
New Friend

Ao and Ula explained everything in the smallest details. They talked about the fact that there is supposed to be only nine in total and that their friend had to go to another Universe to avoid pursuit. By the time they were finished, Lia's expression had already turned into one of disbelief.

She took some time to think and added.

"I think that I indeed have this Blackhole Heavenly Fragment. So far, I haven't seen anyone cultivating as fast as me. Also, I'm indeed several times stronger than other cultivators and demon beasts at the same level. Not to mention that other than Earth Laws, I'm indeed extremely proficient in Space and Time laws as well. It is just that I focused a lot more on Earth Laws, so those two lagged behind."

It was then that Ao noticed something.

"Wait, you said that so far, no one had the same characteristics as you. Does that mean that you made inquires about the Fragment in your Divine Soul?"

Lia nodded.