
Chapter 7 Part 4

- Silas -

Tonight, I was with my subordinates for a different matter altogether.

"So tell me all about the Exorcist who attacked us?" I asked Yuri and Narberal.

"It was an Eastern Exorcist, Onmyoji I think people here call them. He looked like a child. We made a portrait of him for the information gathering. Unfortunately, we don't have an information network in this world and can't find any information about this guy."

"He's an Onmyoji. Our base is surrounded by areas belonging to the Kyoto Youkai and the Five Principal Clans who are the five most prominent clans in the country, blessed by the Shinto deities. Their main powers come from the divine beast each house worships. The Kyoto Youkai on the other hand are under Yasaka, a nine tailed fox, a priestess of the Goddess Amaterasu, the Head of the Shinto Pantheon. The reason why this area was unclaimed was because there were often fights which mainly took place in this town, so both sides avoided taking this town so that they avoid any unnecessary troubles." Lavinia explained.

"So basically, we are in a buffer zone between two big forces of the country?"


I sighed.

"Say, you said they are both subordinates of the Shinto… then why do they fight?" Shuna asked.

"The Onmyoji and the Youkai hate each other. They basically hunt each other so the hatred's part of the work. The Shinto only interferes when things get too out of hand. They are both quite strong forces, after all." Lavinia offered.

"Or the Shinto let them fight within themselves to keep them in check? Could be anything. They are independent forces after all." Tanya suggested.

"What did you find from the Youkai who attacked us before?" I asked Yuri.

"They were from a Youkai faction known as the Shikoku Youkai. The one in the lead was the son of the previous head. He was planning to take over this area and make the Kyoto Youkai and the Five Principal Clans fight against each other as the inheritors of the Divine Beasts are still young. In the midst of this, they were planning to assassinate the leader of the Kyoto Youkai and make a name for themselves while taking over Kyoto as their territory. They wanted to compete with the Eastern Youkai's leader Nurarihyon who had defeated the previous leader of the Kyoto Youkai before Yasaka, Hagoromo Gitsune. We were targeted because we were in the place."

… so basically some wannabe kids were trying to be dumb hotshots and got fucked up.

Hmm, what to do now?

I thought of something and under the advice of Dantalion, gave the order.

"Lavinia, can you get the basic information about these factions from your friends? If they are reluctant to do so due to you not being a part of them anymore, offer a trade. If you can get the information about the guy himself, even better."

She nodded and I turned to Shuna.

"Send Yuna to the Shikoku Youkai along with the prisoner. Exchange him for every bit of information they can give. I want to know why an Exorcist and a Youkai group would be working together? Tell her to take twenty Kijin as backup." There was a chance that they might have been used.

Yuna was Souei's elder sister and was very calm in general. She was also very good at infiltration and espionage like her brother. In fact, Souei was taught most of his skills by her.

As for the twenty Kijin, they were just for safety. I didn't know how strong the faction was. Going there alone would be stupid.

"Send Hiro to this Nurarihyon guy and inform them about what you found and ask if they can give us some information about this Onmyoji and Japanese Supernatural Society in general. Send a couple of Kijin with him as well but not much. We don't want to make this visit seem like a threat but more of an introduction." Our background was that of a recluse Oni tribe that was from one of the abandoned islands of Japan and came to the mainland to explore the world. As such looking for allies and information would be the most important and common thing to do.

With their orders done, I turned towards the others.

"In the meanwhile, fortify this place to a level where we can withstand the attack of a Daemon Duke at the very least. We will think of what to do next. As for the materials, use the money we got from the city. I will ask for some help from Zeref and see what to do from there."

"Yes Master."

Our meeting ended and I relaxed while the rest went on to their work.

Shuna and Lavinia stayed back and snuggled by my side.

"This work is hard. Why can't these people just leave us alone?" I sighed as they rested on my chest.

