
Is This The World I Know?

A regular office worker died in an accident and was reincarnated as a child named Lex Mikaela. It was an ordinary Isekai transfer story that Lex went through. Still, even in this ordinary event, there's something that Lex always wanted. (Woohoo!! Fantasy World of Swords and Magics, and my Harem!! Here I come!!) ... ...Hmm? The year... 2025...? China... ?? Asia... !? NOOO!!!! [This is a work of fiction, The characters, organizations, and names are fictional and have no real relation to any real people, it's all a coincidence] [The image above wasn't mine, if the owner doesn't want me to use it, please let me know]

Louis_Hometo · Fantasie
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127 Chs

122. Ella: “I swear to walk behind him forever.”

122. Ella: "I swear to walk behind him forever."

<Ella POV>

Ya-hello Minna-san, it's your cute, beautiful, and genius girl, Ella M. Bentley.


It's too much to call it myself? Well, there's nothing Ella could do about it because it's the truth. It's a fact that Ella is cute.

Then next… My hobbies? Hmm… Ella has many things that Ella likes to do especially if Ella could do them with Big bro. If Ella had to choose one it would be Anime. Anime is good when a genius author made a storyline that was unthinkable even by Ella. It always made Ella surprised and happy.

Well, Ella doesn't need to say more about how and why Ella watched Anime for the first time right?


Like and dislike

Unquestionably Big brother! Is the one Ella like the most!!

Ella knows he never did anything special for Ella, but to Ella his existence alone is special! And how? Let Ella explain

Isn't it a template troupe for genius children becoming arrogant with her geniuses? Ella didn't become someone like that thanks to Big Sis and Big Bro.

Ella understands that isn't answering the question of why Ella likes him. You see, usually, smarter or more mature girls have a higher chance to like someone much older than them, right? Like they fell in love with the opposite sex's maturity.

On the other hand, Ella had a very dependable, handsome, and mature big brother beside her since childhood, and after getting disappointed with the boys from Ella's peers in school, do you think Ella would look at others now? Other than Big bro?

What do you think girls? Is it possible? No right?

However, Big bro is really special. Ella could understand how Big sis became the way she is now, but Ella was unable to understand Big bro. Even the genius Ella needed to be taught once before Ella was able to learn something. While Big bro was like a fountain of wisdom, there are many things he knew without even being taught before. That's why he's special!

Anyway, enough with Big brother for now.

What Ella dislikes or hates the most is….

Big sister Kate!!!



Eheheh is it surprising? Isn't it exciting? A little sister who hates her big sister who had everything she wanted. It'll become a good storyline!

Ehh~ is it also a common troupe? Boo booo they stole Ella's ideas!

Ok, let's get back to the topic, there's not even a 0.0001% chance that Ella will hate big sis Kate.

What Kate hated the most is those IMBECILES who dared to call my big sis a genius.

Big sis needs one year before she awakens her mana like how other averages are and how about Ella? Ella awakens hers under a month.

Big sis needs to study again and again before she learns something while Ella only needs to do it once.

Big sis made her first contract with Elemental in a month and another half year for the second one, while Ella made her first Elemental in a day and the second one in under a week.

Big sis was by no means a genius. Mom said that big sis's speed was normal and Ella's was abnormal.

Yet if someone asks Ella which one of us is better? The answer is big sis Kate undoubtedly big sis was much better than Ella.

Everything big sis had achieved now was because of big sis's hard work, big sis deserved to have everything she has right now. so…

Don't you DARE label big sis hard work with that one word alone! Don't push your weak self, your shallow view, and disregard big sis ability, even if big sis never cared about it, Ella cares.

Ella will destroy-


"Haaa~~~" Ella let out a big sigh.

(Ella needs to stop now, Ella doing a stupid introduction alone to cheer up, but thinking about those trashes made Ella angrier instead)

"Haaa~~" Ella sighed again as she weakly shook her head.

The gloomy atmosphere in the surrounding area was immediately felt by Ella again. Ella looked around and watched the visitors wearing black clothes.

They were in a small room with an altar in the middle. There's a girl's photo on the altar. a cute girl that was no stranger to Ella.

