
Is This The World I Know?

A regular office worker died in an accident and was reincarnated as a child named Lex Mikaela. It was an ordinary Isekai transfer story that Lex went through. Still, even in this ordinary event, there's something that Lex always wanted. (Woohoo!! Fantasy World of Swords and Magics, and my Harem!! Here I come!!) ... ...Hmm? The year... 2025...? China... ?? Asia... !? NOOO!!!! [This is a work of fiction, The characters, organizations, and names are fictional and have no real relation to any real people, it's all a coincidence] [The image above wasn't mine, if the owner doesn't want me to use it, please let me know]

Louis_Hometo · Fantasie
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127 Chs

104. Stupid SENILE Grandpa!!!!

104. Stupid SENILE Grandpa!!!!

Sasha wasn't stupid. The moment Lex asked for her absence. She immediately knew that the young man was suspicious of her.

She speculated Lex was suspicious of her. She also understands her standing as Rebecca's secretary was the most dubious in this matter. Because it's a fact that she knew all of Rebecca's business plan

(I have followed Rebecca since high school, so I was the same as her and didn't go to college. It's plausible that outsiders think that I was badly educated)

(Wait a minute!! Could it be that he was sent by another employee?!) She was familiar with colleague's jealousy. This wasn't the first time someone tried to drag Sasha down. She was young in society. She was only a high school graduate and still in a quite high position as Rebecca's secretary.

(Nono. I must be overthinking it. Phew... In the end, it's up to Rebecca whether I stay or not) then Sasha turned to Rebecca, who had been silent since just now.

What she didn't expect is... That it was only her, who thought about it like that.

On the other hand, Rebecca immediately caught that what Lex was trying to convey to her must be related to the Hidden World. Still, she didn't understand how her company's problem could relate to the Hidden World.

(What if he's trying to use this chance to send away Sasha, who's unrelated, so he can use his Mana?) Rebecca thought. It was a possibility she couldn't erase from her head.

(However, if Sasha were to hear it...)

(No! She wasn't ready yet. It's okay. At most he could threaten no more than that) Even if it's dangerous. Rebecca just couldn't give up the clues that Lex might have. That's why... She decided.

"Sasha, can you leave us alone for a while?" Rebecca said.

"!!?" Sasha was shocked. She looked at Rebecca in disbelief, and she felt betrayed. But once she saw Rebecca's grim expression, she recovered (Rebecca always believes in me. I have to believe in her too). She nodded and left the room


Sasha went and closed the door.

Rebecca didn't say anything more; she just fiercely stared at the young man in front of her. However, her expression says, 'I've already done this much. What else do you want! Talk now!?'

"I even spoke out my identity. Do you think you are able to leave here in peace after hearing my request?" Lex said.

(??) Rebecca was confused for a moment. She thought he was going to bullshit again. "Hey!! What do you me-!?" Rebecca's eyes widened up. It's because the young man's figure just disappeared from her sight.

Before she could process what happened...

*Crash *Bamm

A loud glass-breaking sound reverberates in the room and is quickly followed by a slam on the wall!

Rebecca's eyes instantly turned to the door, following the sound. There she saw a man covered in black from head to toes, being pinned on the neck with one hand by Lex. The man struggled to escape from Lex as much as he could but was a futile resistance. Lex didn't budge an inch by that.

"I'll settle you later," Lex said, then he knocked his forehead. It's as if a puppet with its string cut. The struggling man's hands and feet fell powerlessly without any sign of moving again.


Rebecca unconsciously gulped. She knew about the Hidden World's existence, Though this was her first time watching it firsthand. Her legs were trembling. She wanted to stop it, but she couldn't feel her legs. Her hands were not much different. Yet her face still looks calm. This tough façade was the most she could do right now.

"Inventory," Lex called out. He took a piece of paper from his inventory, then dragged the man covered in black and threw it beside the table before sitting again in front of Rebecca.

"That's your answer," Lex explained, "he's the reason for all your problems."

"Di-Ahem!!" Rebecca immediately stopped herself when the tone of her voice was higher than she expected. She made a fake cough to take a deep breath to calm herself again, and finally, "Did you kill him?" she did her best not to show Lex her weakness.

"No, he's just unconscious."

