
Brother, You Are Good.

Boen Saviu is a member of the Hasvau Planet, another planet at the top of the food chain. Ever since he arrived, he had been trying to court Nala. She is beautiful, has a Major Core, and is free. But other than exchanging polite words, she hasn't shown any interest to him so far. In fact, not only him, but no one else either.

But out of nowhere, someone from a planet he had never heard before immediately caught his girl's interest. If it was one of those from planets like his own, then he could accept it. But it was a punny planet which his clan could probably wipe out alone. He simply couldn't accept that.

Of course, Boen didn't let it show on his face. He came forward and complimented Krune too. He was planning to humiliate Krune in the elemental test so that he would know his place.

"Hello, it seems like you two were expecting each other."