
Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

So she wakes up as Shalltear in the Dungeon… makes a mess inside it… wants to conquer Orario… meets both protagonists and derails canon… by making them fall in love with her? "This isn't going how I planned it! Dammit!" The true power of a Main Character——the ability to make things worse by simply existing. Oh, you are an overpowered villain?–—That will only complicate things for you. You don't want to be noticed before you're ready?——Too bad~ It already happened~ You made plans to conquer the city?——Orario is a live, unpredictable place filled with many factions, you know~ You're not looking for a harem?——You have two people after you now! You wanted wish-fulfillment?——This isn't a story, dumbass! But a real world! Read how Shalltear makes plans to take over Orario, explores a living dungeon world, and the interaction with Cainabel's blood-soul running in her veins with the Falna System of the Gods! Full Tags: Overpowered, Villain, Antihero, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Overlord, Danmachi, Female Protagonist, Isekai, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Anime, Magic, Mystery, Familia, Dungeon, Vampire, R18. Original Title: Is It Wrong to Take Over Orario?

LittleMarie · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 8: Intermission End


The atmosphere was charged with tension as the four individuals stood face-to-face, their gazes filled with surprise and suspicion. Despite the mild temperature and the warmth of the afternoon sun, an icy chill seemed to emanate from Bete, enveloping Loki in an aura of coldness.

Bete's declaration about the unusual stench in the sewer lingered in the air, creating a palpable silence that stretched on for several seconds. Then, sensing the intensity between Bete and her god, Filvis, the young elf, swiftly positioned herself in front of Dionysus, as if to shield him from any potential harm.

"Stand down, Filvis. You're no match for him," Dionysus calmly instructed his loyal follower.

"But, still... Lord Dionysus," Filvis hesitated, her voice betraying her concern.

The elf named Filvis remained rooted in place, unwavering in her determination to protect Dionysus. With her symmetrical and delicate face, eyes like unmarred red jewels, and her outfit adorned in white, she exuded an air of purity. Clad in a cape and a high collar that concealed her neck, she adhered to the elven tradition of covering as much skin as possible.

Dionysus gently placed his hand on Filvis' shoulder and stepped forward, assuming a position in front of her.

"We shall make no attempt to run or hide. Would you be willing to hear us out, Loki?" Dionysus proposed, his voice filled with sincerity.

Loki pondered for a moment, contemplating the deity's offer. It was the genuineness she perceived in his glass-colored eyes and his willingness to cooperate that swayed her decision.

"...Why not. Let's find some place to go," Loki agreed, her voice tinged with a hint of curiosity.

They soon located a nearby red brick hotel facing the street, and within it, a lounge with a window that met their requirements. Loki handed some additional money to the owner, persuading him to grant them access to the space for their discussion.

"If possible, I'd like to keep this conversation between us," requested Dionysus, his voice holding a hint of secrecy. He desired privacy not only to prevent strangers from overhearing their discussion but also to keep their 'children'—presumably members of his familia—in the dark. Loki agreed to his request, understanding the need for discretion.

"Oi, you sure about this?" Bete questioned, his concern evident.

"Eh, it's fine. I'll signal ya if things go sour, Bete. You'll come to my rescue, won'cha?" Loki assured him with a playful smile.

Bete leaned in and whispered into the goddess's ear, to which she responded in kind. Although he wasn't entirely thrilled with her answer, he complied and stepped outside the hotel, positioning himself right in front of the lounge window. Ready to spring into action at a moment's notice, Bete kept a watchful eye on the situation.

Inside the lounge, the two deities found a secluded booth away from the other patrons. Loki took the closest seat and locked eyes with Dionysus, her expression focused and determined.

"All right, start talking," she demanded, leaning forward with her elbows resting on the table between them. Loki was eager to hear any and all information concerning the Monsterphilia and the hungry plants that Dionysus had to offer.

"Of course," Dionysus replied, nodding in acknowledgment. "To start with, I would like to resolve the misunderstanding. I am not the one behind these incidents, as you seem to believe, Loki." His statement caught her attention, causing her to raise an eyebrow in skepticism, but she remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

He was lying, he was the mastermind behind the incident with the intention of causing harm both against the Guild and Ganesha's familia, which were at the command of Ouranos. But thanks to Freya's intervention releasing monsters to test Bell, the adventurers were on the lookout for monsters and were dealt with minimal casualties.