Right in front of the Altar was a pair of husband and wife. Ella didn't know how long they had cried. they cried till there were no longer any tears they could cry out. Ella also recognizes the couple.

(They aged a lot…) Ella thought looking at them. They mindlessly looked at the photo on the altar in a daze. (As if their soul has already gone along with their daughter…)

Then not far from the husband and wife, there's another pair. A pair of a girl and a young man. Ella also knew those two personally.

the same as the pair of husband and wife from before, that young couple also looked as if they lost their soul. they snuggled at each other trying to comfort each other.

"Big bro…Big sis…" Ella muttered weakly. This is the first time Ella has seen them this weak and fragile.

What they attended was the funeral of their dear friend. The funeral of Alice Vernalis.

Unable to bear seeing them like this anymore, Ella took her step away from the funeral room. She silently went to the place without any people.

After making sure she was alone. Ella started to control her Mana.

"Following our contract, I, Ella Minsthal Bentley, call upon thee, the primordial one. Please answer my call"

Then a huge but soft wave of Mana started to spread from Ella to the surroundings like a drop on the calm water surface.

A moment later… the space around Ella started to tremble and shook lightly. Then after a few seconds, a zip-like crack appeared in the space in front of Ella and slowly opened from top to bottom. They separate into two parts showing deep darkness.

A soft and thin hand comes out from inside the crack of space. Then an unworldly beautiful blue-haired woman flew out of the crack. After she was out the zip closed itself and the space around calmed down and backed to normal.

"Fuwaahh~" the goddess-like woman yawned as she floated in front of Ella "Morning Ella~" she stretched her hands to loosen her body. Her gravity-defying soft hair and dress floated beautifully around her. If you were able to turn your sight from her beautiful appearance you could see a gear-like hairpin on her hair.

"Morning, Chronoa-san, sorry to bother you at this time" unlike the usual Ella, she was polite toward her, showing how extraordinary Chronoa is.

"It's okay, I'm bored anyway. So, what's up?"

"Chronoa-san, I need your help! Please lend me your power" Ella bowed toward her.

"Hmm…" Chronoa turned serious after hearing Ella's words. "It's unusual for you to ask for my help."

Without raising her head Ella continued "Please send me back!" She said resolutely.

"Ella…" Chronoa was a bit speechless by her words "Do you understand the consequences behind your words!"

"My time is the price, right? I fully understood" Ella raised her head and stared straight at Chronoa "Please send me back" Ella repeated her plea.

"Haa~" Chronoa sighed heavily. "Is it for him? You knew that he never saw you that way, no?"

"I know" Ella replied "But it's also for my sister, I can't bear seeing her like that."

"But for him, it is higher, right?" Chronoa scoffed at her words while Ella slowly evaded her stare.

"Haaa~~" Chronoa sighed again "All right, all right. I understand Master. I'll do as you wish."

Seeing Chronoa give up, Ella let out a wide smile.

"Hehe, thank you Chronoa-san. I love you~" Ella jumped at her and hugged her warmly.

"Aargh Hot, it's hot! get away from me" Chronoa replied as she tried to separate Ella from herself.

Ella knew Chronoa could do it easily, yet she was still here glued to her "Ehehe" she giggled and cuddled her stronger.

"Okay, enough. Close your eyes, I don't want you to get a concussion."

"Haii~" Ella raised her hand like a good child then she closed her eyes.

"Last Friday, about 05:30 PM. Three two one… jump!" Chronoa counted. The next second…

"Ughh" Ella let out an uncomfortable voice. She felt like she was put inside a washing machine and spun repeatedly.

"Suu haaa" Ella took a deep breath to calm herself after the uncomfortable feeling was gone.

"We arrived," Chronoa said.

After calming down, Ella opened her eyes and quickly checked her smartphone.

XX Month XX Day, Friday 05:37 PM.

"Alright, Syl-chan" Ella instantly called out one of her Elemental. A small sparrow appeared on her left shoulder. Breeze covered her body, boosting her speed, agility, and jump.

Ella jumped out of the window of her room. And ran straight toward the abandoned church she heard from her mother with Chronoa following behind her.


Ella arrived faster than a car could take her. Still, it took her a few minutes to arrive. When she arrived, she immediately felt the astronomical amount of Mana circling the church.

