
Is This The World I Know?

A regular office worker died in an accident and was reincarnated as a child named Lex Mikaela. It was an ordinary Isekai transfer story that Lex went through. Still, even in this ordinary event, there's something that Lex always wanted. (Woohoo!! Fantasy World of Swords and Magics, and my Harem!! Here I come!!) ... ...Hmm? The year... 2025...? China... ?? Asia... !? NOOO!!!! [This is a work of fiction, The characters, organizations, and names are fictional and have no real relation to any real people, it's all a coincidence] [The image above wasn't mine, if the owner doesn't want me to use it, please let me know]

Louis_Hometo · Fantasie
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127 Chs

97. I will support you!

<Editor: IamMountTai>

97. I will support you!

Slowly, blonde hair... A pair of blue eyes... Came under the road light.

"Ella!?" Stella was shocked. Still, she sighed in relief inwardly.

It was someone she knew.

"Hello, Big Sis~~" Ella smiled cutely.

"Wait! Stop right there!!" Stella shouted. She realized her instinct was right! It was something dangerous!

"What's the matter, Big Sis~~" Ella stopped in place. "Why did you look so afraid? Is something bothering you?" she asked worriedly, and she continued approaching Stella.

"No, it's okay, I'm fine" Stella waved her hand and stepped back.

Ella started to approach her again.

She shouted again when she realized that, "Stop! Don't come any closer."

Ella stopped again. She frowned for a second before smiling again. "Why…?" She smiled, but her eyes were as cold as ice. "Did Big Sis do something bad to us?~~"

It was Ella's usual cheerful voice, but to Stella right now, it was as dreadful as it can be.

"Haha," Stella let out a small awkward laugh. "What are you talking about? I'm your brother's friend. There's no way I would do something bad," she replied.

(Should I subdue her here? No, I can't. Assuming that I did something to her, looking at her excellent relationship with Lex, I could only kiss goodbye with that deal. In the first place, why is she doing something like this!? Anyway, if I can't fight…

Then I had to run) then, without hesitation, Stella turned around and ran away.

It was then that Stella heard a fleeting voice, "No-kun, please".

The next moment, a high wall made of earth appeared on her path.

Stella had no other way but to stop and abandon her original escape plan. She turned around to face Ella again. Then she realized there were four spheres of light floating and circling Ella's body, each with different colors.

Yellow, Red, Blue, and Green.

Then Stella watched the yellow sphere start to shine before slowly transforming into a small, cute stone golem.

"Why are you running, Big Sis," Ella said, her voice cold and in a lower tone.

"Syl-chan," Ella called another name.

Stella watched again how the green sphere transformed into a tiny sparrow and landed on Ella's shoulder. It was the same with the golem.

Stella sensed a considerable amount of Mana on that sparrow. She also felt the air around them change and fill with more Mana than usual.

"You… could it be you!! Minst—"

"Shh! Think before you say something… who knows if it will be your last words," Ella cut her words.

She didn't expect Stella to know her identity, but it wasn't a problem. And what Ella said just now was the same as she confirmed what Stella guessed. At the same time, it was also her way to warn her more than this.

Ella wouldn't let her go no matter what.

On the other hand, Stella was speechless. She didn't expect this to happen at all. With just a glance at how Ella uses her Mana, she was able to guess her identity. She is young. This information wasn't something she usually should know.

Although she is young, she wasn't stupid. There's no way she would forget the purpose of 'They' coming to this city.

"I don't know how and why you knew about us… I have many questions, but before that… I have one more important question… For what purpose you're approaching Lex?'"

Stella kept silent and didn't reply to Ella. At this point, she was contemplating her move. It was her mission to look for any information she could find about 'Ella.'

On the other hand, she also understood once she did that, that it was the same as saying goodbye to her deal with Lex just now. (Which one should I choose? Them… or Lex…)

For Stella, she didn't feel much about the organization she's in now. She joined them because she was invited, and their purpose could benefit her too.(It's because their motive could make it easier for me to collect Mana that I joined them.)

Then she realized, (Lex could give me higher quality Mana… looks like I got my answer)

But before Stella could express her intention… "I see, so that's your answer, then you cannot blame me," Ella said. At the same time, the Mana around her started to move faster and resonated with her.

Actually, Stella wanted to end this peacefully. Ella might be Lex's little sister. That's the only reason she didn't want to make her move at her. But looking at Ella right now made her quite irritated.

In a sense, she was an adult while Ella was still a child in her eyes. Being looked down on by a child certainly was unpleasant. "With you alone?" Stella snorted. "Do you have the capability?"

The Mana around her also started to move faster

Ella was calm even when Stella directly provoked her. Instead, she let out a cold smile. "Whether I can or can't, why don't you find it out yourself?"

The tension between them kept increasing without end. It was like two people with sharp swords in hand standing within each other's range.