"Just to confirm, the information you seek only pertains to the plant monsters, am I right?" Dionysus asked, seeking clarification.

"I'm lookin' for a few things. And ya showed up while I was seekin' them," Loki confirmed, her tone assertive.

Dionysus let out a quick sigh, his gaze shifting from Loki to the table as he collected his thoughts. He was thinking of a good story as a cover for his plans. He wanted to destroy Orario, adopting the alias of Enyo, 'destroyer of the city' in the god's language. But destroying Orario didn't only involve destroying the city, after all, it can be rebuilt again. No, his plan involved killing as many of the high-level adventurers of the city, in this way the loss of those with the potential to be heroes would bring a wave of chaos to the mortal realm, snuffing out the seeds of revival and restoration. That way he could see the people filled with despair, fear, and pain as they screamed and ran for their lives for as long as possible.

After a few moments of silence, he began to speak again. "Now, where to begin..." Dionysus trailed off, his voice filled with a sense of contemplation.

Slowly, he lifted his eyes to meet Loki's gaze once more and continued with a somber tone.

"One month ago, several of my children were slain," Dionysus revealed, causing Loki to react with surprise.

He went on to explain that if she sought evidence, she would find it at the Guild. The god then described the killer's method, stating that they would approach from the front, grab the victim's neck, and break it. Three of his followers had died instantly.

"...And their Levels were...?" Loki inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Two were Level One, and the last was Level Two," Dionysus replied.

If his words held truth, it meant that the killer possessed enough strength to effortlessly kill upper-class adventurers. Loki leaned in, her ear attuned to every detail, eager to gather more information.

"I was unable to take the deaths of my children lying down, so I launched my own investigation. During that time, I found evidence that led me to believe my children saw something they shouldn't have and were subsequently erased," Dionysus explained.

Curiosity brimming in her eyes, Loki leaned in and asked, "And that would be...?"

"This" Dionysus reached into his jacket and pulled out a brilliantly colored magic stone, placing it on the table before Loki. The goddess watched in silence as he revealed the stone's significance.

"The one that I found a month ago was much smaller, a fraction of a shard at best. I recovered this one on the day of the Monsterphilia, from one of the creatures that your Sword Princess slew during combat. I was lucky to get my hands on it before the Guild," Dionysus revealed.

Loki couldn't help but caution, "That's one dangerous bridge yer crossin'."

Dionysus acknowledged the risks, understanding that if he had been discovered, he could have been 'mistaken' for the perpetrator. Loki not knowing that in fact, he was the mastermind behind everything. He smiled wryly at Loki, appreciating the mixture of awe and respect on her face.

"Their bodies, as well as the stone fragment, were discovered in a desolate alleyway in the eastern part of the city, very close to where we are now. And then, a particularly large event was held here just a few days ago," Dionysus continued.

"The Monsterphilia?" Loki interjected.

"Yes. It may have been a coincidence, but I thought the two could be related. Thinking that something might happen, I set up a watch, and then I waited," Dionysus revealed.

He admitted that their encounter during his investigation and their presence in the sewer system were due to their pursuit of the monsters. Dionysus acknowledged that the monsters were too strong for his children to overcome, and he was unable to reach any solid conclusions.

Dionysus's shoulders slumped, expressing his disappointment. He answered each of Loki's follow-up questions, revealing that the strange door to the old sewer system was also his doing. At his request, Filvis had forcefully removed the old door and replaced it with a similar one.

Loki couldn't help but admire Dionysus's character, his confidence in taking evidence right under the Guild's nose, and his willingness to answer questions without hesitation, despite his delicate appearance.

"Cut that out, will ya? Givin' me the creeps," Loki said, waving her hand across her face. "Anywho, for the time bein', I'll take yer word. I'll know for sure once I get to the bottom of this."

"Sorry about this. And thank you, Loki." A long sigh escaped from Dionysus's lips. Relief flooded through him. The evil mastermind was successfully tricking Loki, the trickster goddess.

"But the strength to suffocate a Level Two adventurer without breakin' a sweat, that's somethin' else. That's gotta mean the killer's around Level Three or Four, yeah?" Loki questioned.

"Yes, I believe so as well," Dionysus confirmed.

Loki contemplated the situation. "The list of suspects gets a heck of a lot shorter if we only look at familias with adventurers over Level Three."

