
Is it Wrong to Employ Cute Girls in a Store?

Is it wrong to employ cute girls? As a slave, yes. In Orario? No. As store employees? Definitely No. The man lives his new life in peace while being a store owner that is intent on breaking the market while also being a part-time hero. His sense of equality and density is feared and admired by women of all nature. He slaps a face just as hard as he spanks an ass. Wait, no, they like it? Abort the mission, soldier! This city is filled with thirst deeper than the folds of the Dungeon! And Loki, get your flat ass off the counter! No... I don't find your qualities admirable as a god or... my landlord. *Hate Boner Goes Brrrrrrrrr*

FanHarem · Anime und Comics
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51 Chs

Hearty Declaration

Forget whatever you know about Shakti and Ganesha.

First, Shakti is actually hot when she's not wearing orange. The color does not suit her. At all. Second, Ganesha has a cultured taste for employing someone like Shakti.

Wearing a blue dress with armor on top of it, the woman looked as heroic and as beautiful as they come. Her pillowy lips press themselves in displeasure while she slaps on the poster with Jackal's face on it.

"Have you lost your mind?" She demands sternly before slapping her armored hand on the counter once again, causing Lili to wince at the sound as she continues to curl behind Jackal and hold his left thigh slightly.

"Ah, Shakti-san," Jackal smiles—

"No! Don't act coy!" She huffs and glares, "Why would you attack two adventurers in front of the dungeon's entrance no less... and... sigh, their timing couldn't be worse!"

"Yo! We're breaking your rule and entering with more than three people dumbass!" Loki cheerily remarks and steps in with her wanted familia members. Well, only Tiona, Tione, Ais, Lefiya, Riveria... and a scowling Bete.

"Oh?" Loki bounces at the sight of the bounty poster, "Hooooo! Making a name for yourself, huh? And who's that cutie behind the counter~?!" She practically leaps over the counter to pounce on Lili as she squeaks and hides further behind Jackal while his hand covers the flying Goddess' face and holds her midair.

"Your Sweetness," Jackal frowns at Riveria and speaks formally as she instantly looks indignant, "Would you keep this pest in check? Shakti-san doesn't like getting disturbed during important things."

"Glad you understand that," Shakti nods and glances at Riveria who nods calmly, slips out a rope from under her cloak which snakes around magically, and ties Loki up in a moment.

"Loki... you brought this on yourself..." Tiona giggles wryly and crouches beside a whining Loki.

"This poster's validity is based on your response," Shakti eyes Jackal seriously, "Did you or did you not assault a male adventurer and sexually assault a female adventurer?"

Feeling the gazes of every woman sharpen while Loki peeks up with bright eyes... yeah, not an ideal situation when almost all the women in the room can tear his head off.

"Pfft!" Surprisingly, Bete snorts a muffled chuckle and looks away. His shoulder still shudders but he keeps himself in check when he sees Riveria's rope encroaching on him.

"Jackal-sama saved me!" Lili stammers forward, "Those Adventurers are the rotten ones! Why are you here—"

"That's why she's here to confirm what happened," Jackal smiles, "Here, relax. Have a gemling."

Feeling oddly intimidated by all the girls staring at her now, Lili shuffles behind Jackal and tosses the candy in her mouth.

"How do I put it..." Jackal hums, "I was acting in the name of justice?"

Shakti quietly continues to stare at Jackal.

"Fine, fine, be that way. You're too serious, you know. Be like Ganesha a bit more," Jackal huffs and smiles, "I found Lili in the dungeon. First floor. The adventurers, well, what would you expect them to be other than the average bullies, you know, the 70% population of Orario consists of them. Anyway, I wasn't going to act like a pathetic bitch and not save Lili when I had all the chance to and then later realize that— oh, no, I should save her and all that drama..."

Lili lowers her head while the other girls sigh softly.

"What about the female adventurer?"

"I cut her top," Jackal nods.


"Why not? She was the opponent and the feeling of shame is her weak point. So, I'll embarrass her by exposing her. Anyway, if she didn't want to get exposed, she should invest in a better quality of armor..." Jackal slows down and looks at Shakti again, "Oi... is that why you're dressed so much?"

