
is that you?

i know u before have we met before is that you??

nargas_abbas2005 · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
12 Chs

full in sleep

chapter 3 : full in sleep :

Ian : so where is your house ?

Rauna : we have to take a taxi

Ian : come with me

Rauna : where ?

Ian : here is a bus stop

Rauna : do you want me to ride a bus ????!!!!

Ian : so what?

Rauna : no no this is disgusting

Ian : shut up and let's go in

Rauna : oh god

Ian : see this is not disgusting

Rauna : yeah it's good but this is my first time to ride a bus

Ian : really

Rauna : yeah you know I'm a rich girl

Ian : right

Rauna : you are a college student?

Ian : yeah

Rauna : so i am older than you

Ian : no we are at the same age

Rauna : how ?

Ian: i left the school for one year

Rauna: why ?

Ian : that is out of your business

Rauna: you are right

Ian: so where is your house?

Rauna: we are near by it

Ian : great

Rauna: oh i arrived, but i have to walk this street

Ian: take it

Rauna: what about you

Ian: i don't need it

Rauna: thanks

Rauna take the umbrella and get out of the bus

she stand a front of the bus and smiled to Ian and said

Good night

Ian smiled to her

Next day

Ian got up so late and ran as fast as he can

Ian: Oh, why I'm late every day

He arrived but he found the class is start

Ian knock the door. , the teacher opened the door

Teacher: Oh, Ian you are late again

Ian: I'm sorry

Teacher: quickly come in

Ian: thanks

lisa : this time why you are late?

Ian : shut up we are in an exam

After the exam

Ian : bye

Lisa : where are you going?

Ian : i have a job

Lisa : good luck

Ian: thanks

Ian ran to the company , and set in his office

and start working

After four hours

Ian : I'm really tired oh i want to sleep

Rauna shouted : hey you

Ian : what ?

Rauna : focus in your job if you want to sleep go home this job unsuited you

Ian : I'm just tired and I don't full in sleep anyway

Rauna: okay continue

And she left

Ian : what the matter with here I was just yawn anyway just an hour and work time over

Later workmate: see tomorrow guys

Ian: see you , finally I came out , oh I'm really hungry , nodal café is near here Im going to have a dinner

Ian: hello

Waiter: welcome

Ian: please I want nodal

Waiter: okay sir

Suddenly Rauna came in

Ian : why she is here

Rauna has a seat and said : hey waiter come here im starving

Waiter : yes miss

Rauna : bring to me a lot of nodal okay

Waiter: alright miss

Rauna looked at Ian and smiled

Ian: what?

Rauna : nothing

They both ate their dinner

But when Rauna looked at him, she found him fall in sleep

Rauna he looks very cute