Dionysus offered a different perspective. "Not quite. There are some, like Hermes, who don't report children who have ranked up. Ignoring any of them would be careless."

Loki's eyebrows raised in surprise. "The dandy's up to that kinda stuff...?"

"Indeed. A child's lie may be plain as day, but gods can never be sure if the words of their own kind ring true," Dionysus explained. If Loki only knew the irony of those words, as she was being lied to. He emphasized that a considerable number of deities had no problem bending a few rules.

With a renewed determination, Dionysus boldly declared, "As far as I'm concerned, every god and goddess in Orario is a suspect and an enemy of my children."

Loki's lips curled into a grin. "Ohh? So, what d'ya think of me?" she asked casually.

Dionysus met her gaze with an unwavering look. "Much more innocent than I thought before."

Loki responded with a playful retort, "C'mon, go ahead an' make that completely innocent, why don'cha?"

Dionysus's smile returned, slightly irritating Loki. "At the very least, I trust you more than any other god in Orario," Dionysus expressed his trust in Loki.

Loki pondered his words silently, questioning the extent of that trust. "Still no idea what the bad guy was after, but I got the feeling this ain't over. Monsters in the sewer an' all."

Dionysus agreed with her assessment. "Yes, I'm inclined to agree."

Curiosity getting the better of her, Loki asked Dionysus if he had found anything noteworthy during his investigation. However, his smile vanished, replaced by a frown. He leaned closer, lowering his voice to ensure privacy.

"How do you believe those monsters made it to the surface in the first place, Loki?" Dionysus inquired.

Loki considered her answer. "Well, you'd think Ganesha's kids woulda brought 'em up for the Monsterphilia."

Dionysus's expression turned serious.

"But we're talkin' 'bout Ganesha here. He loves kids. Him, doin' somethin' he knew would put 'em in danger? Wouldn't happen." Loki couldn't help but picture the eccentric Ganesha with his elephant mask and his adoration for his children. She agreed that Ganesha was unlikely to be involved. In fact, she believed investigating him would be a waste of time.

However, Dionysus interrupted her train of thought, shaking his head. "That's not it, Loki. You're starting from false premises."

Drawing even closer, their faces aligned and their gazes locked, Dionysus posed a thought-provoking question. "Who was it that ordered Ganesha Familia to retrieve monsters from the Dungeon? Going back even further, who was it that came up with the Monsterphilia in the first place?"

Loki's eyes widened in realization. "Ya sayin' the Guild's behind everything?"

Dionysus's silence served as confirmation.

"That's crazy..." Loki murmured, staring at Dionysus's face in disbelief and shaking her head.

"They've protected Orario's peace, the Guild. Yer pointin' yer finger at Ouranos? You'd be threatenin' the whole city," Loki voiced her concern. But because of not being a goddess of Olympus, she didn't know that Dionysus hated Ouranos even from before he descended, before the start of the game, before even the Prehistoric Days of this world; when he started a murderous fight between the gods back in the heavens only for Hestia and Ouranos to intervene. Ouranos always had got in his way. The truth was that Dionysus loathed Ouranos with homicidal rage.

Most gods when descending to the lower world left behind most of their pasts and previous quarrels, but Dionysus was the opposite, he purposely descended to accomplish what he didn't in the heavens.

Dionysus remained resolute. "Even so, they are at the top of my list. At the very least, I have a good reason to suspect the Guild and a female named Shalltear. She seems to be in cahoots with the Guild… What other explanation it is for her to know about the plant monsters beforehand? She must have put them there", he continued to spit lies. He was not happy that Shalltear had been warning people about his plan beforehand, even if a minuscule part of it, and was on his watchlist now, taking the opportunity to shift the blame to her.

Her again! Thought Loki, Shalltear's name appeared each time she was investigating something suspicious.

Loki recalled that the Monsterphilia had been the Guild's idea from the beginning. It hadn't originated from the whims of the gods. The festival was relatively new and had been approved by Denatus without much explanation, only being described as "interesting." Now, she understood why Dionysus had risked so much to retrieve the magic stone before the Guild could get their hands on it. He had already harbored suspicions and needed to take preemptive action.

Silent contemplation filled the space between them as Loki cautiously observed the deity. It was Dionysus who finally broke the silence.

"I have a suggestion," Dionysus proposed.

Loki's curiosity was piqued. "...?" She leaned in, awaiting his suggestion.