(Phew~) Rebecca didn't show it on the outside, but she was very relieved when she heard she didn't watch the killing scene. At the same time, she didn't forget the reason she made this deal with him. "What do you mean?" she asked, "You mean that guy," Rebecca pointed to the unconscious man, "Spying on my company, and he's who's leaking the information to other companies?"

Lex didn't say anything, but he nodded in reply.

"How can it be!? That's against the rule!" Rebecca replied she was still suspicious.

Lex shrugged his shoulders. "A crime wasn't a crime if you didn't get caught. Well~ he also didn't violate it in the first place," he said like it was a very normal thing in life. "By the way, I made a huge noise just now. But no one is coming their way?"

"This place was soundproofed," Rebecca said, and Lex responded with an understanding look. "Don't change the topic. What do you mean?" she asked once again. She always thought the Hidden World, where unimaginable things were possible, must have stricter monitoring and punishment than the secular world. "Is it that easy to avoid being caught?"

"It's not included in our agreement…." Lex slowly said, "But you already fulfilled a few of my small wishes… Okay! Let me explain" Lex acted like he was doing a favor in explaining things to her as he wanted her to know that they both didn't owe each other.

"There are a few reasons, but first you might see this… your company is a branch of Laven, but that wasn't the case. Other than the funds you get from Laven. Everything was owned by you, the president. This means this company is not one of Laven's group but yours, Rebecca Laven," Lex explained. This is the information he got when he started investigating this company.

On the other side, Rebecca was dumbfounded. She always sees this company see herself as one of the Laven. As a branch of the main Laven. Then she soon realized it didn't answer anything about her question. So she turned to Lex again.

And as if Lex was waiting for her to catch up, He continued to explain, "There are big differences between you and other companies. Do you know what it is?" he asked.

Rebecca thought for a while, then she said, "Because I'm a Laven?"

"Close… but that's not the main point. The main point is you… Rebecca Laven knew about us," Lex said then. He also opened her palm and made a dim shine using Mana for her to see. "You ARE one of us."

(!!?) Rebecca was stunned. She couldn't use Mana, so she always thought she was a normal person…

"So, someone from Hidden World spying on you wasn't violating the rule," Lex said, giving her a few moments to process the information.

Rebecca started to see her mistake. Her mindset was wrong from the very beginning!!

"Now, for the second reason. What you know about Hidden World was only the scratch of its surface."

Rebecca once again made a confused face. When she realized her mindset was wrong, her way of thinking was broken. She had to build it from the very beginning again. "What do you mean?" Rebecca asked, only to realize how many times she had already said that line today.

"For example. What do you think would happen if I showed Mana in front of your secretary?" Lex asked

"You will be violating the rules," Rebecca replied like a good student.

"Nope," Lex showed an evil smile. "The most important thing is for Mana not to be spread to the secular world. So, what I have to do is simple. I just need to kill her."

"!!?" Rebecca felt a chill on her back. "But-" she tried to refute. However, her words were cut by Lex.

"Dead men tell no tales," Lex said. "Of course, you might think that, if everyone from the Hidden World is doing something like that. then the death rate would increase exponentially, No?"

Rebecca nodded

"This is where the 'Guardian' needed. You might also think a Hidden World has a simpler feudal system from the past." Then Lex explained again, "every country, every organization has its own territory. So a Guardian usually came from there. Which is to avoid something like what I said just now happening. Also, to control a visitor from the outside. So, they didn't act selfishly."

"This city was different from others. Unlike others, this city didn't have a guardian because it belonged to no one. You didn't need to know the reason, but that's why no one helping you seeks justice all this time."

Rebecca already felt a light headache from all this information. Her problem was much, much deeper than she initially thought.

"Well… in the end, you are still a 'Laven,' so this kind of thing usually shouldn't happen to you," Lex said jokingly.

"Huh? What do you me-!" Rebecca immediately closed her mouth, her cheeks reddening up. She almost says it again! She already felt like she was a broken-record for saying the same thing repeatedly.

"Puff," Lex let out small laughter seeing her cute antics. He couldn't see the president's demeanor from her any longer. "Lastly, this might be the primary reason for your problem. Your grandfather Ryan Laven. Didn't take any precautions measure to protect you. Nah, from my point of view, it's more like your grandfather encourages others to mess with your company."

When Rebecca heard that, she felt like the sky was falling down. The bubbling feeling deep inside her was boiling about to burst out at any time.

"Well~ at least no one dares to harm you," Lex said, and it pulled her trigger.

