
Life in a Town

I took a rest and woke in the evening because of my hunger. The room was quite small, one bed per room. We had to spend 1 gold coins for 8 nights in case we have to come back after the examination. I got off the bed. We all agreed that Elvera and Liz can take the bed for 4 days and we'll take the other four. They both decided they wanted the last 4 so I got the bed for 4 days... yay!

"Woke up?" Liz was training with her op lighting sword.

"If you hit someone with that I'm sure they'd die," I remarked

"Yeah... I don't care" So mean... she probably thinks that people are like NPCs here. They don't matter. She uses people like puppets, she seems genuine, but I've only seen the real her. She used to be kind and caring, but a vulnerable heart can only be damage for so long until it changes to fit wherever for survival.

"Where's the other two?"

"They went out to get some food. So mash potatoes are probably for dinner today. Only mash potatoes too. Hope you survive"

"I'll be fine" People can survive for days without food. I'm just wondering how we can split it throughout 7 days if the examination doesn't provide any replenishments.

Jack and Jess eventually got back and us two ate in silence. When I really think about it, outside of the game, except me and Liz we don't really hang out in real life. Liz and Aurelius have also been awfully quiet about the god dude in our dreams.

"So! Anyone got any new info from that god guy?" I tried to spark up a conversation

"Same as you two. You might not know, but we were awake when you both spoke to each other. We just had a silent conversation... that's all" Jack said in a monotoned voice

So they that it, I guess.

We all are curious about this world and we have a lot of knowledge of FB2, but that's all we have in common. I usually hang out with Kai and Jack usually hangs out with Daniel. Jack and Daniel were kinda nerds. Me, Kai and some other guys were the "popular boy's group". Jess was in the "popular girl's group". Liz doesn't have any groups, she just hops around cause she gets along with everyone.

We finished our food and then slept. Jess seemed to have a hard time sleeping on the floor, but Liz was the first to knock out. I was the second.

It went black and I woke up again. It was so fast and so peaceful, it won't last this long though. We need to make ourselves entertaining. I checked my view count:

Views: 2,360

Goals: <Completed>

Groups Completed: Mokusei's group 3,110 views

Yours Truly's group 2,360 views

Delta's group 1,710 views

Cyrus's group 1,680 views

Who's Cyrus? The name's so fancy. I had a confused look to me.

"Cyrus is Leo. Our perfect student council member. If you didn't know, you can actually pick the name for your group. It's chosen by the one who has the best stats aka me. I guess I'm the only one who didn't just use their username" Liz explained

"What time is it?" I asked. The sun wasn't completely up yet from the windows of our room. From the sky, it seems to be about 6 or 7 am. We have to be at ISTA on 12 but we should get there at least 45 minutes early and it's an hour walk so we leave here at 10:15. We'll eat about 30 minutes so we can just walk around the town until nine.

"Why would I know? We can't even be sure that hours are a thing here"

"The concept of time is a thing, the poster said 12:00"

"True. We still can't be sure about lots of things though. Like magic, in the old world, we just press a button, but now there are no buttons to press. Ara told me that elements are also a thing here too. Also, we still have no idea how to read and write in this language so we'll have to guess our way to the end"

I don't think I'd remember this whole weird magic system. Such a pain. Magic's just magic. Why do people like making these things so complicated? Even so, I do agree with the language thing. If we can't read it'll pose a major problem sooner or later.

"Let's go get breakfast," I said then I woke Jack and Jess up. We got to Kai and Daniel's room to wake them up, but they were already awake. They looked more geared up than yesterday. Their room was a lot bigger and they had a clear mirror. This is probably the results of my bargaining though.

I looked into the mirror, I finally saw my reflection in the mirror. I created someone I wanted to be. Rational, cunning and unwavering to emotional situations. I cloaked myself in black because it looked like it fitted my persona and inside was a dark red and some gold decorations. My sword was hanging from my back, it was black with silver linings.

I had glowing purple eyes and raven black hair. My avatar is rather skinny, belying my extreme physical prowess. Out of everyone, my statistic is the most balanced so I might not be as good as other mages my level in the game, but I can fight them with a sword if I had to.

"Wow, I look beautiful. I mean I'm already pretty in real life, but still" Jess admired herself in the mirror. So arrogant... can't blame her, I'm starting to get infected by it too.

We got out of the inn and walked around a bit. Everyone else wasn't really hungry so I stayed silent about my hunger. It's not a big deal, pain's kinda fun when you're a little numb to it.

