

Ram was a young 15 year old boy. In his early teens he has been abandoned by his parents and left in the streets to suffer. World treated him like a trash polluting the streets and chased him away again and again. Resentment pilled up in his heart for his parents for the world for everyone who treated him like a through away piece of trash. Until he found the homeless streets. A place Where all the homeless people in the area gathered at night to rest under the empty sky. As more people gather at one spot no one dare to try and chase them away. Ram took shelter with the other homeless people. Say it a blessing or a curse it came at a time Ram needed the most. Have it been a little late to find a place of shelter he may have done something extreme. He found a broken cart in a corner of the street and as he was smaller in size he could crawl inside it. He made this his resting place. After earning some money Ram was searching for a place to hide it. But as a homeless person it was more difficult to keep your money than earn it. After returning he crawled under the cart and covered himself with the cardboard and fell asleep as usual.

** Next morning Ram went to work as usual and after full day of work he went out of the town to throw garbage. After throwing away the garbage he started his Search for anything valuable he could find in the pit. But after a long search he couldn't find anything he thought valuable today.. He found a broken clay statue which look somewhat valuable but couldn't find a way to cash it in. He left the waste pit and on his way back he took a slight detour. Not so far from his original path there was a big old tree . Ram started climbing the tree, after a while he reached his destination. Almost 4 meters above the ground the big tree had a tree hallow which was Ram's main goal. Ram checked inside the tree hole and it was empty ... He put his money bag and the clay statue that he found there and climed down. He started walking back to the town . He looked back at the tree time to time to see if his money bag is visible or not. After checking several times he went back with a sigh of relief. Ram repeated this process everyday. Sometimes he would find something that looks like valuable and try to sell it and sometimes he would find nothing and comeback empty handed. Everytime he earns some money he would went to the old tree to hide his money well. His life was moving forward slowly but smoothly. Ram thought if he kept collecting money like that in a year he would have enough to start a small business. With the hope of a cosy future he kept fallowing his daily routine. If life was so smooth and straight forward he would not have been in this place to begin with. His parents wouldn't have abandoned him nor would he have to struggle like a homeless person. Little did he know, his days of comfort will end sooner than he thought.