
Island of Lost Gamers

Island of Lost Gamers follows David Green, an ordinary man thrust into a deadly game on a mysterious island where RPG mechanics rule survival. Alongside a group of strangers, David must navigate treacherous landscapes, battle monstrous creatures, and uncover ancient secrets—all while dark forces manipulate them from within. As they struggle to stay alive, David evolves from a regular man into a leader, but the cost is high. Betrayals, deadly encounters, and the lure of powerful relics test their resolve. In a world where trust is scarce and the stakes are life or death, David and his group must decide who to trust and how far they’re willing to go to survive. Island of Lost Gamers is a thrilling blend of survival and dark fantasy, perfect for fans of The Hunger Games and Sword Art Online.

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43 Chs

First Impressions of Lumera

The streets were alive with activity—merchants hawking their goods, children darting between the legs of passersby, and the constant hum of conversation that filled the air.

David's eyes scanned the crowds, his instincts honed from weeks of survival on the island keeping him alert to any potential threats. Automatically, he activated his observation skill, curious to see what levels the people of Lumera had achieved.

What he saw was unexpected. Many of the inhabitants were only level 15 to 30, far lower than he had anticipated for a city of this size and significance. Despite their age and apparent experience, their progress seemed slow compared to his own. In just two months, David had fought his way to level 10, each battle hard-fought and earned through blood and sweat.

"This place is different," David muttered, more to himself than to the others. "I thought everyone would be stronger."

Alex, walking beside him, nodded in agreement. "It's like they're… comfortable. Like they don't need to push themselves anymore."

"Maybe they've found a way to live without constant fighting," Emily suggested, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Not everyone wants to risk their life every day."

David's gaze drifted over the bustling marketplace, where merchants bartered with customers over strange, glowing wares. There was a sense of normalcy here that felt alien to him, as if the people of Lumera had learned to coexist with the dangers of the island in a way he hadn't yet understood.

As they moved deeper into the city, something else caught David's eye. A group of children played in a nearby square, their laughter echoing off the stone walls. It was a sight that stopped him in his tracks—he hadn't expected to see children here, in a place where survival was supposed to be paramount.

"They're Natplays," Emily said softly, noticing his surprise. "Born here on the island. They don't get their system until they're fifteen, but they're still trained from a young age. They use potions, herbs… anything that can give them an edge before they become players."

David watched the children, a mix of emotions churning in his gut. The idea that these kids would one day be thrust into the same deadly struggle he was in now was unsettling. They were so carefree, so unaware of the harsh reality that awaited them.

"How do they manage?" Mike asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity. "Living here without a system, I mean."

"Must be the community," David speculated, his eyes narrowing as he observed the interactions around them. "They've probably built a society where they look out for each other. But still… it's hard to imagine."

As they walked, David's thoughts kept returning to the low-level inhabitants and the children. Lumera was a city of contradictions—both a sanctuary and a battleground. Here, survival seemed to mean more than just fighting; it meant adapting, finding new ways to live, and perhaps even choosing a life without constant conflict.

The marketplace bustled with life, a cacophony of voices, haggling, and the rich scents of exotic foods and spices wafting through the air. David led the group through the crowded street, his eyes darting from stall to stall, taking in the variety of goods on display. It was their first day in Lumera, and already they were faced with the challenge of adapting to this new environment.

His stomach growled as they passed a food stall, and David realized just how hungry he was. The stall was laden with fresh fruits, dried meats, and loaves of bread that looked far more appealing than the foraged meals they had been surviving on. He glanced at the others, who were also eyeing the food with a mix of hunger and curiosity.

"I'll get us something to eat," David said, stepping forward. He reached into his pouch and pulled out a handful of coins, their blue glow catching the light. These were the Valrho, the magical currency that Marcus had given them before they parted ways.

Approaching the vendor, David held up a few of the glowing coins. "How much for some of the dried meat and bread?"

The vendor, an older woman with sharp eyes and a quick smile, assessed the group with a practiced gaze. "For you, fresh off the island, eh?" she remarked, her tone a mix of curiosity and understanding. "Two blue Valrho for the meat, one for the bread."

As David handed over the glowing blue Valrho coin to the merchant, his mind drifted back to the conversation he had with Marcus on their journey to Lumera. The memory was as clear as day, and he could almost hear Marcus's voice echoing in his ears.

"We're getting closer to Lumera," Marcus had said, reaching into his pouch and pulling out a handful of small, glowing coins. The way the light danced off the coins had caught everyone's attention. "These are Valrho coins, the currency of the island. You'll be using these to buy anything you need in the city."

David had stared at the coins, his curiosity piqued. "Valrho? What are they made of? They don't look like any currency I've seen before."