"Partially," Shakti huffs bluntly while Loki leers, "Heh, what a pathetic adventurer! Cutting woman's clothes... although... it's a good strategy—"

"It's not!" The majority of the girls speak at once.

"If you're worried about your clothes, just wear something better," Jackal shrugs, "So? Do I pass your morality check?"

"For now..." Shakti crumples the paper and looks at Lili, "I apologize for what you went through. I understand that our Familia cannot be at every place at once or interfere with other familia... but if you happen to know other such victims, do bring them to my attention."

Lili scoffs under her breath and looks away.

Sighing softly again, Shakti looks at the shelves, "There is already a line of customers outside from both our familia. Your dual potion, for the rookies, is great despite it being costly... and those magical items..."

Jackal smiles and hands her the spec sheet. Going through it, she nods, "Very well, I won't intrude any further. As for my familia members, they will start making purchases from themselves from today onwards. Do treat them kindly."

"Hey, you scratch my back and I scratch yours," Jackal smiles as Shakti sighs and smiles. "Very well. And indeed, scratching back is satisfactory."

'That last part was unnecessary...' Jackal shrugs as Shakti leaves.

Heaving a deep breath, Jackal looks at Loki's familia.

"Ais, look alive!" Jackal calls out and tosses one gemling. Like the graceful blonde dolphin she is, the girl leaps into the air and eats the candy before landing and looking at Lili... smugly.

'Why you, little!' Lili gnashes her teeth reflexively.

"Here you go, these are the new items. They are pricey, especially the shield but it is worth it, Sweetness," Jackal hands over the sheet of parchment to Riveria who frowns.

"Stop calling me that."

"If you level up and your alias changes to Nine Sweetness..." Jackal glances at Loki whose grin widens impishly, "Then it's not a problem, right?"

Riveria frowns while Bete scoffs, "Her alias should be Nine Life Hag!"

"Really? She looks hotter than most hags," Jackal grins.

Oh, a punch from Riveria hurts like hell. Jackal can say this from experience.

Now sporting a large bump on his head and a remarkably sincere expression while a squirming Bete is tied and set next to Loki, Jackal smiles, "So? What can I get you?"

"Love potions~!"

"My promised Bento-ya!"

"Five... bento boxes."

"U- um... Loki-sama asked me to request more gemlings..." Stammers Lefiya.

"I'll take one Lizard Shield to test it. As Shakti said, our familia, too, has informed our members about you, and they will make purchases for themselves. Rest assured, they will not trouble you but if your product turns out to be deceitful then my words hold no meaning."

Jackal nods, "Fine, fine." As he starts to shuffle out bento boxes. Tiona giggles and picks one. Ais takes a stack of five. Tione, too, picks one while snatching the love potion... which she had to return under Riveria's glare.

With a look in Lefiya's direction, Jackal raises an eyebrow, "Anything besides the Gemling?"

Twiddling with her fingers, Lefiya lowers her head and shakes it sideways.

"Are we done~? Can we leave this stinking place and shop in Babel where the real good stuff's at?" Loki grins as Lili vibrates in anger, "Jackal-sama's shop is better than any other!"

"Heh, nah, it's the worst!"

"It's not!"

"Lalala~ Bye-bye, pallum-chan!" Loki grins as Tiona picks the Goddess with the rope while Tione picks up Bete who continues to struggle.

"Tch... Lili doesn't like them! Especially that blonde in a short skirt! Who does she think she is tempting!" Lili scoffs while Jackal smiles, "You know they have levels high enough to still hear you, right?"

Lili's lips part open before she scoffs, "Good! She dresses inappropriately!"

Jackal stills and looks at Lili for a moment. Wearing nothing more than a red, hooded crop top that exposes her stomach and unbuttoned shorts they refuse to fall down her hips... not to mention her stockings torn in some locations, she really cannot comment on other's clothes.

"So... ready to work with me?" Jackal smiles and it's at this time Lili falters for a moment.

"I- I think I should clean the upper floor, too!" She squeaks and runs away after grabbing the broom.

"Well..." Jackal huffs, "She's got more problems, huh... not that I intend to let a cute salesgirl go now."