Ella stealthily approached the center she found Alice lying down on the floor a bit distance from the twister of Mana.

She also saw someone she didn't know in the opposite direction of Alice.

"Dine-chan" Ella opened her palm and called another Elemental. A petite and tiny, cute mermaid appeared in her hand. "Please," she said.

Like other Elemental, Undine could understand what Ella wanted without needing her to speak as they are connected. Dine-chan stealthily flew toward where Alice was. And started to use Mana to heal her.

When the tornado made of Mana disappear Ella took a glance and saw Lex in a berserk state yet she immediately turned her attention to Alice (it's Big Brother there's nothing that could go wrong with him)

Chronoa who was beside Ella all the time finally opened her mouth "Not good, she won't make it"

"What do you mean?" Ella quickly reacted.

"She's transforming into a Vampire, but her soul is too weak. She wasn't supposed to know or related to this world in this life."

Ella took a moment to understand her words. She knew not everyone could awaken their Mana, and not everyone has a strong soul. Then…

"Dine-chan" Ella called through her connection "Connect Alice with my soul."


"Kuhh!" Ella instantly felt a banging and pinging in her head. All of her Elemental rejected her wish.

"Have you gone insane!?" Chronoa also lost her cool and shouted at her. Only Ella could see and hear her so there was no problem with her letting out a loud voice.

Every Elemental Ella contracted has a piece of her soul, theoretically, it was possible to connect their soul, however, the Soul was delicate like a human brain, and there are still many mysteries behind that human being unable to solve.

If by any chance Alice failed to survive when their soul connected it would be very lucky for Ella to only have a heavy injury on her soul. The worst case would be her soul disappearing along with Alice.

"Alice's soul is too weak, so I just need to share that burden with her," Ella reasoned. Her Elemental still disproved her decision.

"Tch!" Chronoa clicked her tongue fully showing her annoyance. "I shouldn't tell you that."

"Even by any chance that girl survived she's still become that guy's toy with absolute subordination."

"It's fine, Big bro would do something about it. Ella just needs to keep Alice alive."

Chronoa was speechless for a second "Ella..., I know you don't want to hear but let me say this. He's not worth it for you to suffer like this!!"

"He's done nothing for you except being a good brother to you! It's not worth it!!"

Ella didn't deny her words cause it's true "If… if Big sis swears to walk beside him forever. I swear to walk behind him forever. Even if he won't turn back to see me even after who knows how many times has passed" she said as if pledging to the world.

"You…" Chronoa lost her words.

"Dine-chan please" Ella turned to her Elemental again. They received her feelings and understood Ella won't change her decision no matter what. Dine-chan looked at Ella with a sad face for the last time before turning into a ball of Mana and gently entering Alice's body.

It started with a slight discomfort when their soul connected, then rapidly as undine flowed the burden toward Ella.

"Kggh!" Ella instantly closed her mouth with her hand to avoid screaming. She could feel phantom pains all over her body. She's taking most of the burden from Alice. Turning from human to Vampire wasn't a small task.

Ella also took out a piece of cloth. She prepared it for herself if she was unable to hold the pain and had to bite something to avoid biting her tongue.

She could feel the worried feeling from her Elemental except for Undine who was busy. She also saw Chronoa looking at her worriedly.

"Hehe" she let out a small laugh while enduring the pain "Maybe this is how pregnant mothers felt when giving birth?"

"You still have time to joke!?" Chronoa scolded. She floated toward Ella and took her in her embrace.

"Ehehe, it's warm~" Ella giggled.

"You… Haaa~" Chronoa sighed and seriously helped both Ella and Alice so Alice could transform faster. Chronoa also contracted with Ella which means she also has a piece of Ella's soul connected to her.


"Haa haa haaa~" Ella was raking for breath when the pain finally dissipated.

On the side, "She's fine now, I'll take you home, leave the rest to me. So go and rest!" Chronoa said. She doesn't want any refusal from Ella.

"Ehehe, thank you Chronoa-san" Ella giggled again.

"I don't need your gratitude; I won't let you do it again in the future!" Hearing Chronoa's last words. Ella lost consciousness like a puppet with its string cut. She fell hopelessly in Chronoa's arms.

Ella fell into a coma.