"That's because they're not just ordinary coins," Marcus had explained, his tone serious yet informative. "They're crafted from a mineral called Valrho, found deep within the island's core. It's a rare, magical substance that can store and channel energy. These coins aren't just for trading—they're also used in crafting, potion-making, and rituals. Think of them as the lifeblood of the island's economy."

Emily, always the one to dig deeper, had leaned in closer. "So, they're like a power source?"

"Exactly," Marcus had confirmed with a nod. "The brighter the glow, the purer the Valrho in the coin, and the more valuable it is. The Lost Bank, which controls the currency, has perfected the process of refining these coins. They're incredibly stable, but don't let that fool you—they're also incredibly valuable. A single Valrho coin can be the difference between life and death in this place."

Alex had seemed particularly fascinated, his mind no doubt already racing with ideas for using the coins in his crafting. "But if they're so valuable, how did they come to be used as currency? What's their history?"

Marcus had sighed then, as if recalling a long-forgotten tale. "The history of Valrho coins goes back to the earliest days of Lumera, when the city was just beginning to form. No one knows exactly how old the island is, but the coins have been around for as long as anyone can remember. The Lost Bank was established to manage the flow of these coins, ensuring they're only used by those who truly understand their worth. Over time, the coins became the standard currency, not just because of their value, but because they're tied to the very essence of the island itself."

Mike had nodded thoughtfully, absorbing every word. "So, it's not just about buying things. It's about power, too."

 Marcus voice taking on a more serious tone. "The Valrho coins represent more than just wealth—they represent the power to survive, to thrive, and to manipulate the very fabric of the island. In Lumera, you'll see people trading these coins for everything from weapons to information. But remember, these coins can be used in other ways as well. Some crafters use them to enhance their creations, while others use them in spells or rituals."

David had taken one of the coins, turning it over in his hand, the glow reflecting in his eyes. "So, these are more than just money. They're a key to the island's power."

Marcus had nodded. " In Lumera, you'll find that power and wealth are often one and the same. But don't get too attached to these coins. They're a means to an end, nothing more. Use them wisely, and they'll serve you well. But remember, they're just tools. What really matters is how you use them."

The memory faded as David returned to the present, watching the merchant carefully inspect the Valrho coin before handing back his change—lesser coins with a dimmer glow.

David handed over the coins, noting the smooth, cool texture of the Valrho as they changed hands. The vendor counted them quickly before reaching into her till to give him change. She handed back a few smaller coins—less bright, with a darker hue, almost black with a faint, barely visible glow.

"These are your change," she said, holding them out. "Lower denomination, but still worth something."

As they ate, the group continued to navigate the market, their movements marked by the unease of being in a new and unfamiliar place. They couldn't help but feel out of place, their worn and tattered clothes making them stand out among the well-dressed locals. The people of Lumera moved with a confidence that only came from familiarity, while David and his group were constantly on edge, their eyes flicking around, expecting danger at every turn.

The locals seemed to notice this, their gazes lingering on the group with a mix of curiosity and pity. David could hear snippets of conversation as they passed by.

"New players, just arrived on the island…"

"They look like they've been through hell…"

"Poor souls, they'll learn soon enough…"

The words stung, but they also reinforced the reality of their situation. They were outsiders here, fresh arrivals in a city that had its own rules, its own way of life. And if they were going to survive, they would have to adapt quickly.

Their path eventually led them to a large building with a sign that read "Green Rhino Inn." The structure was solid, built from dark stone with wooden accents, and it exuded a sense of warmth and security that was inviting after their long journey.

As they entered the inn, the first thing that struck them was the size of the man behind the counter. He was massive, with green skin that glistened under the dim lighting, muscles bulging under his simple tunic. His eyes were sharp and bright, but his expression was surprisingly welcoming.

"Welcome to the Green Rhino," he said in a deep, rumbling voice. "You lot look like you could use a good meal and a place to rest."

David stepped forward, his instincts urging him to be cautious. He activated his observation skill, curious about the innkeeper's stats. But all that appeared before his eyes were question marks—nothing more. The realization hit him hard: this man was far more powerful than anyone they had encountered so far.

"Thank you," David replied, keeping his tone respectful. "We're looking for a place to stay for a while. Marcus from the Red Temple recommended this inn."

The innkeeper's eyes lit up at the mention of Marcus. "Ah, Marcus! He's an old friend. If he sent you here, you're in good hands. I'll make sure you're well taken care of."

The innkeeper's friendly demeanor put the group at ease, at least for the moment. But David couldn't shake the feeling of how small and insignificant they were in this place. As they settled into their rooms, the weight of their journey and the challenges ahead pressed down on them.

In the common area, voices carried over from other guests, many of them discussing the upcoming tournament. The buzz of excitement was palpable, with mentions of different temples and the stakes involved. It was clear that in Lumera, competition was fierce, and the tournament was at the heart of it all.

David listened, taking it all in, but his mind was elsewhere.