Just the thought of a line of saleswoman... as hot as Shakti behind the corner and selling his goods while he chills, eat food with Maria and whatnot is a dream grand enough to make him feel motivated!


'Haah... could I have been more stupid. What if Jackal-sama misunderstands that I am acting ungratefully...' Lili quietly brushes the floor with a downcast look.

'But... the filth won't go away. I should tell Jackal-sama everything. But he's only level 1... even if he may not give up on me, I don't want him to injure himself for me. And... there might be adventurers, his customers, who may know me...'

A certain memory resurfaces in her mind and she bites her lower lip, "Last time... I was out in the public. If I stay hidden this time... they cannot know I work here. Or they will thrash Jackal-sama's place like that kind Uncle's flower shop..."

She continues to broom the region. She continues to remove the filth.

But the more she tried, the more she reasoned... the more she felt the ugly filth inside.

'I should... leave, right? I mean, these two days were good enough. I should strive to quickly collect all the money and leave the Familia before returning...'

She feels incredibly conflicted. She did think of going to Shakti but who is she kidding? Familia matters are personal.

A familia is similar to a domain for their corresponding Gods. No other God will unnecessarily enter into conflict with others.

That's just how it is.

The justice of this world is merely whims and subtle understanding between the number of gods. Mortals? They just follow.

For the entire time, Lili continued to guiltily clean the floor of the upper section of the store.

How everything got sold out in less than three hours is not something she could understand but when she hears him calling for her, Lili firms her heart.

'I cannot come clean! Never. Jackal-sama is reckless, shameless, and willful. He is a womanizer who even teases THAT Nine Hell! H- He shouldn't have to suffer for the bad hand life dealt me!'

Lili climbs down the stair with Jackal promptly waving her over.

"Jackal-sama," she takes a deep breath—

"None of that," he stares at her calmly, "I just got you and I don't let go!"

Lili comes to a stop and looks down as she mutters, "Jackal-sama, you have been very kind to Lili. Truly. You have no idea—"

"Orphan, abused, and most likely thinking you're doing me a favor because your life's a mess."

His words make her stop. Her lips press together and her nose sours ever so slightly. Looking up, Lili finds his usually energetic eyes revealing a sense of empathy... a stroke of warmth that wells her heart with emotions once again and her eyes with tears.

"As you can see," he speaks, "I have a good idea what you may have gone through. And as I say, this is a no-judgment zone. May I ask one thing?"

She nods.

"Did you... at least try to change? Your life, I mean..."

Lili's lips wobble and she whispers, "Every day... but they won't let go, Lili is certain."

"Hmm, we just met and I get how you may think this is too heavy stuff to unload," Jackal pats the chair next to him as Lili takes a seat next to him, "And I'm not really going to force you to open up. But... I get a good vibe from you."

Smiling, he asserts, "So... don't give up on me. And I won't give up on you either."

Lili nods quietly and then speaks up, "Lili is just worried. They are not good people... they will hurt you to get to me."

"Nobody is good," Jackal barks a chuckle, "There are only strong and weak. So, I'm gonna keep on growing."

"As expected from Jackal-sama," Liki smiles, "You definitely will grow to be the strongest!"

"And tame the strongest monster!"

"And tame the strongest monster!" Lili grins and chorus cheerily.

"And have the sexiest harem of goddesses!" Jackal grins and Lili chokes before shrieking, "No way! That won't happen! Not as long as Lili fights off all those hussies!"

He cackles and continues, "Oh! Think! Aphrodite! Freya! And Ishtar! All three! I'll be so damn good that I'm the only one they'd need! Loki will cry tears of blood! Muahahahahaha!"

"Nooooooooo!" Lili covers her ears and shouts in denial.

Jackal huffs and smiles at the girl. At least she is feeling good.

Then he glances back at the empty shelves.

He won't ever add more than 30 items to each category and eventually, the shop will stabilize.

His goods ARE pricey but the level 1 adventurer of Loki and Ganesha Familia are better off compared to other Familia. Most items like potions and such are not used every day in the dungeon, especially, not on the upper floors so most of the adventurers will save these treasures.