The two had gotten very clingy after the incident and I didn't mind either. We were too busy for anything sexual but we were a lot closer than before without a shred of doubt.

"We will make our home. A place for us to live peacefully."



We retired to our bed as they disrobed. I did say that we were a lot closer than before.

I felt a hand slide up and down my length, slowly making me hard. I looked at the culprit and found Lavinia looking at me with half open eyes. She whispered into my ears. "Sil-kun has worked very hard. Let me help you relax a little."

I didn't say anything and just relaxed more as she moved under the blanket and soon enough, I felt a hot breath on my length followed by a kiss at the tip. The warm touch made me let out a sigh of pleasure, making Shuna aware of what was happening.

Not wanting to be left behind, she turned me towards her with a slight pout before capturing my lips and I entertained her by pushing my tongue into her mouth.

One of my hands dragged her on my chest as the other went below the blanket on Lavinia's head, gently caressing her hair.

It didn't take me long to let out the first load, relieving a lot of my stress.

But the girls were not done yet. Lavinia gulped down everything and then cleaned herself with a spell as she came on my chest and Shuna went below the blanket this time and exchanged places. I captured Lavinia's lips as her massive breasts pressed on my chest. Their combined efforts made me reach the peak for a second time soon.

And I didn't want to leave them unattended so for the last time, I was the one who went under the blankets as the girls hugged each other and their moans echoed through the room once more.

- Lavinia -

She waited for Azazel in the room. She had asked for a meeting to discuss the information on the exorcist.

Ikki had accompanied her because he was interested in this world and wanted to see real Fallen Angels for himself.

The door to the room was opened and Azazel walked in.

His eyes widened slightly looking at them.

"So, why this sudden meeting, Lavinia? Don't tell me you have fallen for my charm too?" He smiled.

"You are a very charming guy Governor but I am already taken so I will have to pass."

"Oh, what a surprise. So, who's the lucky guy? Him?" He looked at Ikki beside her.

"No. He is just a friend. He wanted to see Fallen Angels for himself and came with me. Can we get to the topic?" She asked.

"Hmm, that would depend on the topic, dear. I don't even know what you want."

"Information." She brought out the picture of the guy and kept it on the table. "I want any and all information on this guy."

He looked at the picture and raised an eyebrow. "That's… certainly a face I didn't expect to see. Where did you even encounter him? Many thought he was dead for centuries. Then again, his clan has always been good at sorcery and with their part Youkai ancestry, it's not something out of scope. But…" He looked at her directly. "Why should I give you any information? You did quit. We let you go as well. As far as we are concerned, we shouldn't have any kind of connection."

"I am not asking this for free. I am here for a trade." She brought out the Unique Grade Weapon which Sil-kun had gained from the Majin under Clayman. "This sword is called the Ice Blade. This is my offer for the information on this guy as well as the information on Youkai of Japan generally."

- Azazel -

He paused for a moment at the sight of the sword.

The first thing he had noticed when he had entered the room was the massive increase in the magic power Lavinia was showing. Not to mention, the boy beside her who was around the same level. How long was it since their last meeting? She was an Ultimate Class easily and that's not even counting her Longinus.

If she could use her Balance Breaker with this amount of power…

What method had they used to increase their power so much?

All these thoughts circled his mind as he talked to her.

The chill from the blade was felt even from where he was sitting. He picked it up and checked it with a few analysis type spells and the results were quite astonishing. The blade itself was at the level of Excalibur Fragments, a bit stronger maybe.

Blades such as these couldn't be unknown and yet… he didn't recognise this one. Was it newly created?

If so, who created it?

The runes and engravings on the blade were completely foreign and he didn't recognize them at all. Not to mention the metal itself. He pushed some of his magic power into the sword and the icy aura spread out from the blade, freezing the surroundings.

He looked back at the girl who was becoming nothing short of an enigma in his eyes.

"This is quite nice. I am more interested in the creator of the blade though. Where did you find this?" he asked.

