
Chapter 1

A sounds of footstep coming as the girl who was hiding in the library walk carefully as he inspects at the back of the taller boy.

as she saw something unbelievable she was shocked and frozen causing his steps to be stagger.

as the sound heard by both people they were cautious as they peep around them to know who is the one who caused the noise.

"She-"when she saw the human face clearly she was even more shocked.

she stop herself before she can make noise but the two human shadow notice her.

"Who are you?"he shouted as he inspect the library as he notice his hair he said.

"found you.."

thud she slip causing her knees to be bleed she tried her best to stand up as she see a handsome boy who smile warmly but she doesn't feel comfortable but she feel scared.

because she knew that this people were planning to do something to her.

"eh..hehehe"a girl voice sounded as she laugh mocking the girl in front of her.

"looks like we're caught"she said then she paused.

"but....not..anymore because your dead"

she smile at her as she anticipate what's going to happen.

"dead cannot speak"the man speak affectionately.

"what a pity"

the man cover her mouth and nose until she passed out.