Besides, after hearing some praise from Riveria and Shakti, naturally, the rest of the members will come running along so today is a special case. He estimates that within three days the situation will stabilize. This burst of popularity would have increased a rise in window shopping...

But Jackal's store is in a discreet corner of the city. He will instead gain actual customers and...

'A load of troublemakers... Nothing a little bit of violence and blood won't solve. Speaking of violence... Bete looked rather calm. Did he get laid or something?'

Jackal muses as Lili questions, "Jackal-sama, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that Finn is a lucky man having an amazon like Tione chase after him... I'd like a big-breasted amazon chasing after me, too..." He huffs and lies on the counter.

"Tch... they weren't that great!" Lili refutes, "In fact, I have heard that many people favor a pallum's... s- soft butt..."

"Say," Jackal looks at the pallum, "How old are you?"

"15!" Lili grins but Jackal whines, "Just my luck!"

Inflating her cheeks, Lili begins to knock her hand against his arm, "Womanizing idiot Jackal-sama! I'm not a kid!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say..." Jackal huffs.

"Jackal-samaaaa!" Lili groans once she notes the lack of enthusiasm in his voice.

After a while, both of them grow dull.

"Lili, now that you're officially my employee, let's discuss your pay."

Lili shakes his head, "I don't wish to act ungratefully, Jackal-sama. I cannot expect any payment since I only have troubles to offer."

"Where do you live now?"

"Ah, actually, not far from here. I rented a room from a Gnome grandpa. I... I don't stay with my Familia."

"And... wouldn't you tell me the name of your familia?" Jackal presents a harmless smile.

"Why?" Lili pouts.

"Well, I need to be as strong as the Familia's captain before beating them up."

"See? That is why Lili will not tell you anything. I don't wish you to get hurt!" She huffs.

"Let's leave tonight a little earlier. We'll get your measurements and then have a uniform sewn for you," Jackal smiles, "If Loki can strut around with Lefiya and Ais, you'll be my mascot!"


'Heh, take that blonde short stuff!'

"Anyway," Looking at her, Jackal questions, "Do you have any other place to stay? If what you have implied is true then your Familia probably knows where you live. I don't want to trouble Miach-sama... so, want to live with me? You can bunk on the sofa."

"L-Living together with you? Isn't this too fast?!" Lili gasps, her cheeks turning ruddy as he yawns, "Well, you called me womanizer, right? We make our moves quickly~! Oh, and if you'd like, join me on dungeon trips. Although I like going solo, I, at least, want to give a supporter a chance."

Lili nods with a sincere, happy smile, "Thank you, Jackal-sama. I will gladly follow you!"

"But man I wish I had an amazon following me..."



"Saayyy~ Was I the only one who noticed it?" Tiona balances the bento box on the tip of her nose while walking with her hands on the back of her head.

There are days when many members of Loki Familia. Said goddess has run off somewhere with a grumbling Bete and Riveria escorting her while the rest of the team makes their way to the main 'house' of the familia.

"Notice what?" Lefiya, the young elven apprentice to Nine Hell cocks her head curiously.

"Heh? I thought I was the only one with how you and Ais were so excited about the bento," Tione smirks.

"Then give me yours, too," Tiona scoffs.

"You wish, chibi!"


"A-Ais-san, what are the two of them talking about?" Lefiya questions with a stutter as Ais walks with five bento boxes wrapped in her clothes and held in her hand. She stares off into the distance as if unconcerned by what others are doing yet she replies nonetheless, showing that her mind hadn't wandered off.

"He... grew. He is stronger."

"Exactly!" Tiona exhales from her nostrils and catches her bento, "Didn't you see his arms? The result was right there! But... how the hell did he do it..." She looks down at her chest covered in a white tube top, "Falna makes us stronger and all that... but our body's growth isn't affected by it."

Still looking confused, Lefiya sends a pleading look toward Tione who sighs fondly, "Alright, what Tiona is trying to say, is when we get a status update, we get stronger, right?"

Lefiya nods.

