
is that you?

i know u before have we met before is that you??

nargas_abbas2005 · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
12 Chs

it was his favorite too

chapter twelve : it was his favorite too

Ian: no that is not what i mean , i just

Rauna boycotted Ian by her laugh

Ian: what make you laugh?

Rauna: i was just kidding but you take it seriously

Ian: oh that not funny , you make nervous i mean you are cute and beautiful there is no reason to not be your boyfriend

Rauna looked at Ian's eyes deeply and said

do you really see me like that

Ian a little confounded and said yes i do

Rauna: i lo

Ian: oh the Macaroni , oh great it's okay

Rauna: great

Ian: oh sorry to boycotted you, what did you say

Rauna: nothing , i will chose a movie to watch while the dinner get ready

Ian: okay

after a while

Ian: the dinner really

Rauna yummy i smell a really good

Ian: you will like it

Rauna: let's eat

Ian: enjoy your meal

Rauna: i will

Rauna ate the first spoon

Rauna: it's really Tasty

Ian: it's my mum recipe

Rauna: your mum amazing

Ian: i know

after they finished there dinner

Rauna: come on let's see a movie

Ian: that's sound good

Rauna: bring the chips and nuts from the drawer

Ian: okay , what kind of movie did you chose

Rauna: horror

Ian: do you like it?

Rauna: of course

after a while

Rauna screaming fills the whole place and shes holding Ian's hand

Ian: relax it's just acting

Rauna: i can't i can't turn it off

Ian: okay it's over

Rauna: bring to me water

Ian: here you are

Rauna: thanks

Ian: so do you really like horror films

Rauna: no i hate it

Ian: so why did you say you like it

Rauna: l lied

Ian laugh

Rauna: stop you

Ian: okay, so what is your favorite type of movies

Rauna: adventure , it was his favorite too

Ian: what

Rauna: nothing

Ian: i like adventure too,

Rauna: really , then let's watch one

Ian: alright