(That composure… that confidence…) Stella sized up Ella (If I continue this, it won't just be me teaching her a lesson… but it is killed or be killed). Stella sighed inwardly and ceased to control her Mana. (It won't be funny if the deal is called off because I wanted to teach her a lesson)

(Mm… what should I tell her? I think she shouldn't know that I was a succubus. Obviously, she was a bro-con a few moments in that house. Everyone would be able to see it. If I were to tell her I wanted to suck his Mana, she might go berserk.)

On the other hand, Ella was confused when Stella suddenly ceased controlling her Mana. Ella also didn't immediately make her move. Her purpose was to know Stella's reason.

She wanted to see whether she was an ally or an enemy.

(Think… What did I say to Lex before? Ah!) Stella remembered and mumbled, "I want to be his girlfriend." That was what she said to Lex at that time.

(Hmm?) Suddenly, she felt the Mana around Ella calm down. Stella instantly focused on Ella. In position to not miss the slightest movement from her. She's ready to intercept or avoid whatever Ella is trying to do to her.

"I see~~ so it's like that." Stella was bewildered when Stella heard Ella talk in her usual voice. In that one moment, she saw Ella make her move but was unable to react.

The next moment, Ella was smiling. Just two steps away from her, the floating spheres were nowhere to see. Even the golem and sparrow were gone.

Then, Ella grabbed her hands. Stella shuddered a bit because of that. But Ella didn't mind it. Still smiling at her, she said, "I will support you!" with sparkling eyes. "Well, then, It's already late. It's past my curfew, so Ella will go. Big Sis, bye~ see you later~~"

Ella left the scene.

"What just happened…." Stella was unable to process what had happened.


A week has passed since Lex met Rae.

And now he's in the café waiting for someone to come. It happened a week ago, not long after his reunion with Rae.

Lex, lying on his bed preparing to sleep, suddenly received an email. It was a long email with many polite and formal words in it. It's like the sender was struggling with her words, but the main point is…

"Do you have time? I have something to tell you. Can we meet?"

Lex smiled when he read the email because the sender was 'Shoujo B', the cute girl he tried to help in his free time. Actually, it took a longer time than he expected for Shoujo B to answer his offer at that time. Because of that, Lex almost forgot about her existence.

In fact, Lex was free every day. Kate had a peaceful school life, Aunt Layla, and Uncle Paul's work was smooth. There's really nothing for him to do except act as an ordinary middle school student.

(If I promised to meet her the next day, won't it be lame if I seem too eager to meet her) with that thought, he replied and agreed with Shoujo B that he could only meet her next week. He also proposed to meet at the café they went to on the afterschool date last time.

Unexpectedly the reply from Shoujo B came in the next moment. "Yes, thank you very much."

(She's waiting with her smartphone in hand) Lex imagined her cute actions on the bed while nervously staring at her smartphone (Heh… how cute)

That was how Lex, without Livia's ring on his finger, was waiting for Shoujo B to come. Because Lex had already gone inside the last time, even when the sweets café was aimed at girls and women customers, Lex didn't mind waiting inside.

Still, it was a strange scene for a young man like him to be alone in this place. The other customers couldn't help but take another glance and peeked at him. He was taller than his peers. Even with his uniform, he didn't look like a middle school teenager.

Lex is indeed handsome, like his father. It wasn't wrong either to say that his genes were superior in looks to others.

But is Lex attractive because of that?

The answer is no. Actually, your face was only about 30-40% of how handsome you are. At the same time, the rest was divided by how you style yourself and how you conduct… mannerism.

Just think about it. How handsome you are if you weigh over 800 lbs or above 300 kg, it's almost impossible to be flocked by women. Even the most handsome and coolest looking guy, if his first impression was digging his nose in public and then wiping his finger on his clothes, will there still be someone trying to get near him?

{E/N: This author… XD}

Well, a few unique ones but mostly not.

As for Lex, he already experienced society in his past life. He knew how important it is to look good or at least be neat. So he's taking care of how he looks. As for the other one, his mental age itself is the answer.

No matter how he hid it. There's always a mature vibe on him.

Don't you know a grown man was more popular?

A few high school girls who were proud of themselves tried to talk to Lex, but he rejected them politely and told them he was waiting for a girl.

He still had his line even if he's a scumbag who liked harems.

Flirting with an unknown girl while waiting for a date was a big no in his dictionary. At the same time, his uniform alone made the other more mature women unable to approach him.

Before long, Shoujo B finally arrived at the café. She was a bit faltered when he saw Lex sitting by the window with a cup of tea. She reconsidered whether it was okay for her to intrude on that picture-esque scene. But that thought immediately disappeared when Lex called out to her.

She slowly and timidly went to sit in front of Lex. She's afraid that she will be unable to say anything later. Hence, she immediately used all of the courage she built on her way here.

"Did you do something to them?" she asked suspiciously.

Lex let out a smile in response.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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