
Is lovin' you a risk?

WARNING ⚠️ Slow burn book Did you forget about me so soon?....... I told you it was a mistake, I didn't mean for any of it to happen?.... Catherine said in a frustrated manner. You didn't mean for it to happen but you finance did. He said with a smirk........ ............................ Catherine is innocent, strong-willed and a tad emotional. She is a beautiful and loving lady, up until she was used as a tool of exchange by her fiance and was bitterly betrayed by her cousin(Chloe). She sacrificed her dignity, freedom and other rights to seek vengeance and take back her father's company, which was in possession of her uncle and under the mercy of her disloyal fiance. She agreed to a contract marriage and found herself entangled in a stream of emotions. Battling love,death and lots of drama, find out if she loving Kelvin really is a risk worth taking. I Agree.....she said as he turned around What took you so long.....He said with a smirk I had to think about it......She answered Let's get married........He said

Ivy_Rafatullah · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 18 Substitute.

Black corp.

Release the video at midnight and then bring down their shares at daybreak.

Five days later.

In the presidential office of Black Corp.

She will be coming back today, go to the airport and pick her up , I will send you her arrival details, Kelvin told Greg.

Where should I take her ?, Greg asked.

She has a home, doesn't she ?, so take her there, Kelvin said irritated.

Ok sir, Greg said leaving the office.

Tell Catherine to come over to my office, Kelvin said.

Ok sir, Greg said as he leaves the office.

Knock.... Knock...

Yes come in , Catherine said.

Greg entered the office and went towards the table to pick up some files.

Sir wants to see you, Why do you look so pale, Greg asked as Catherine lifted up her head .

I'm fine, just a little under the weather, Catherine said as she stands up. The moment she stood up, a sudden wave of dizziness overwhelmed her, and she held onto the table side for balance.

Hey, are you okay ? Greg asked, after witnessing the moment.

I'm okay, I just felt a little dizzy, Catherine said as she regained her balance and left the office.


Catherine knocked when she got to Kelvin office. Come in, Kelvin said.

Catherine entered the office but stood rooted at the spot.

Come over ,Kelvin said as he patted his laps for her to sit, without even looking away from the file he was reading.

Kelvin looked up from the file he was reading when he noticed that she didn't move away from the spot.

Why are you standing there?. Kelvin asked and continued reading his file.

The moment he continued reading the file,he heard a loud thump, and immediately looked up to see Catherine lying flat on the floor.

Catherine!!!!!, Kelvin yelled as he immediately stood up from his seat, and ran towards her. He bent down and lifted her head.

Catherine..... Catherine..., He called, but got no response.

He carried her into his arms and went out of his office.

Greg, Greg, call the doctor , Kelvin yelled as he walked towards the elevator. The other secretary all looked up in amazement.

Secretary 1: What is going on between secretary Smith and the president.

Secretary 2: I heard the account department say they are having an affair.

Secretary 1: Secretary Smith looks all innocent and nice,she is the only one who got an office. I knew there was something behind it

Secretary 2: You are right, she is just a mistress, I heard the president's fiancee will be coming back to the country.

Do you have any work to do or would you rather prefer to be jobless , Greg yelled at the gossiping secretaries.


At The Hospital.

Kelvin stood at the entrance of a ward with Greg. The doctor then came out of the ward with a file in his hands. Kelvin immediately went towards the doctor.

How is she ? , Kelvin asked nervously. The doctor closed the file and looks at Kelvin.

What kind of husband are you ?, Your wife is weak, yet she is under contraceptive. If you are not ready for a child, then you should just use protection, But you youngsters, you want everything raw including your girlfriends, because if she was your wife , you won't be feeding her with contraceptive.

Anyway,Her body is too weak to handle the contraceptive, which caused her to faint. This is a list of medicines she should use,such an irresponsible man, the doctor scolded Kelvin and walked away.

Contraceptive ?, Greg asked.

Kelvin stood rooted on the spot baffled. His expression suddenly turned cold.

Greg, check inside Catherine handbag,there is a pill in it. Give it to Tom, Tell him to get it tested , and tell me what kind of a pill it is and what it is used for.

Ok sir...

Kelvin entered the hospital ward to see a sleeping Catherine with a pale face, He sat on the chair close to the bed and brought out his phone to dial a number. The phone was answered after two rings.

Hello sir said the person at the other end.

Has Catherine been on any other medications apart from the one she takes during breakfast ?, Kelvin asked

Ummm... No sir, Lana said at the other end.

Ok , said Kelvin as he immediately hung up.

2 hours later.

Catherine blinked repeatedly after regaining consciousness.

Are you ok ?, Kelvin who is sitted beside her asked when he noticed she was awake.

Yeah, she said as she tries to sit up. Kelvin comes forward and helps her sit up.

Do you need water ?, Kelvin asked as he poured her a glass of water, his phone rang,then he excused himself to receive the call.

Hello, Kelvin said.

ummm... Kelvin,I ran the tests on the pills you sent to me.They are contraceptive pills. They are not any type of contraceptive,they are known in the black market ,it's called Yaz contraceptive, if used for too long ,they could lead to high risks of life-threatening blood clots, high blood pressure, gallbladder problems, liver tumors and breast cancer, and could also damage the womb.

Ok, Kelvin said dejected.

Kelvin, who is using these pills?, Tom asked confused .

Catherine, Kelvin said.

What !!!!!! , why would she use such a medication. I thought you said things were going well between you two, Tom asked.

I don't get it, something just feels weird, something is wrong somewhere.

I will come over today to also check up on ,Tom said.

Ok, Kelvin answered as he hangs up the phone. he went to the bed side and asked ,Is that how much you hate me ,Kelvin asked.

What?, what do you mean ?, Catherine asked not understanding what he meant.

Why are you taking contraceptive?,Are you so eager to be away from me?, you are so unwilling to even Carry my child ?, Kelvin asked with disappointment in his voice, You are asking me why, I should by be asking you that , Catherine said with tears welled up in her eyes. You just can't go around and use your tears when you need them.

Your tears are used to show your emotions,not used as a tool to support your points, Kelvin said angrily.

Speaking of emotions,have you ever thought of my emotions. I'm binded to a marriage I don't want to be in, working in a place I don't want to, being used as a substitute for someone else, being used as a sex toy, being used as a sex toy isn't even enough,I am being forced against my will to take contraceptive. Is my life even mine,or does it belongs to you now?!?!?, Catherine said with tears rolling down her face.

Sex toy?, substitute?, is that really the only way you think of me ?, when I finally thought that our relationship would be worth giving a try, you come along and ruin everything with your selfish and hateful attitude, said Kelvin.



Kelvin yelled as he smashed a glass jug on the floor.

Catherine tears kept rolling down uncontrollably.

Kelvin could not stand the sight of her tears and left,but before he left the room, he said , why didn't you tell me earlier ?, you can be hateful, vengeful, selfish and greedy in every way possible, but don't do it at the cost of your life. Your live belongs to you,live it the way you like, and live it the way you want, you belong to me but I don't own you.

Greg will pick you up when you get discharged, I won't be coming home, I will be going on a business trip.

Kelvin said and then left the ward.


Author ' note :

Hey everyone, Salam alaikum, Hola..........I would sadly😭 be writing this letter to you cause , I won't be able to update in a few days and perhaps weeks....buh please keep your support and motivation on.... cause when I get back I want to be met by your kind words and motivation....😘. Keeping it up with the power stones and comments your support and love is all I need.💕💕💗💗