
Isekai Adventures : Ascension with My Erratic Friends

In a Beautiful magical realm of Swords and sorcery, An Aspiring Young Scientist, between his 20s and 30s dies explosion, he begins his extraordinary Journey in his new Isekai world. As he grows up, he creates new friends and enemies, with a mixture of science and magic he cracks the challenges in front. In Every arc, of "Isekai Adventurers with my erratic friends", awaits a new plot, a new character, and much more, join this bizaree journey, and the protagonist keeps moves forward... #superpowers #ecchi ~ Author (Probably)

AJ_Kaidu · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Growing Up

His father nodded in agreement. "Yes, and we can now move on to more advanced spells. There are many branches of magic to explore, from herbology and potions-making to transfiguration and divination. The world of magic is vast and diverse, and it's up to you to decide which path you want to follow."

His mother put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You have a natural talent for magic, Aetherius. With practice and patience, you'll become an incredible wizard one day. And remember, the world of magic is full of wonders yet to be discovered. The choice is yours...

His father nodded in agreement. "Yes, and don't forget about the importance of studying and physical fitness as well. Again, Magic isn't just about casting spells. It's also about understanding the theory behind them. The more you know, the stronger your magic will become."

Aetherius considered this for a moment, his eyes darting back and forth between his parents. He could see the wisdom in their words, the weight of responsibility that came with wielding such power. It was both exhilarating and daunting.

"I think..." he began, pausing to gather his thoughts. "I think I'd like to learn more about all of it. I want to understand the theory behind the spells, as well as master different branches of magic. But most of all, I want to be able to help people with my magic. To make a difference in their lives." *Well not exactly, but I do mean it a little*

His parents exchanged proud smiles. "That's a wonderful ambition, Aetherius," his mother said. "And we'll be here to support you every step of the way. You have our permission to explore all branches of magic, and we'll make sure you have the resources you need to succeed. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Always use your magic wisely, and for the greater good."

Aetherius nodded solemnly. He knew that his parents were trusting him to make the right choices, and he wasn't about to let them down. His father, seeing the pride in his son's eyes, clapped him on the back. "You'll make a fine addition to the ranks of wizards one day, my boy."

The trio made their way back to the house, the sun setting behind them, casting a warm glow over the landscape. The air was filled with the chatter of villagers and the occasional hoot of an owl.

They passed by stalls selling enchanted trinkets, potions, and spell ingredients. Aetherius couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging as he walked among the wizards, sorcerers, and other magical folk. He knew that this was where he belonged, and he was determined to make the most of it.

With that, they left him to sleep, trusting that he would rise refreshed and ready to face the new challenges that lay ahead.

~Chirp, Chirp , whirl

Another New Day in this World, I had learned how big and vast this world is, I want to be a great magician in this world. I want to do something big, I want people to notice me.

In my previous life, I was a scientist, who recently completed his Ph.D, But I was Physically Weak, So, I have decided to Train myself Physically from now on and reach new feats.

I had no much popularity in my life before, nor I have any currently, LoL, but I will make myself popular.

Since I made this Resolve, Everyday and Every single day I do




100 Pushups

100 Situps

100 Pull-ups

100 Kilometrers Run

100 Spells Practice

100 minutes of Mediation

Months have passed, I Practiced a lot, At first things were a little Difficult, but Now I can do them, better than before, the previous version of me could have never trained so hard, I was like a Bookworm.

Occasionally, I do also revise my knowledge from previous life, I have already wrote, 4 volumes of the Knowledge which I gained iny previous life, from my memories so as to not forget it. Maybe, it will be helpful in the future.

Also I often visit the Temple, in which my father works, as a Monk and Cleric.

I can even do Hand Stand Push-ups and now, Now I train my body by putting weights on it. My father keeps teaching me his Monk Style Fighting Technique,

He always keeps saying, that you are still in a nest, The world is even bigger than you can imagine, I need to work hard. And he isn't even wrong, I had learned this lesson in my past life itself !



My mother, She teaches me about the different types of Beasts, Magic, and giving me basic knowledge about her potions as well.






Ha ! Man Pushups are so tiring....


Children here join the Academies when they reach they age of 10, The education in the academy is free of cost, but for that you have to work very hard, the academy only accepts children of sheer will, the basic knowledge, reading, writing is thought to the children by their Guardians.

Every year there is a selection exam for selecting candidates into the magical academy. The Children can join the academy after they are more than 10 years old only by passing the exam and getting selected as a candidate. My parents told me that you can get a lot of resources, in the academy, moreover it has a huge Library, Stockpiled with Thousands of Books, Oh I'm melting...

If you are wondering about my friends, then currently, I don't have any, but I will make few of them, when I pass the academy entrance exam.

There are several Magical Academies, each continent has at least 7 such academies.

Every Person's talent and affinity to magic is measured with a Paras Stone , which glows on sending out mana in it , The affinity goes like this :

No colour < Yellow < Orange < Magenta < Red < Green < Blue < Purple < Black/White

I wonder what my affinity is....

More the Affinity more easy it is for the person to control their magic style.

People with Yellow have Lowest affinity for magic and Those with Black/White have the highest. But People who show no colour don't have even a bit of mana in their body.

Yes, there's least 1 in a Hundred Thousand People who suffer that bad onem faith, for their whole life, such people, they are either turned into slaves or are killed by the world.

When I reach 10, I will have to leave the house for going the Capital City Indica of the continent in which I was born, also it's quite far from our Village ' Kristia. ' for attending the entrance exam, on the basis of your performance, the academy accepts you.

A person's Power level is Judged by their Aura :

Novice < Elementary < Intermediate < Advanced < Master < Archtype < High Magus < Arcane < Demigod < God

The People From Archtype Level to above, are so powerful that they can even hide their Aura.

Sigh , I really have so much to do...

Yawn Mmm, I feel sleepy, well Goodnight, See ya Tomorrow !

"The best way to predict your future is to create it."

~ Abraham Lincoln.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

AJ_Kaiducreators' thoughts