
is that you?

i know u before have we met before is that you??

nargas_abbas2005 · Urban
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12 Chs

He is gone

Chapter six: He is gone

After a week

Ian : oh these exams not over I'm tired but its still just two I have to bear it , oh god I will be late for my work

Ian changed his clothes and went to his work and he start working as usual

When the work time over and he will leave he saw Rauna sit alone and sad so he came over to her

Ian: what's the matter why the angle unhappy today

Rauna: nothing

Ian: great so do you have time

Rauna: why

Ian: to fly around amusement park

Rauna: fly? (She laughed)

Ian: come on let's go

Rauna: okay

Ian: we arrived

Rauna: great, which game should start with it?

Ian: the most dangerous

Rauna: Death Railway

Ian: let's go

Rauna: Oh, god I'm afraid now

Ian: don't be I'm with you

Ian hold her hand, Rauna her cheeks blushed

Ian: its start

Rauna: oh god I'm flying

Ian: I told you, we would fly

After two hours

Rauna: we play all the games

Ian: right, are you hungry

Rauna: I'm starving

Ian: let's go to eat

Rauna: I know I good café near by here

Ian: okay

Rauna: that is the café

Ian: nice lets go inside to have a dinner

Rauna: okay, come on let's sit here

Ian: All right, what do you wanna to eat?

Rauna: I want pizza

Ian: me too

Rauna: great

After the have dinner

Ian: I have fun today

Rauna: me too

Ian: good do you want to take you home

Rauna: no thanks back to your home and relax

Ian: alright see later

Rauna : thanks you were nice to me all day , you make me remember someone he was like you , every time he saw me sad , he didn't care about the reason he just hold my hand and make feel better

Ian: where is he now?

Rauna: he is gone

Ian: where

Rauna: I don't know I miss him

Ian: I hope you meet him someday

Rauna: I hope

Ian: don't be sad I will take his place until he comes, okay?

Rauna: okay

Ian: good night and sweet dreams

Rauna: sleep tight