
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Aktion
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129 Chs

Hell beneath earth

Trover and Aliyah both where in the pitch black.

"She could have at least warned us!" Trover shouted out.

He could hear his voice echo around him.

"What there'll is this place!?" He asked.

Aliyah walked around. Feeling weird objects touching her legs and feet.

"It's warm inside of here. We can take our armor off now! And do you have a lighter with you?" Aliyah asked.

Trover threw his armor to the side and walked towards Aliyah's voice. He grabbed her shoulder and tried too feel around for her hand.

She grabbed it quickly and held out her palm. On it, a little tree began to blossom and grow.

She grabbed the lighter and set it on fire, creating light in the area.

Trover froze in disbelief when noticing that the of them where standing on top of dead bodies.

"There has to be thousands of 'em!" Trover said.

Trover turned his head slowly to see Aliyah standing there with her head looking down.

"Damn it." She whispered.

"Aliyah, just don't look! It's ok to feel angry." Trover said.

Aliyah rolled her eyes and looked at Trover with saideneess in her eyes.

"I'm not angry, Trover. I'm disappointed in myself as a leader and sad. I shouldn't have left them…if only I where there then…I could have possibly saved them, all of them." She said.

Trover approached Aliyah slowly and wrapped his arms around her. "It's ok, it's not your fault,not at all!! Jerome fought a powerful enemy and got overwhelmed, at least, that's what we hear! But now we know who did this…and he's gonna pay, Aliyah. You have my word!"

"No. I don't want too kill he king in general! I want to kill the one who's dumb enough to actually follow those orders! I'll do it myself and my way!" She said.

Trover looked around and noticed they were in a tunnel system of some sort.

"We should head this way!"

"We should head this way!"

They both said while looking in opposite directions.

"No, go right!"

"No, go left!"

"Uhh….let's do a little game, shall we?" Trover asked.

"I'm down." Aliyah said.

"I'm gonna give try to push you back using my aura. If your aura overpowers mine then we go left, But if I win we go right." Trover explained.

Trover took a couple steps back. He closed his eyes and started meditating. Aliyah did the same.

Trover's body started glowing with a light green aura. Aliyah's body was covered in a dark green.


Trover shot is aura straight at Aliyah. Aliyah quickly shot back.

Both started pushing harder and harder.

"That the best you've got!?" She said mockingly.

She laughed and took a step forward. Easily overpowering Trover's aura.

Trover went flying and landed on a couple dead bodies.

"I win." She said.

"I forgot she was a damn leader of a clan." Trover whispered to himself.

"Looks like we're going right! Let's move out." She said.

"Hey, woman! You almost knocked me out and my earrings off!" Trover said.

Trover could see Aliyah's flames fading away in the darkness.

"Oh shit, Wait up!" He yelled in desperation.

He ran and ran, trying to catch up to her. "Where the did she go!?" He asked himself, while out of breath.

"Shit, shit, this wasn't the plan, Aliyah! We have to stick together and find out where-"

Trover stopped talking when he heard a loud engine running. He could feel the ground beneath him moving.

He collapsed on top of dead bodies. "This ain't a tunnel…it's a transportation machine!" He said to himself.

"Ok, ok, calm down, Trover! Your better than this. Just breath…in, and out."

(I'll pretend to be a dead corps. And once they take me to where I need to go then…I'll do research and get the hell out of here)

Trover could finally see light. "Time to get busy." He whispered.

He put a couple bodies on top of him. He went numb and lay there with the bodies.

Trover felt the ground disappear. He was falling now. He quickly grabbed a body and put it underneath him.

The impact of the fall wasn't to bad. Trover was just laying there, not saying a word.

He opened his eyes to see three young men searching through the bodies.

(Teens?) he asked himself.

Trover reached behind him and grabbed his staff. (Can't kill them. I'll just knock them out whenever they get close enough)

The two guys creeped closer and closer. Trover was about to make his move until he heard one of them speaking.

"We have to find strong and healthy ones, man! If we don't then I don't know what's going to happen to my family!"

"It'll be ok. Just calm down and look closely! We have to bring them to her anyways. Then she'll bring it to the king."

"I guess your right."

(I wouldn't mind finding out where to go but…I can stay down here and find out some information. Or should I go with them? Shit,shit,Trover you always put yourself in these situations, damn it!)

(I'll just count on you for the time being, Aliyah. Make sure you stay down here and find out what's going on. I'm going to find this so-called "her") Trover thought to himself.

Trover flipped the body over quickly and jumped on another one. The two men turned around quickly and stared at Trover.

"We found one!" He yelled out.

They both ran over with smiles on their faces. "It's strange though."

"What's strange?" The guy asked him.

"This is the most bodies we've ever received. Usually it's people around are age or younger. But all of a sudden we have hundreds of people and all ages." The man said.

The other guy put a hand on his chin.

"Yeah, that's true. I heard that the whole clan was destroyed!"

"I mean…usually the person that does all the kidnapping is Winter. You think she killed all these people!?"

"No, of course not! It was definitely someone else. She just showed up in time and collected all these people."

"She was with some guy the other night. I forget his name. Uhh, Jerome, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it!"