"Alright, we're in the zone now" Liz started talking

"What zone?" Everyone else including me asked at the same time

"We're in the main street. We have to ignore every single dark ally way or else some attractive girl will be stuck in a situation that is just made by a very plain douchebag. If we do those girls will keep bothering us for like forever"

"There's no way that's gonna happen" Kai doubted her. I mean it's not some kind of generic isekai... or is it? The magic system is really simple and everything seems to be really generic. Nah! I don't think so. We have a black ally a few steps ahead if this really is a generic world, the girls would be there.

Everyone seemed to doubt her too "We're either gonna hear some douchebags shouting loud enough for us to hear or gonna hear a girl's scream in 3, 2 1"

A girl screamed from the black ally way, but somehow no one else seemed to hear her. There's no way Liz can be right about this... right?

Kai and I sprinted into the ally and saw exactly what Liz told us about

"Don't bother, this is probably a pg anime... no... no one would spend that much money to make us an anime... maybe a manga? Or a light novel? When you think about it, it's probably a crappy web novel and none of us cursed yet so I'm pretty sure it's pg" Liz ranted, why is she acting like this is some sort of game right now?

I know her every since I was a child and I've seen dozens of her personality switches. Of course, Lizzy was her main when she was young, but that changed to Liz. Liz says whatever she thinks and never backs down from a fight. She doesn't change her persona often, but when she does, even barely, I'd know.

"Hey! Take your hands off of them!" Kai shouted recklessly

Going with your guts isn't what I normally do, but I do have morals. "Why don't you corner us? I mean it's not like you're gonna lose in a fight with me right?" I smirked. This should piss them off to the point that they wouldn't care about the girls anymore. Standing as low as those bastards disgust me though.

I can't use my magic even though I'm a mage, how annoying. I looked at their stats:

Overall Powerlevel: 80

and the other's

Overall Powerlevel: 67

Their level 3s trying to mess with the level 60s. Scums like them should try to scale their opponents and also mess with someone their own size. One guy has a dagger and the other had a sword. I haven't felt pain in this world yet... but how bad can it get?

"I know you picked on a defenceless girl so pick on me. Gender equality right? I mean we might have weapons, but you do too" I taunted them to push them a little further. I might not be a good person, but I'm not bad enough to not care.

"We're 2nd year C classes in the ISTA. You don't want to mess with us kid" He finally got to his limits

"Classes? I seem to have none. I scum that makes anyone scream is just a scum at the end of the day" I replied

The stronger one had dark blonde hair and the other had brown hair. They looked really unattractive or maybe even hideous if I wanted to be mean.

The dark blonde scum threw himself right at me. Very brave. So very brave. So very stupid.

I tried to dodge his punch, but it was way faster than I expected. His fist hits me directly on the face. My face was stunned in a position looking down

WHAT THE?! It hurts... it hurts so bad. Just a punch can hurt so much... he shouldn't even be able to scratch me?! I haven't been punched for a long time now. I guess I just didn't remember the pain. I was paralyzed.

Kai seemed really pissed and got sucker-punched on the stomach

Jack was going to aim his bow, but Liz stopped him and walked to me. She kneeled down to make eye contact with me. Her eyes were filled with disappointment, it wasn't Lizzy's eyes. Heck, it wasn't even Liz's normal eyes. These were scary, they were cold and deadly.

"You were so good at fighting, where did all those skills go?" She whispered with those unwavering eyes staring straight right at me.

In the past, I fought to protect the little things that I actually had. If those things were lost I'd have nothing to lose. So I fought dirty and whatever it takes to win, I'd do it. I was going to fight the gentle men's way, but if I won't win then what's the point of fighting.

"Hidden beneath the surface of my morals" I replied smiling. It felt as if there was another person inside of me. I let my instinct drive me. I bent down, and throw the soil from the ground to distract them and swiftly grabbed the blonde guy's dagger and slid both of their faces to make it a little uglier than it already was. Naturally, they scream in pain and agony.

C class doesn't seem so hard to be in. Maybe I'd be in B class. I pinned one of them down and Kai pinned down the other.

Out of nowhere, the surface below us started shaking and the soil was compressed into small balls. The two scums also seemed to be absorbed by the ground. They resurfaced again behind us and the brown-haired guy aimed his sword for my head. Even if I moved, his sword is too long for me to dodge it. Am I really gonna die? I can't die like this...

The ally is engulfed in shadows, people wouldn't see anything from outside the ally. I can grab my sword and slice him in time, but if I swang it that fast I'd kill him. Can I really kill someone? A person's life is worth so much. I know what it's like to lose people you love. To think that you'll never see a certain person again.

So... do I kill? Or be killed?

Sorry, it's a day late! As always I welcome advice and criticism with reasoning since I'm still not that great with my writing skills.

I hope I can make the deadline next time and I'll try my best to upload by tomorrow!

JustMeHereBoredcreators' thoughts