"That stupid SENILE grandpa!!!!"

"!^#^@*(&#&@!!!!" She screamed out her lungs and spewed out all kinds of dirty words she knew. She ranted and ranted, letting out all her pent-up emotions.

On the other hand, Something clicked on Lex's mind watching her act like that because he saw a familiar scene (So that's why! I felt like I saw her before!!!)

(That's right, her name was Rebecca! Damn! What a coincidence! Her demeanor has changed a lot since back then. I was unable to recognize her. Maa~ I only met her one night, so it's almost impossible for me to remember her)

(And I changed a lot since back then, so it's more impossible for her to remember me. But, still, she really does change.) So Lex thought while remembering that day when he helped her (She moves with logic as her principle back then. But now it's more like she moves with emotion than logic. Like her relationship with the secretary just now…) Lex thought.

Then he realized the reason for her changes (She must be pressured by responsibility as a president and all the failed ventures these past two years). Lex comprehended her situation.

At the same time, (Looks like I didn't choose the wrong person) he thought. Lex even bothered to explain all those things with a hidden agenda in mind. If he wanted to cooperate with her, he needed her to know all those things, or it wouldn't work at all (With this, I also knew she was intelligent and courageous enough to take risks, which businessmen needed the most).

"Take your time," Lex said. "In the meantime, according to the deal, I'll deal with your problem" Lex then pasted the piece of paper he took on the unconscious man and moved him aside. The next second he disappeared from the naked eye. Only the one who could use Mana could see him. Then Lex went to clean the company. While Rebecca didn't hear him because she lost her view of her surroundings and busied herself with cursing her senile grandfather.


(A/N: Below this is unrelated to the story. it's up to you guys whether to read it or skip it. but if you do read it. please tell me your impression.)



I blinked my eyes. My mind suddenly went blank while I felt like somebody was calling me…


I blinked again.

"Hey, are you alright?" that voice snapped me out. My eyesight became more apparent, and I started to process my surroundings.

In front of me was a middle-aged man. About in his thirties to forties. His strange fancy round hat immediately took my interest.

He's waving his hand in front of my face. "Hey! Can you hear me!?" he shouted.

"Ah! Yes! I can hear you," I replied reflexively. And still trying to understand my situation.

"Geez!" The man looked exasperated. "You suddenly fell into a trance when I'm explaining things."

"Where am I?" I asked. I didn't have the slightest idea why I am here. I can see a vast land, a shed, and many trees. It's as if I'm in some village.

"Hey, I'm bringing you to your home!" he said, "are you sure you alright, kid?" he asked in a worried tone.

"This…" I tried to remember what happened before and why would I be here with him, but nothing came out.

"Anyway. I'll bring you to your new home first. Looks like you're too tired for today. Take a good rest for today. And I'll find you tomorrow!" the middle-aged man said, then he brought me to a house? Or more like a shed? Nearby.

The house? was a room with four walls and a rooftop. Inside the house were a bed and a small desk beside it. A small table and a small chair. There's also an empty bookshelf, a storage box, and finally, an old TV.

"Take a rest, kid," he said before leaving me alone in this room. This house!

I was confused by this sudden change. I can't remember where I came from and why I am here. But on the other hand, I felt dejavu in my situation right now.

Anyway, I took a rest like he suggested because I felt my body was weak and heavy as a lead.


The next morning.

I felt refreshed today. Then The middle-aged man, still wearing his fancy round hat, comes to visit.

He brought me outside and introduced me to the huge land that was a field for ME? To cultivate. And he also explained a bit about developing it using a hoe and a watering can.

He also introduced me to some empty old poultry and a shipping bin where someone would help me sell it. and lastly, he left while leaving me some seeds for me to cultivate….

…. FUCK! Isn't this a FUCKING farming simulation game!!!

Title: …. (Undecided for now)



Far from the crowd, far from the main road. There's an old-looking house that looks like it's been abandoned for who knows how many years.

But only the exterior… inside could be said to have 180 degrees difference. So the inside might not look like a luxury. But it still has the most comfortable living space ever. Even the hot weather outside couldn't pierce through this space.

Inside was cool and comfortable. A bedroom, restroom, kitchen, etc. many things that would make life comfortable are available inside.

And there's someone inside, unlike the tranquil vibe feeling the interior gave out. The young man was panicking. He runs here and there, preparing many things that could be used in a fight... In a war.

