
is that you?

i know u before have we met before is that you??

nargas_abbas2005 · Urban
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12 Chs

life goes on

Chapter nine: life goes on

Ian opened his eyes slowly, he saw Rauna sleep next to him

Ian: did she stay here all the night

Ian get up of the bed without make noise

Ian: Oh, she didn't wake up great

Ian put his hand on his forehead

Ian: great my temperature dropped, oh the apartment really dirty, I have to clean it

Ian started clean the apartment while he doing that Rauna got up

Rauna: Ian are you okay

Ian: good morning

Rauna: what are you doing?

Ian: clean up

Rauna jumped form the bed and stand front of him she put her hand on his forehead

Rauna: your temperature dropped great but you still have to take your medicine

Ian: okay I will take it

Rauna: good boy

Ian: thanks to take care of me

Rauna: I think that what friends do right

Ian: right

Rauna: so you don't have to thank me

Ian: so dear friend can you give me a hand here

Rauna: okay

After two hours

Rauna: oh your apartment very dirty

Ian: I know

Rauna: I'm hungry

Ian: me too

Rauna: I will order pizza from the restaurant

Ian: okay

Rauna: so why are you living alone

Ian: I don't have someone to live with him

Rauna: what about your parents

Ian: they are died

Rauna: oh I'm so sorry

Ian: you don't have to be sorry, you didn't kill them

Rauna: it was hard on you right

Ian: yeah but life goes on

Rauna: yeah

Ian: the delivery arrived

Rauna: I will open

Rauna: here the pizza

Ian: yummy


Rauna: Oh, I'm full

Ian: it was incredible

Rauna: right, I will go now

Ian: okay

Rauna: I will see you tomorrow in the work

Ian: alright

Ian closed the door

Ian: I'm so excited to see her again