"Would you be willing to investigate the Guild for me?" Dionysus asked.

His words hit Loki like a heavy blow. It took her almost a full minute to respond, her mind processing the implications.

"Wanna run that by me again?" Loki asked, seeking clarification.

Dionysus elaborated, explaining his reasoning. "Should the Guild have someone at or above Level Three at their disposal... If Ouranos has warriors under his command, it's too dangerous for my own familia to get too close. On the other hand, as the leader of one of the strongest familias in Orario, you don't have that problem, Loki."

Loki couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Oi, quit horsin' around! Who would actually do somethin' that idiotic?!"

Dionysus remained unfazed by Loki's angry outburst, allowing her words to wash over him like a passing breeze. His eyes narrowed once again, and a hint of sadness crossed Dionysus's face. "You can't pretend that none of this ever happened, either, can you, Loki?" he remarked.

This bastard!

Loki's frustration boiled within her. She grabbed hold of Dionysus's collar, raising her hand as if to strike him across his smug face. He had a point. With Ais and her other companions involved, she couldn't simply ignore the situation. And now that she had a solid lead, she couldn't let it go.

But what irritated her the most was the self-satisfied smile on Dionysus's lips. His grin widened, his white teeth gleaming. "...Ya planned on draggin' me into this from the very start, didn't ya?" Loki accused him.

Dionysus shrugged, denying Loki's accusation. "Of course not. This is a complete coincidence, I assure you," he lied.

Loki clicked her tongue, feeling as if she had walked right into a trap, burdened now with the weight of her involvement.

"But yes, I was looking for some assistance." he finally admitted that he was using her. But just as Dyonisus was using Loki, he was being used by "Her", deep in the dungeon beneath the 61st-floor sealed door, because she was after Ais and her spirit heritage. He had no other choice but to involve Loki Familia in his plans to maintain cooperation with "Her".

Loki couldn't hide her disdain for the audacious god, and he only seemed to revel in it, flashing her another grin as she loosened her grip on his collar. Slowly, Dionysus stood up and made his way out of the lounge.

"I will continue my own investigation, but please, give it some thought. You'll be the first to know if I find anything else," Dionysus said before departing.

Loki watched him leave, her glare piercing enough to sear through his back. "Dammit," she muttered through gritted teeth, sitting up in her chair. Dionysus had wormed too deep into Loki like a parasite. This has only happened because she didn't know him beforehand, this could never have happened if he tried to do the same with a god on Olympus, even with Hestia

Placing both hands behind her head, she stared up at the ceiling, collecting her thoughts.

- The plant monsters

- Ais

- Shalltear

- Cainabel

- The Guild

The weight of the situation pressed down upon her. Completely lost in her thoughts, Loki didn't snap out of her trance until Bete entered the lounge to check on her.

"Oi, finished yet?" Bete asked.

Loki remained motionless, not even bothering to look at him. After a heavy moment, she finally brought her hands back down and, filled with determination, jumped to her feet.

"Sorry 'bout this, Bete, but could ya stick with me a little longer?" Loki requested.

Bete, taken aback by his goddess's serious demeanor, sighed to himself but complied without argument.


The two of them left the hotel and made their way to East Main Street. When they reached Central Park, they turned their gaze to the Northwest. As they arrived on Northwest Main Street, the imposing Pantheon, the white marble building that served as the Guild headquarters, came into view.

"Bete, wait for me here," Loki instructed.

"Again...?" Bete muttered.

"If I ain't back in an hour, something probably happened to me, and you can charge in all you want. I'm counting on you," Loki said.

Giving Bete the order to stay put once again, Loki walked halfway across the Guild headquarters' grounds and then stopped. It was crucial not to attract any unwanted attention. Going in alone was the best approach. After all, she didn't want to get kicked out before she had the chance to deliver her message.

She needed to reach the core of the Guild, to a certain god who held a position in the inner circle.

"Well, then, wonder what I'm gonna find..." Loki pondered as she stepped into the main lobby of the Guild headquarters, greeted by the bustling atmosphere. It was late afternoon, with the sun beginning to set. The number of adventurers present was relatively low compared to peak hours. Beautiful receptionists stood behind the counter, enthusiastically providing advice to adventurers. Some adventurers were gathered around the quest bulletin board, while others waited their turn in the consultation box.