"But do our muscles grow? Or does our height increase? No, right? We don't experience physical change. Our falna strengthens us. But that Jackal, god bless his heart for sliding me that love potion, is physically growing at a visible pace. You may not notice now but fighters like Tiona and Ais can easily sense the difference because we train ourselves to be observant of opponents!"

"But... Jackal-san isn't an opponent, right? He does tease the master and others but he always remains kind. Even that pallum girl..."

Ais's lips twitch while Tione licks her lower lip, "Oh, he's an opponent. We are also trained to see who is and isn't an opponent."

Tiona pouts as Tione glances at her younger twin, "And... he'll get his fair share of troubles. I hope he does~! Life isn't interesting without causing trouble, after all!"

"Says you who wags her tail the moment Captain asks something."

"Hah?" Flames burn in Tione's eyes, "Captain Finn is the most perfect man! If he says something, of course, I will follow it!"

Tiona sticks out her tongue, "Bleh, if he's so perfect go ask him to make a bento and..." she leaps forward to snatch Tione's bento as the elder twin scoffs and tosses the box up before it lands on her bountiful chest with a soft jiggle.

Lording over her younger twin, Tione turns her nose up haughtily while setting her hands akimbo, "Hoh? What? I can't see anyone beneath my chest! Hohohoho!"

"Damn you!" Tiona whines with tearful eyes.

"Ah..." Tione clicks her tongue and crouches to pat her younger sister's head, "You know, you're pretty unfair when you act like a Cheinthrope!"

"Heh!" Tiona grins impishly and wipes away her fake tears.

Besides them, three guild employees pass through. Ais notes one bespectacled half-elf looking at their bento.

'Hmm...' Ais holds the stack of Bento close to her protectively and walks forward.

She likes this bento. She feels warm eating this. And she smells potato from one of the boxes so she shan't lose any of the bento!


"Recruit that petulant asshole? Hah? When he was born, I bet his mom gave up on living after one look at him! When he tried to fuck his first girlfriend, I'm sure he never even got hard! He's that asshole look on his face when he looks at my Aizu, Nine Sweetness, Tiona, and Tione! Not Lefiya... tch, how dare he not look at Lefiya the wrong way! Sweet, innocent girls like Lefiya make this realm more tolerable!"

"Oi, Loki... are you praising that weak pussy or bashing him?" Bete scoffs.

"What about you?" Riveria glances at Bete, "You seemed oddly calm near him."

"Shut up, Nine Hag!" Bete barks her off as her emerald pupils narrow.

'I will hold a grudge for this, Jackal,' Riveria swears, 'As my name is Alf!'

"Tch, who will praise him!" Loki scoffs.

"That does not matter," Riveria looks at Loki, "All the hints you gathered from your divine tell points to the fact that his items and potions are a product of his hard work. And he must have other unique skills. His body is proof of that. We should recruit him into the familia!"

"Nope!" Loki shuts her down while walking ahead casually.


"Riveria, you're one of my eldest children in terms of recruitment," Loki huffs, "Did we always employ the cream of the crop? Did we always go for the uniques? You see, a balance between the cream and the normies is needed. Just 'cause one of my children is normal doesn't mean I love him or her less. Else, why would I have them?"

Looking back with a grin, "But it's a parent's job to know which child has too big of an appetite and... that child is a monster. Even I feel the TINGLES when I see him," she scoffs under her breath and eyes Riveria luridly, "And what else? I don't want him to devour my Nine Sweetness just yet~!"

"Please," Riveria stares at Loki gloomily, "Nothing of the kind will ever happen."

However, Loki's next words... her expression almost sent Riveria and Bete over their edge.

As if matching a terrifying serpent, Loki's eyes red eyes stare at them, "See? That's what is so cute about children. They always underestimate a caring God's intuition. Our bastard of a tenant is never going to settle. And if he does heh... well, whatever, I don't even want to think of the cost he would carve out to settle down."

The duo behind her remains silent the entire journey through the streets of Orario before Loki sniffs, "I smell it! As reported~ Soma's wine~!"

She leaps in joy, attracting attention from everywhere.

"Loki is damn weird," Bete scoffs.

"Better than most gods," Riveria sighs.


"When are we going to the next expedition?" Bete tosses Riveria a glance.

