
Isekai Harem Nation-Building Chronicle

How a high-school boy who failed everything in his previous life, ended up in the isekai world of Western Continent, where he became the saviour of lowly demi-human girls and led a revolution against humans and crowning the entire Continent. The writing is exquisitely detailed, vividly depicting the magnificent landscapes of a strange world full of wonders, and intricacies of national military and political struggles, as well as the most primal carnal desires.

Dominionite · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Set Sail (Intermission)

Warm sunlight seeps through the depth of the forest lush, brushing gently over the the steaming hot spring. Reflected in the mist and dew, vast green of woods mirrors upside down, as if tiny, curious sprites dancing joyfully in the fresh morning air.

I tightly hold the sleeping beauty in my arms, carefully stroking through the hairs of hazy scatter, and gazing tirelessly at her rosy cheeks while sweeping over those papaya-shaped breasts and could not help but once again admiring the wild lips of hers I had conquered last night. 

"Ah... this is MY woman... Mine alone... "

Recalling the sensual fairyland we journeyed through last night, and the pure madness of physical integration with Lisa, leaves me yearning for more, while marvelling at my sexual transformation into manhood thanks to this woman I have subdued.

"She... belongs to me... my woman... hehe"

I slowly glide over her bare shoulders with a touch of steaming moist, evoking an inexplicable sense of satisfaction within. Of course, I'm well aware that this is mere a manifestation of the male possessiveness after sexual intimacy, a self-congratulatory behaviour for having claimed the power to dictate the rights for female impregnation.

Gazing at the spectacle of the rising sun while my brain emptily drifting, I suddenly came to an epiphany and quickly pull up the status panel next, searching through the texts for the anticipated changes:


Mamoru Zhang - Lv 3, Male, 19 year-old, Human




- Saviour of Demi-Humans (Permanently bound via a master-servant relationship with demi-humans; Boosted attributes for bound demi-humans vocations)

- Deflowered (Virginal body baptized through sexual intercourse, forming a master-servant relationship with female demi-humans through physical union, restoring beauty and youth at each intercourse) 



As expected, having the taste of sex for the first time had me graduated from <Virginity > and advancing my Entitlement to the <Deflowered >. That said, restoring beauty and youth via intercourse with a demi-woman is just unbelievable to the point of cheating... All the women at the Camp might just throw themselves at me if they found out.

And wow, I've reached level 3 ? How and when did that happen?

Reflecting on the past few days, aside from treating Lisa's illness and love carnival last night, I haven't done anything extraordinary... Could casting healing magic and making love also counts as gaining experience points?

"Sigh... all this... This all came about.. too easily..." I can't help but laughing in bitterness.

It's rather ironic when I think about it. Remembering my previous life, how my parents struggled on daily just enough to put food on the table and a roof over my head, while I lived a life disheartened by school bullying - a total loser that failed everything.

And yet, in this world, I've become a hero to the demi-humans, securing the heart of a beauty, and writing the story of a winner without spending much efforts.

These life-changing twists in the past few days feel surreal. And suddenly, a strong wave of doubt and anxiety floods my composure, fearing all might have been a wishful dream, that could be shattered by the harsh alarm of reality at any moment. 

"Ah, good morning, Lord Mamoru... I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were awake... About last night... Huh? Lord Mamoru...? What's wrong?"

Lisa gazed upon my face of sorrows with immediate care, her eyes filled with tender affection.

"Lisa... is all this real...? Are you... really my woman...?"

My eyes reddened, tears welling up, resembling a lost child seeking inexplicable solace from the woman before me, who radiated a maternal presence.

"Lord Mamoru... What's... What's happening...?"

Lisa, seeing my near-despair, pulled me into her warm embrace, gently caressing my hair, and spoke with overflowing fondness:

"Lord Mamoru... I AM your woman... I belong only to you. Every inch of my skin, every strand of my hair, the heart beating in my chest, and... and... the chastity of my femininity... all of it belongs to you alone."

Her words of unequivocal affirmation brought me to relief. Withholding the tears that verge to spill and the cry of release from within, I abruptly stuck out my tongue, eagerly suckling on her exposed nipples, as if a newborn frantically seeking comfort from the mother's embrace.


Lisa, overwhelmed with maternal instincts, held my head tightly in her arms, as the tip of her nipples began to secrete juices of love.


Her intermittent moans were filled with affirmation for my heart of doubts.

At this moment, memories flashing through since my reincarnation like a spinning carousel, began with wrongful imprisonment, following the fortuitous encounter with Lilifa and making my first kill.

Then came the unexpected ascension to tribal power in the Camp​​, and now, the intimate union with Lisa... It seemed as if all were somehow fated from the very beginning...

I raised my head up and looked into Lisa's eyes, finding a long-lost sense of belonging as well as happiness worth fighting for with my life.

Yes... I am no longer alone.

"Thank you... Lisa... Speaking of which... we should probably... umm! I mean, we should head back... Otherwise, the Shaman and everyone at the Camp​​ will be worried..."

I quickly brushed off the gloom on my face, trying to resume the lofty Saviour façade I had before in all clumsiness.

"Ms. Shaman...? Oh... yes, right, Lord Mamoru, let's... head back"

Her tone somewhat tinged with a hint of jealousy, replied with a graceful smile on her face.

"True strength comes from living up to one's beliefs... whether for good or evil."

Grandma, I will stay true to my beliefs and protect everything I hold dear in this world. Even if it means bringing harm upon others, or wrecking havoc to the world, I will stop at nothing and courageously forge ahead!

In this moment, the seed of an emperor sprouts within me, laying an unshakeable foundation for the liberation of the demi-race and conquering the Western Continent with my wills of iron.