However, it was the Guild employees stationed throughout the lobby that caught Loki's attention. Dressed in black suits, they stood at various points, their presence commanding. One of them noticed Loki's arrival, prompting her to take the initiative. She smiled and waved, instantly easing the tension in the woman in uniform, who responded with a smile and a perfect bow.

Loki proceeded through the lobby in a casual manner, pretending she was there simply to pass the time. She spotted a familiar face and approached the counter to greet her.

"Oh, Misha. Working hard, I see," Loki said.

"Ah, Lady Loki," Misha replied.

Loki had recognized the face of Misha, one of the receptionists working at the Guild. They had met just a few days prior during the Monsterphilia event. They shared information and cooperated in responding to the crisis in the city.

Misha, with her round baby face, greeted Loki with a friendly wave. Her peach-pink hair and innocent eyes gave her a cute aura. Among the receptionists, who were all beautiful in their own right, Misha's youthful appearance was quite distinctive.

"Is there something I can do for you?" Misha asked, her voice slightly shaky.

"That there is. Somethin' I wanna ask ya," Loki replied, propping her elbows up on the counter and leaning closer to Misha.

Loki flashed a mischievous grin before dropping the bombshell question. "Ouranos around?"

Misha froze upon hearing that name. The usually bustling lobby seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of them in a tense atmosphere.

After a few heartbeats of silence, Misha's wide eyes darted around in panic. "L-L-Lord Ouranos, is it? Well, um, ehh...!"

Loki shook her head and reassured Misha, "No, no, Misha. This is your job, everyone else is busy. Ya gotta do it yourself."

Misha's gaze darted back and forth, desperately seeking someone to help her. Sensing her distress, Loki gently took her hand.

The other receptionists were away from the counter, leaving Misha alone to handle the situation. A few Guild employees observed from a distance, but their perspective painted a different picture—a flirtatious goddess making advances on a cute girl. Misha felt a growing sense of being trapped.

She looked at Loki with a mix of fear and confusion, as if she were being strangled by a snake.

"...I-I'll contact my boss. P-p-please wait..." Misha stammered, her voice trembling.

Loki, undeterred by Misha's hesitation, tightened her grip on the receptionist's hand, not allowing her to escape the conversation, and started tracing Misha's fingers with her thumb. "That'll just end up leaving us with red tape, so don't bother. Come on, Misha. Can't ya answer one little question?"

Misha's eyes welled up with tears as she searched for a way out. Her voice barely above a whisper, she timidly asked, "Wh-wh-what would that be...?"

Loki maintained her mischievous grin, looking down at Misha's watery eyes. "Is Ouranos at the usual spot?"

Misha struggled to respond, unable to utter a simple yes or no. She broke eye contact, desperately trying to find an excuse to escape the situation.

Loki's grin widened as she easily read Misha's like a book. "Thank you, Misha. I'll treat ya to a drink sometime." With those words, Loki released her grip on Misha's hand and waved her goodbye.

As she walked away from the counter, she seized the opportunity to make her move. She skillfully maneuvered through the lobby, swiftly circling around a counter and entering a restricted hallway. The surprised Guild workers carrying stacks of paperwork could only watch in disbelief as the goddess effortlessly passed them by.

With the wind in her ears, Loki zipped down the hallway, following her memory of the correct route. The trail of stunned employees in black suits was left with their mouths agape, unable to react in time to stop her.

"If memory serves me right, this should be the right way..." she muttered to herself, determined to reach her destination. As she hurried along, she glanced into every room she passed, taking in the sights of desks, a library, and archives.

Trying to recall the layout from her previous visit, Loki took a few more turns until she stumbled upon a long corridor adorned with a red carpet with golden trim. Her eyebrow raised in curiosity, and she quickened her pace, practically running down the hallway.

As she approached the end of the corridor, she noticed a stairwell leading downwards. However, before she could step onto it, the echoes of hurried footsteps reached her ears, causing her to pause. She turned her attention to the commotion and saw a middle-aged elf leading a group of Guild employees, desperately trying to halt her progress.

An elf stood out from the others, his better-quality suit straining under the weight of his sizable belly. Sweat dripped down onto his double chin as he wiped it with his hand, and his graying hair swayed with his movements. Even his pointed ears appeared shriveled with age.

She greeted him with a nonchalant smile. "Yo! Royman! Long time, no see! How ya been?"