Using his storage space, he stored all weapons, talismans, scrolls, and even crystals inside it. Also, he didn't forget gold and other monetary things.

When he was busy doing his things. The door opened, and a pink-haired beauty came inside like it was her home and sat on the sofa as she cooled her body.

She looked at the young man who was frantically jumping here and there.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"!!" the young man flinched and instantly turned to the young woman. "Gehh!" he unconsciously expressed his dissatisfaction with her "TRAP!!" he shouted at her.

"You..." the young woman was exasperated and angry by his reaction, "do you know how rude you are!? I'm still this country princess!!" she exclaimed

But the young man no longer focused on her. He resumed preparing…

When the young woman realized she was being ignored again. She endured the desire to punch him in the face and took a deep breath to calm herself.

After calming down, she called out to the young man again, "Leon, what are you doing?" She felt strange. This was the first time she had seen him like this.

Leon didn't turn to her and kept doing his things… However, he still replied to her, "I'm preparing for a war with this country."

"Hee~" the young woman replied in disinterest. Then, a beat later, she finally processed what Leon said "eh? A war? REBELLION!?" she shouted in shock.

Leon stopped for a second "Mmm… A rebellion" that word stuck in his mind. "It might be it," he nonchalantly said.

"But why!!!" She yelled, "did my father do something inappropriate!? No, Leon! If you have something you are dissatisfied with in this country, just tell me!! I will tell my father!! I can even blackmail him into following my request! Just say it!!" The young woman panicked and frantically said.

"Wait! Wait!!" Leon stopped the young woman. He felt like he just heard something that he shouldn't know… ever, "Lilith! Calm down!!" while holding her shoulder, or he was afraid she might dash out to the castle at any moment.

"How can I calm down in this situation!!" Lilith struggled out of his hand but failed.

"No, it's okay. I don't have any dissatisfaction with this country!" Leon replied.

"Eh!" Lilith was shocked again "then why are you preparing for a rebellion!" she asked hysterically.

"I'm just preparing for the worst!" Leon said, and he explained, "Because I just hit thugs on the back road today!!"

"What!!" Lilith screamed as she thought something much worse than she could imagine had happened, but… "Mmm, what?" she tilted her head cutely, "You hit thugs on the back road, and you're preparing to fight the country??" she was fully confused. "How can these two be related in any way!?"

"Tch Tch Tch" Leon clicked his tongue three times and waved his finger toward her. To Lilith, it felt like he was saying, 'you don't understand anything,' which irked her.

"Let me explain," he said, "The thugs have a boss behind them!"

"??" Lilith, still confused, "what does the thug's boss relate to fighting against the country?"

"Let me finish it first. Let's say I screwed the boss too," Leon said, "the boss it's actually a subordinate of a baron."

Lilith nodded in understanding. She knew not every noble was 'noble' in this country. It's inevitable to have a bad product in the hundreds or thousands.

"And after the baron came to me, I reversed the situation and won against him. then it happened the baron was actually the subordinate of the viscount!"

"Because I defeated the baron, that viscount comes to me! Then… his wife actually a count's daughter"

"Her father came to me too! the Count's best friend it's actually a marquis! Knowing I defeated his best friend. He also comes after me. Then! The marquis is actually related by marriage to a Duke! To protect their honor, even the Duke came after me!! And a Duke was the King's relative. In the end, even the King put his hands on me, which means this country will go against me!!" Lex explained grandiosity

Lilith was dumbfounded… speechless…amazed… astounded… her vocabulary was not enough to express her emotion right now. The next moment she even shed tears for Leon.

Leon was also surprised by her reaction. "W-what happened?" he asked

"Uuuu~ I didn't know you have this mental illness," Lilith said grievously. "Let's go to a hospital. It's okay, I'll accompany you until you are healthy again" Lilith came near him and dragged him out to a hospital.

"Wait!!" Leon called out, but Lilith didn't budge. (it did happen!! I've experienced it before!!) Leon screamed inwardly. Still, he can't just tell others his deepest secret.

That Leon was a Cultivator in his past life.

Title: Level Zero Cultivator


I'm back!!

haha, I didn't know what to say here. nothing came up in my mind.

Oh! as for the mistake I told you before. after reading the last 3 chapters don't you think Rebecca looked a bit stupid?

that's what I meant~~

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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