"Jerome Soul!? The reaper guy? From all the stories I've been told, I though he'd be bigger!" The man said with a laugh.

They picked up Trover and carried him out of the room.

Trover opened his eyes a little bit to see a roof and lights.

(Walking down a hall now. A woman with the name "Winter" has Jerome. They're taking me to her now. Nows my chance, I know I'm underground now!")

Trover spun around and grabbed his staff from his back pocket. While spinning he hit the guy carrying him in the back of the head. Knocking him out.

Trover did a backflip and landed it. "You-your a-"

Before the man could say anything else, Trover had already put his hands around the man's mouth.

Trover pushed a little button on the side of his staff. A long blade appeared from the end of it. He held it at the man's throat.

"Listen carefully and answer honestly." He said in a low, intimidating voice.

"I-ok." The man whispered in fear.

"You said earlier you seen Jerome, am I right? Where is he being held? And who is this "Winter"? Trover asked.

He lowered his hand slowly from the guys mouth.

"Jerome is being held further down the hall. It's gonna be a blue door with a chain on it!" The guy answered.

"Who the hell is Winter!?" Trover asked.

"S-she's the second in command! Right under the king. Please don't kill me!" The guy begged.

Trover lowered the staff from the guy's neck. "Don't beg for your life in front of your enemies. It makes you look weak and soft. Makes me wanna kill you!" Trover said.

The man turned around slowly and was confused to see a smile on Trover's face.

"I'm just kidding! Haha geez, you really thought I was gonna kill you there, huh?"

Trover's smile disappeared and with a straight face he said. "I'm just gonna beat you to a pulp, kid. You shouldn't be helping kidnapping."

Trover grabbed his staff and hit the guy on the head. The guy fell on the floor and was knocked out cold.

Trover spun his staff around in a flashy fashion.

"Step one complete. Now then…time to find Jerome!" He said.

Trover started jogging down the hall. Every second he went faster and faster.

Trover was moving so fast that the lights behind him were shaking. He disappeared into thin air.

Trover stopped immediately when noticing a blue door with chains.

When he stopped. A strong force of wind almost knocked him over.

"I wasn't moving that fast…damn." He whispered.

Trover knocked on the door only to hear no one say anything.

"Hello!?" Trover yelled as he kicked the door down.

He froze when he could see a woman holding a blade to Jerome's neck.

"So, you guys did come for him. How many of you are there? Are you a troop?" The woman asked.

"Man, you have a lovely voice." Trover said.

The woman put the blade on Jerome's neck. Jerome started bleeding. "If you don't answer my question…I'm going to slice his neck." She threatened.

"I wish I could do that for you! But…I'd rather you not do that." Trover laughed.

"Hey, Jerome! You should really see the look on your face right now, You look so pissed! Trover pulled out a phone and took a picture.

"See. You look like your ready to KILL somebody! Oh and I stole this from a human a while ago…kinda cool, right?" Trover asked.

The woman moved her arm. Before she could stab Jerome. Trover already grabbed her arm.

"You move well." She said.

"Thank you. But your very cold…I think your actually freezing my hand-"

Before he could say anything else. The woman ripped off her arm and grew a new one back. She jumped away from Trover and stood in the door way.

"I've never seen a frost clan user for that before. You must be Winter…am I right!?"

The woman said nothing. She slowly walked towards Trover and Jerome.

Trover cut the chains around Jerome's arms. Jerome fell on the ground and popped up fast.

"Give me my sword!" Jerome demanded.

Trover looked to his right and threw it at Jerome. Without looking, Jerome caught the sword and stared into the eyes of Winter.

"Did you bring…Frost with you!?" She asked.

"No don't say anything, Trover!"

"Oh, Frost? Yes of course he's here!"

Winter stared at the floor and looked back up. Her face was covered in red. "My little brother…is finally home!" She said anger.

"Trover we have to escape and now!" Jerome said.

Trover raised an eyebrow. "Run? She doesn't seem all that strong!"

"Trover listen to me."

"We have to protect Frost, No matter what! They want him! They wanted us to come here and we fell right in their trap!" Jerome explained.

(He's weakened. He can barley stand. I won't have help running and I can't let her reach the surface. Which means…) Trover snapped out of his thought and pressed forward.

"I hope that woman is fine killing her own." Winter whispered.

Trover stopped in place. "Wh-you knew?"

"Of course. I can see a lot with these eyes." She said.

Trover had a shocking look on his face. Winter was blocking the door way.

"But don't worry. Since you've delivered him to us there's no need for a war to break out. And there's no need for me to tell my father. I'll just kill you three here and now!" She said.

(Shit. Aliyah's all alone too. I need to let Jerome escape and find her immediately. As long as the plan goes well on the surface we should be fine.) Trover thought to himself.

Trover ran at Winter. "Bring it on!" He yelled.

Meanwhile in the dark tunnel.

Aliyah walked alone still looking for a way out.

Aliyah could hear footsteps that sounded like they were sprinting towards her. She quickly turned around to see nothing.

"Is anyone here? Trover?"

No response.

She kept walking alone in the dark.