could become a High Class Devil in one condition? " Azazel asked him.

" You son of a bitch, did you pull that offer out of your ass or something?" Issei asked him, not believing him one bit. Azazel laughed and shook his head.

"You told me you have a Rating Game with him right? Sirzechs said that if you win against him, he'll make you a High Class Devil. You still have to go through the traditional tests about Devil History and etiquette and all before that though. But that's not important, what's important is that you defeat him. " Azazel explained while looking at him seriously. Issei had no choice but to believe him if he was looking at him like that.

" Thanks for the heads up I guess. I need to prepare. "



On a certain night after Odin's arrival. Issei, Azazel, Odin and Rossweisse were inside the wagon of the eight legged warhorse named Slepnir. They were flying too.

"The Japanese 'Yamato Nadeshiko' sure is good, Geisha girls are the best~" Odin laughed while putting on a satisfied expression.

Issei wanted to kill Odin more than ever. He didn't even know how he got dragged into this shit. Odin was going around Japan using Slepnir. He had been visiting Kyabakura where you pay girls to serve or interact with you that was located in metropolitan Japan. They went to amusement parks and also went to sushi restaurants. They were sightseeing in Japan as the geezer wanted too.

'I want to kill him and say the n word. ' Issei grumbled in his mind.

Akeno and Asia were leaning into Issei and were sleeping soundly. While Rias was sitting on his lap and sleeping too. Issei periodically kissed them on their foreheads, making them smile in their sleep

Suddenly, the horse stopped making some lose their Balance. The girls woke up and they were on high alert.

Issei jumped out of the wagon and floated beside Kiba. He saw a man wearing a hooded cloak that had a pattern similar to Odin's but it was black.

The man lifted his cloak and smirked at everybody. "Nice to meet you everyone! I am the Evil God of Northern Europe, Loki!" Loki introduced himself proudly.

He has yellow eyes & gray hair that floats behind him like a tail & two chest length bangs. His robe is white with a gray stripe, and he also has 3 blue jewels on his forehead and yellow earrings.

"Tch....." Issei snorted to himself. He looked at Loki with an unimpressed expression.

"What do you want man? Make it quick, one more second in this wagon and I might take over Odin's position as King of Asgard." Issei asked him while digging for gold in his ear. Loki sneered at Issei.

"A fool like you wouldn't understand. But I'll explain it to the more intelligent ones anyway. Our Chief God is getting in touch with other factions, and that is very painful to endure. " Loki explained. Issei still remained calm and started digging for gold in his nostrils.

"You are quite arrogant to say that, Loki. " Azazel told him with a rare seriousness in his voice. Loki laughed.

"Well if it isn't the Governor of the Fallen Angels. I guess it can't be helped, meeting you and the devils here." Loki greeted him.

" So it's okay for you to get in touch with the other factions? That's contradictory. "

" If it's to destroy them then I'm fine with it. I don't like having peace. It is your religion who stepped foot in our soil to spread the bible after all." Loki glared at Irina who narrowed her eyes.

" There's no point saying that to me you fucking idiot. Say that to Michael or the deceased God from the bible. " Azazel grumbled while scratching his head.

"Are you aligned with the Khaos Brigade! Loki!" Odin shouted.

" Me? Mixed with those foolish idiots? I came here on my own will. This has nothing to do with Ophis! " Loki replied, feeling very offended. He only worked for and trusted himself. But if he does work with others, he'll just manipulate them and backstab them sooner or later.

"So this is the problem the North faction carries huh?" Azazel muttered to Odin. Odin nodded while stroking his beard.

"There are still hardheaded people and that's the current situation we're facing. There are also fools like this one who come out like this." Odin replied. Loki pointed at Odin.

" Odin! Do you still plan to do something which is outside of our Norse World?! " Loki asked loudly. Odin nodded.

" Yup. Talking to Sirzechs, Michael and Azazel are ten thousand times more interesting than talking to you. I want to know more about the Japanese Shinto. They also have interest in our Yggdrasil. After we make peace, I'm thinking of exchanging our cultures by sending out each of our messengers." Odin replied calmly. Loki smirked.

" Such foolishness. " Loki replied.

" Enough of the stupid villain talk, Loki. You're only delaying the inevitable." Issei looked at the Evil God.

" Also, go fuck yourself. " Issei added and threw a booger that stuck on Loki's forehead. Everybody froze. Azazel was the first to crack. He started cackling, then Odin followed his lead. The other started chuckling and giggling. Rossweisse couldn't help but giggle a little.

"You.... You imbecile!! You will know your place this once!!!" Loki shouted angrily. The God was directing all of his killing intent on Issei who remained unfazed by his temper tantrum. He had faced far worse than just some simple killing intent.

The Boosted Gear and Dividing Gear covered his arms. His skin turned red and had steam rising out of it.

[Flame Enhancement: Lvl Max

Enhance your physical abilities by 5x.]

Issei held up his left hand. Suddenly, the Boosted Gear molded itself into a bright red hand cannon.

"Dragon Blaster!!!!"

After the announcement from Ddraig. A powerful beam started charging up. It only took a few seconds before it was fully charged and fired.


The beam completely engulfed Loki. The beam was a bright red color with bright lime green and yellow outlines.

The beam attack ended and the giant hand cannon disappeared back into the gauntlet. The reason why Issei can do this was because the Boosted Gear allowed him to do so. If he could store weapons and create the Dividing Gear base off his own desires, then why not turn the strange ability into a weapon? By using his desires to it's fullest potential, Issei can do it all with the Boosted Gear.

[Dragon Blaster: Lvl 5

Reduces stamina and magic used by 10% when using Dragon Blaster]

Loki stepped out of the smoke with his cloak burned to a crisp, leaving only his outfit he wore under it. He also had some small burns on his cheeks and arms.

He sneered at Issei angrily.

"You'll regret making me your enemy, dragon.

To be continued....