
Isekai Adventures : Ascension with My Erratic Friends

In a Beautiful magical realm of Swords and sorcery, An Aspiring Young Scientist, between his 20s and 30s dies explosion, he begins his extraordinary Journey in his new Isekai world. As he grows up, he creates new friends and enemies, with a mixture of science and magic he cracks the challenges in front. In Every arc, of "Isekai Adventurers with my erratic friends", awaits a new plot, a new character, and much more, join this bizaree journey, and the protagonist keeps moves forward... #superpowers #ecchi ~ Author (Probably)

AJ_Kaidu · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Turbit Valley

As they ate their fill of succulent boar meat, cooked to perfection over the crackling fire, Aetherius found himself savoring not only the food but also the companionship. He had never experienced such camaraderie, such an unspoken understanding between people.

Grimgold, with his gruff exterior and quick wit, was like a father figure to Aetherius.

He had seen things, done things that Aetherius could only begin to imagine. And yet, there was a vulnerability about him that Aetherius couldn't quite put his finger on.

It was as if Grimgold was hiding a secret that he didn't want to share, even with his closest companions.

Elara, on the other hand, was like a sister to him. They had shared so much already in such a short time: laughter, tears, fears, and triumphs. Her strength and resilience in the face of adversity was an inspiration to Aetherius.

She had a way of making even the darkest of situations seem bearable, her gentle voice and reassuring touch somehow managing to ease the weight of their burdens. And despite her obvious skill with a blade, there was a softness about her that he found irresistible.

Aetherius knew that they still had a long journey ahead of them, but for now, he was content to sit by the fire, listening to the crackle of the flames and the laughter of his newfound friends. As he watched the embers dance in the darkness, he couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. He had never felt so alive, so connected to something greater than himself.

Six days already passed by, Grimgold, ever the early riser, was already up and about, tending to their makeshift camp. Elara, still wrapped in her blanket, yawned and stretched lazily. "I think I'm getting used to sleeping on the ground," she murmured with a contented sigh.

Aetherius, on the other hand, tossed and turned restlessly throughout the night, his dreams filled with fragments of his past and fleeting glimpses of a future he couldn't quite comprehend. He woke before the sun, his heart racing and his mind whirling with thoughts and emotions.

He rose silently, not wanting to disturb his companions. Grimgold was already up, tending to their horses, while Elara slept soundly under her blanket. Aetherius moved quietly, gathering his belongings and preparing for the day's journey. The air was crisp and cool, a light mist rising from the ground as the night gave way to dawn.

As they set out once more, Aetherius found himself lost in thought. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that there was a presence lurking in the shadows, watching them. Grimgold seemed to sense his unease and gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "We'll be fine, lad. Trust in your instincts and we'll get through this together."

Elara, ever the attentive teacher, spent the day instructing Aetherius in the finer points of archery. She showed him how to string a bow, how to nock an arrow, and the proper stance for shooting. Her patience was unwavering, her encouragement unyielding. As they practiced in the sun-dappled clearing, Aetherius found himself growing more confident with each shot.

Grimgold, meanwhile, busied himself with maintaining their horses and preparing their supplies. He seemed deep in thought, occasionally glancing over his shoulder as if he sensed something amiss. When Aetherius finally approached him, he looked relieved. "Ah, lad. I was just about to tell you. We're being tailed by someone."

A sense of foreboding filled Aetherius's chest. "Who is it?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Grimgold shrugged. "Don't know for sure, lad. But they've been keeping a fair distance behind us since we left camp this morning. They're good, whoever they are." He paused, glancing at Elara, who had been quietly listening to their exchange. "That's why I wanted to tell you now, Elara. So you'd be on your guard too."

Elara nodded, her expression serious. "We'll be cautious, Grimgold. And Aetherius, don't worry. We'll have your back." She patted his shoulder reassuringly before returning her attention to the horses.

As they continued their journey, Aetherius couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. Every rustle in the brush, every movement out of the corner of his eye, sent a shiver down his spine. He found himself glancing over his shoulder more often than not.

Elara, ever attentive to his mood, offered him a reassuring smile. "We'll be fine, Aetherius. Just keep your guard up and trust in our training." Her voice was calm and steady, but there was a hint of steel beneath her words.

Grimgold nodded in agreement, his eyes darting back and forth between the trees. "Aye, lad. Don't you worry. We'll deal with whoever it is that's following us." He checked his sword, making sure it was easily within reach.

Aetherius took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "But why are they following us? What do they want?"

Elara's expression turned grim. "We can't be sure, Aetherius. But it's likely that someone wants to stop us from reaching the valley. Or perhaps they want to use you for their own purposes." She glanced at Grimgold, her eyes narrowing. "We need to stay alert and keep our guard up."

The Carriage stops and the old man says that they have arrived near the valley of turbit. They Get off from the carriage.

As they step out, Aetherius can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. The sun is low in the sky, casting long shadows across the rolling hills. In the distance, he can see the valley, its lush greenery a stark contrast to the barren landscape that surrounds them. The air is thick with anticipation, and he can almost taste the adventure that awaits them.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, figures clad in black capes appear. They move swiftly and silently, their intentions clear. Elara curses under her breath, drawing her sword with a practiced ease. "Bandits, it seems," she growls. "Grimgold, take cover and be ready to provide backup!"

Grimgold nods, quickly ducking behind a nearby boulder. Aetherius feels a surge of adrenaline as he readies his staff, preparing to defend himself against the oncoming attack. He casts another earth spell, trapping a bandit in a dome of earth, but something feels off. The spell doesn't have its usual strength, and the bandit easily breaks free, launching himself at Aetherius with a snarl !!!

"Know thy enemy and know yourself, in a 100 battles you will never be defeated"

~ Sun Tzu

On hiatus for a year due to 12th Exams !!

AJ_Kaiducreators' thoughts