"Soon," Riveria smiles.


"Ah, Eina-san, right? Nice to meet you again," Maria smiles as the three guild employees enter Jackal's shop to find Maria, Jackal, and Lili feasting on their bento.

"Hey!" Jackal grins and greets them, "Come on in. I thought you wouldn't be coming!"

Rose nods while Misha greets back cheerfully, "Yahoo~! Jackal-san! It's been a while. But don't worry! Eina keeps us updated with the things you two are doing~!" The pinkette's words leave a lot to be desired but Jackal has some of the best works in such situations as he grins back.

"She does? Well, that's great! Say, Eina, did you even tell them when you stayed till the morning?"

Eina takes a deep breath and simply massages her forehead, "Whatever, truly. I knew this would happen the moment you and Misha meet again..."

Jackal grins and helps with the introduction before everyone looks at Lili.

"How sad!" Maria can understand what's left unsaid and pulls Lili into a motherly hug as the pallum's face is strained against Maria's breasts.

Eina sighs softly while Misha and Rose look at Lili gently.

"You know..." Jackal eyes Maria, "I'm an orphan, too..."

Maria sends him a huff and smiles, "It's the same rule with your candies, Jackal-san. No freebies for adults!"

"I see... so I will have to work my way up, huh?" Jackal laughs as Lili pulls back and stares at him angrily, "Well, I'm sorry that pallums cannot grow! Hmph!"

"Jackal," Rose speaks up stoically, "Are you well?"

"I am," Jackal cracks a grin and points at Lili, "And as you can see, I'm living the adventurer life well. I've already got a pallum... let's see, next will be an elf, half-elf, Chienthrope, Catgirl, Amazoness, werewolf, Boaz, Bulls, Weretiger, Hume Bunny, Dwarf, half-dwarf, sheep, spirit, Renard Raccoon, and Goddess! Er..." Looking at others awkwardly as if he was going to apologize, Jackal punctuates, "Did I leave a race out?"

Looking at the bleak Maria, Jackal grins, "Humans, too, of course!"

"W-What?" Eina squeaks with a red face as Rose, too, has a dusting of red on her cheeks with a rather stormy look in her eyes.

Lili huffs but Misha sighs, "Guys, come on, he is obviously talking about having store employees. Gosh, it's so easy with you all~!"

"Huh?" Jackal looks at Misha strangely, "No? Before an adventurer can build a harem, they must be bold enough to announce it at least!"

Sticking his nose high in the air, Jackal proclaims, "If you can't even be THAT bold, how can you ever take care of that many women?! besides," crossing his arm, "I'm actually honorable amongst other professionals. Others lie, sweet talk, beg, and whatnot."

Grinning at Misha, Jackal smirks, "I declare! We are not the same!"

"So, Rose-san, Eina-san, would you like to continue your lunch in my orphanage?" Maria smiles pleasantly without looking at Jackal.

Eina, too, decidedly ignores Jackal and smiles pleasantly, "Of course, Maria-san."

"Hmm, that would be well," Rose nods with a surprisingly pleasant smile, too.

"Beh, Jackal-sama is an idiot!" Lili quickly follows them after pulling her hood.

"Well... all the best?" Misha grins gingerly, "Thanks for the food. I'll try to sway the public opinion~!"

"God bless your soul," Jackal chuckles.

'Okay, so declaring having a harem, check. At least, now I won't feel bad or conflicted. Fuck, just thinking about all sorts of misunderstanding not clearing this out would have created... brr...' A shiver runs down his spine.


Alternate Title: Declaration Before Harem— The Manly Way; Pleasant Smiles... Cold Eyes; Misha Being the Good PR rep; Shakti Fears Jackal's Skills!; Make Bete Laugh Again; The Golden Smug Dolphin; Intuition of Gods; Riveria's 'Promise'; Monster Girls *Exist* Jackal: It's Free Real Estate


A/N: The story is set two years before the canon but many characters are the same age as canon for... *coughs* reasons. {Except Ais probably?}


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Shoutout to WilliamandKerry Hague, Bob Hendrix, Oreo Kitten, Gabriel, and Angel!

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