Royman, panting from the exertion, mustered the courage to address the goddess. "G-Goddess Loki, this is a sacred path that leads to the Temple of Ouranos. P-please, leave here!"

There was a brief moment of silence as Loki looked at him, unfazed. Then she responded, her tone lighthearted. "No need to be such a stick-in-the-mud. I just got a question for Ouranos. Ain't that okay?"

Royman's expression wavered between frustration and concern. "Goddess Loki, I shall repeat myself. This is a restricted area; no one is allowed to come through here. Even your position as a goddess does not override that...!"

The Guild was really trying to avoid Loki having the opportunity of meeting Ouranos. She maintained her mischievous grin, undeterred by Royman's admonishments.

"It is no matter. Royman, let her through" a commanding voice echoed from below, resonating through the pillars and along the red-carpeted corridor.

"But, Ouranos...!" Royman started, but his words were swiftly cut off.

"I said it is no matter. All of you, leave us," the voice repeated, its authority leaving no room for further argument.

Royman, visibly flustered, reluctantly complied with the order. He motioned for the other employees to follow him, their slow march taking them all the way to the exit.

With the path now cleared, Loki turned on her heel and confidently made her way toward the stairs. The absence of further objections confirmed that the owner of the majestic voice had granted her access.

Descending the stairs, she found herself in a dimly lit stone chamber, the flickering flames of sputtering magic stone lamps guiding her way. At the bottom, an ancient chamber resembled a temple, devoid of modern illumination. Instead, four torches on poles cast dancing shadows on the plain stone walls, providing the only source of light.

At the center of the torches,' square stood the altar, a grand stone throne occupied by an imposing and elderly deity. His hooded figure revealed piercing blue eyes that reflected the fiery light from below, fixated on Loki's presence.

She greeted him casually, a hint of nonchalance in her voice. "...Yo, haven't really kept in touch."

The deity, identified as Ouranos, responded in a voice that seemed to shake the air itself. "What is it, Loki?" The gravity in his tone matched the weight of his presence.

Despite the concealing hooded robe, his imposing six feet tall figure and well-defined features were still evident. Wrinkles adorned his face, and a white beard extended from his chin, matching the few visible locks of hair underneath the hood. With a calm expression, he sat motionless, as if carved from stone.

Resting his robust arms on the armrests of his throne, Ouranos towered over Loki like an imposing mountain. He was the spitting image of the heavenly ruler that many people of the Ancient Times had envisioned before they met any deities face-to-face.

Even among the gods, his height was imposing. It granted the elderly deity such a strong presence that the people of the Lower World bowed to him without even thinking why. His aura was just that powerful.

Loki, undeterred by his formidable presence, approached the altar between the torches, engaging in a casual conversation.

"What, I can't just pop in and say hi...? Well, there is somethin'," Loki remarked, expressing her nonchalant demeanor.

Continuing the discussion, she addressed the recent chaotic event and the resulting problems.

"That last event was a real mess. Problems poppin' up left and right, everyone pointin' fingers. How ya holdin' up?" she inquired.

Ouranos, with a tone that matched his stoic expression, responded, "I have left daily management of the city to Royman. It is not under my jurisdiction."

Since establishing Orario, he had adopted a stance of 'reigning without governing' and remained steadfast in that approach.

"Poor Royman. Forced to do every painstakin' little thing by an old man," Loki commented.

The reason Royman feared outsiders speaking to Ouranos was due to the current configuration of the Guild. Despite Royman's considerable power, he couldn't go against his god's wishes. If he were to change his mind, restructuring the Guild would be more than a mere possibility.

"What are you implying?" Ouranos questioned, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

The reason behind Ouranos' confinement within the temple and the Guild's efforts to keep him there were his continuous prayers to the Dungeon. His prayers held immense power, power enough that his divine aura kept the Dungeon from releasing an overwhelming flood of monsters all at once. This divine intervention ensured that the monsters remained underground, preventing a repetition of the tragedies that plagued the Ancient Times.

At the very least, that's what the Guild believed.

As for Loki, she thought it was insane for them to force a god to pray.

"So much happened at this year's festival, but some really gross, never-before-seen monsters were the worst. Who brought 'em up here, and who ordered 'em to do it...? Wish I knew," Her interrogation had begun, determined to uncover the mastermind behind the incident.

In response to Loki's probing, Ouranos remained silent, sitting firmly on his throne without making any visible gestures.