"One of my friends was attacked by its user. He's dead and we got the blade." She answered quite honestly as he didn't detect any lie in her words. He was honestly expecting no reply.

"Do we have a deal?"

"Can I still not meet your teacher?" he probed her again.

"My teacher wishes to remain away from the Supernatural world. If not for this guy attacking one of ours, I wouldn't even have bothered."

"He attacked?" Azazel asked for more but got no answer. He let out a sigh internally and continued. "Okay deal."

The next few hours, he answered all their questions and gave them the information they needed before she got up to leave.

"By the way, if you want any more trades in the future, tell me."

"I will keep that in mind. Thank you for helping me today, Azazel."

"Oh by the way, didn't your friend want to see Fallen Angels? What do you say, want to go to an Oppai Club?" He asked the boy who looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"N-no. Thank you. I was just interested in how Fallen Angels trained. I heard that there were humans who trained under Fallen Angels too and was a bit curious." He replied very politely.

"The children at the Nephilim Academy? Yes. In fact Lavinia was a member for a while. Come, I'll take you there." He escorted them, hoping to learn something about their skills. In fact, he was going to keep an eye on the Seimei clan and see what happens to them to know just what kind of people Lavinia was with right now.

They soon reached the training grounds where the kids were training.

Tobio was sparring with Kouki and the girls faced off against one another as Kokabiel watched over them. They saw them enter and stopped their fight and looked at them.

"This is the Slash Dog team, the up and coming group of the Nephilim Academy. They all have Sacred Gears with Tobio owning a Longinus just like Lavinia."

"A longinus? That's very strong. I have only seen Lavinia-san use hers but their power was amazing." The boy remarked.

"Well obviously. They are called weapons which can kill a God for a reason. You wanted to see the training, right? They are around the same age as you. Why don't you go and spar with them?"

"Me? No no. I will only disturb their training." He denied.

"Not a problem. You will just give them a new perspective. Go on." He looked at Lavinia who nodded. "Okay, listen up everyone. We have a guest for training today. His name is Ikki. Tobio, get in the line for a spar." He ordered.

Vali, in the meanwhile ran up to Lavinia and sat with her as they watched the spars.

In the next fifteen minutes, the guy called Ikki completely decimated the entire Slash Dog team with his swordsmanship alone. First solo and then against all of them at once.

He hadn't used any kind of magic at all. Just pure strength of the body and skill in swordsmanship.

"Is he one of your teacher's students too?" he asked Lavinia.

"Ikki-kun? No. He is more of a swordsman and a friend of my boyfriend. My teacher is a magician although he does know some martial arts."

"Your boyfriend? Is it that Sil-kun guy you were talking about?" Vali said something and he perked up his ears to hear.

"Umm. Sil-kun is my boyfriend." She smiled.

"Are you sure he is not tricking you?" Vali replied arrogantly.

"Eh? No way. I don't think so. After all, I am the one who went after him." She smiled, making the boy quiet all of a sudden. "Are you worried about me, Va-kun?"

"Hmph, who would be worried about you?"

"Don't worry. Sil-kun loves me a lot. I am very happy there. One day, I will take you to meet him if you want. He is a very good chef. I am sure you will love his ramen."

Vali's eyes lit up a little but he still maintained his fake stoic look.

Azazel mentally noted down the name for investigation later.

"Those children will need more training. But your friend is very skilled, Lavinia."

"Hmm, Ikki-kun works very hard."

The boy returned back soon. "They are very good students. I can see that they are new but they are quite talented." The boy said.

"That they are. But you are nothing less yourself. I haven't seen such good swordsmanship on many. What do you say, wanna join Grigori?"

"Eh? No no. I am fine where I am. Thank you for satiating my curiosity." He bowed and Azazel sighed inwardly.

He looked at them as they left. He will have to keep an eye on the Seimei Clan now.

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