Undeterred, she cut to the heart of the matter, directly confronting the one who held the Guild in his grasp.

"Who's pulling the plant monsters' strings? The Guild?" Loki questioned, her voice resonating with determination.

A sudden burst of sparks erupted from a nearby torch, casting a flash of light upon his hooded robe as the sparks scattered to the floor.

Finally, Ouranos opened his mouth to speak, breaking the silence that enveloped the chamber.

"It is not as you say," he replied, his words shrouded in enigma.

Blue eyes met Loki's fiery red ones, their gazes locked for a moment.

"But it is somethin' huh?" She whispered to herself, realizing that there was indeed something more to the situation.

"Ya don't know somebody called Shalltear, do ya??" She asked, her voice barely audible.

"I have never met nor had any contact with someone by that name" replied Ouranos, his expression unwavering.

Loki continued her interrogation, probing further, "What 'bout a god named Cainabel?"

He took a moment to consider before responding, "...I don't recall ever having heard of a god by that name."

The serene expression on Ouranos' majestic face remained unchanged throughout their conversation. Loki studied his features intently, searching for any signs of deception.

"Sorry to bother ya. Keep doin' what you're doin'." she said, finally breaking away from their intense gaze.

Spinning on her heel, Loki came to a decision. While there were still unanswered questions, she was reasonably convinced that Ouranos was not the one responsible for the monster attacks. There was something about his unwavering gaze that made her want to believe him.

Someone's been watchin' me the whole time, but...eh, don't care.

Whether Dionysus' hunch was incorrect or someone within the Guild was operating independently of Ouranos' will, Loki felt satisfied with the outcome of her investigation. She might not have grasped the full extent of the situation, but she knew that there was more to uncover.



A few minutes elapsed in silence after Loki's departure. The chamber was bathed in the flickering light of four torches, their flames dancing with vitality. He maintained his seated position on the stone altar, his piercing blue eyes fixed upon the stairwell.

Finally, Ouranos broke his silence, his deep voice resonating through the chamber as he uttered a single name, "Fels." The weight of his words filled the room, calling out to a corner where no one should have been present.

Yet, a response came from the darkness. "Yes, I'm here, Ouranos," Fels replied, emerging from the obscure depths. Cloaked in black robes, they stepped forward, moving closer to the towering deity.

"An unexpected visit from Loki... I was on pins and needles just watching. Drawing her attention is bad news, Ouranos," Fels voiced their concern, the tone laced with caution.

Stepping onto the base of the altar, They positioned themselves directly in front of the imposing deity. With unwavering determination, they conveyed their thoughts. "Loki and Freya... It would be horrible for either of them to harbor any unnecessary suspicion. They must not become our enemy."

"I'm well aware of that," Ouranos responded, his expression unyielding, unaffected by Fels's warning.

"What did you think of our conversation?" inquired Ouranos, his gaze fixed upon Fels, seeking their perspective on the matter.

Fels adjusted their hood, "Concerning the flowered beasts at the Monsterphilia?" they responded, seeking clarification.

Ouranos slightly nodded, acknowledging the connection. "Clearly, there are beings who wish to destroy the peace and order of the city—no, of all Orario," Fels stated with conviction, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

They continued, sharing their findings. "Ouranos, my own investigations have already confirmed seven types of unknown monsters lurking beneath Orario's streets," they disclosed, emphasizing the underground threats.

"In that sewer system?" he sought confirmation.

"Yes, however they got there," Fels affirmed.

"It could be the work of ones outside the city or perhaps the group of deities that refer to themselves as 'wicked gods'... The remnants of the Evilus," they speculated, delving into the potential origins of the menace.

"Ghosts of the past," Ouranos muttered, recognizing the history and the familia that had once existed in Orario, driven by chaos and disorder.

Fels then shed light on a different perspective. "The fact that someone released monsters from Ganesha's holding cells might be a blessing in disguise. Thanks to that incident, adventurers were quick to take action... before the monsters could inflict too much damage," they explained, highlighting the unintended consequences.

"Indeed. It is safe to say that their plan ended in failure at the Monsterphilia," Ouranos agreed.

The actions of a certain Goddess of Beauty had spurred Loki and several other gods to act alongside the Guild. By the time the plants had made their appearance, it was impossible to move freely about Orario.

"Someone who can manipulate the monsters in question... It appears there is a Tamer whose abilities surpass those of Ganesha Familia," Ouranos stated, his tone laced with astonishment and concern.

"Unbelievable... This is a nightmare," Fels responded, their voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and dread upon hearing his revelation.

Fels shook their head in denial, their voice wavering as they struggled to accept the truth. Ouranos briefly glanced at Fels, sensing their distress, before refocusing his attention ahead.

"Ouranos, I also have sad news," Fels began, their voice laden with sorrow. Then took a moment to gather themselves before continuing, their shoulders slumping in despair.

"Hashana from Ganesha Familia, the one who took up that quest, has been killed. A message from the town of Rivira reached me moments ago," they revealed, the words hanging heavy in the air.

Ouranos closed his eyes, a brief pause following the news. When he opened them again, his gaze met Fels's as he inquired about another individual.

"What about the delivery girl?" he asked, seeking information.

"I don't know. At the very least, she has yet to return to the surface," Fels replied, their voice tinged with uncertainty.

"I see," Ouranos acknowledged, breaking off eye contact momentarily. The pain in his eyes was evident as he slightly tilted his chin upward, gazing towards the heavens.

"In that case... it was there after all," he murmured, his voice carrying a mixture of resignation and realization.

"As much as I didn't believe it, it appears so," Fels concurred, their tone reflecting a sense of acknowledgment.

"A mysterious crystal orb that causes monsters to mutate... Something that we don't know about is happening in the Dungeon," An Irregular that even Ouranos couldn't comprehend. That...or the existence of something that surpassed monsters. Those were Fels's suggestions.

"Something is moving beneath the surface." he concluded, his voice filled with a blend of intrigue and concern.

Ouranos turned his attention to Fels, "Any news regarding the artifact on the tenth floor?" he asked.

Five days ago Ouranos sensed the activation of a divine artifact on the tenth floor, describing it as something feeling of ice and of death, a key turning over reality, that seemed to beckon someone from beyond.

Fels shook their head in response. "No, we haven't found the artifact itself yet. However, we did stumble upon a mountain of several unidentified objects," they replied. With that, they retrieved a palm-sized convex flexible object from within their robes and presented it to him.

"This is one of the unusual objects we found. Its material is unlike anything I've encountered before, and its purpose remains unclear. I will need to continue experimenting with them in my atelier" they explained, their voice carrying a note of intrigue. What Fels had found was Shalltear's discarded breast pads.

Ouranos then shifted the topic, "Fels, any new movements of Shalltear?" the deity asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

Fels sighed, unable to provide much insight. "We couldn't track her movements throughout the entire day of the Monsterphilia. As always, she seems to disappear like a ghost. Currently, she had gone with the boy, Bell Cranell, to train in the dungeon again," they explained, their gaze fixed on the oculus located at the entrance of Babel.

Fels continued, "No adventurer with her appearance is registered… My intuition tells me that the girl should be a monster, perhaps a Xenos, given her intelligence. However, she lacks any noticeable monster characteristics… Something is amiss..."

Ouranos's concern grew as he pondered the situation, particularly Shalltear's ability to move undetected.

"Ouranos, the incident with her blood..." Fels began, referring to the incident where Shalltear used her blood on Ais, activating Loki's Status Lock, and their owl was seeing her from afar. "Is it possible for Shalltear to be a newly descended goddess who entered the city through unknown means? Do you recognize any of her characteristics?" They asked, seeking the deity's insights.

Ouranos delved into his thoughts, considering the possibilities. He contemplated gods whose Arcanum had been sealed but still possessed the power equivalent to a level five. His musings led him to the realization that the potential candidates would be gods focused on war, strength, or martial arts, like Takemikazuchi, but those who represent or had extensive contact with monsters.

"There are simply too many possibilities" he remarked, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and contemplation.

Fels acknowledged the challenge of drawing conclusions based on her strength and the connections with monsters weren't enough to reduce the list of possible candidates. They agreed that more information was needed.

After considering the potential outcomes, Ouranos made a decision. He believed that initiating contact with Shalltear before Loki made her move would set events on a path that would be more advantageous for them.

"We must make contact with her before Loki takes action. Fels, prepare the necessary arrangements to establish contact with Shalltear inside the dungeon" Ouranos commanded, his voice firm and resolute.

Next chapter we are back with Shalltear

LittleMariecreators' thoughts