
Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

So she wakes up as Shalltear in the Dungeon… makes a mess inside it… wants to conquer Orario… meets both protagonists and derails canon… by making them fall in love with her? "This isn't going how I planned it! Dammit!" The true power of a Main Character——the ability to make things worse by simply existing. Oh, you are an overpowered villain?–—That will only complicate things for you. You don't want to be noticed before you're ready?——Too bad~ It already happened~ You made plans to conquer the city?——Orario is a live, unpredictable place filled with many factions, you know~ You're not looking for a harem?——You have two people after you now! You wanted wish-fulfillment?——This isn't a story, dumbass! But a real world! Read how Shalltear makes plans to take over Orario, explores a living dungeon world, and the interaction with Cainabel's blood-soul running in her veins with the Falna System of the Gods! Full Tags: Overpowered, Villain, Antihero, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Overlord, Danmachi, Female Protagonist, Isekai, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Anime, Magic, Mystery, Familia, Dungeon, Vampire, R18. Original Title: Is It Wrong to Take Over Orario?

LittleMarie · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 5


Crimson pupils stirred with a predatory intensity in the middle of the night in the dungeon. Shalltear scanned her surroundings. With a flick of her gloved hand, she gestured impatiently, fluttering it through the air.

"Hmm... now where is the nest where my ants are gathering the Drops?" she pondered, her voice a soft whisper that carried a tinge of irritation, she eagerly sought the location of her vampire Killer Ants' nest amidst the moss-covered walls of the ninth floor in the dungeon.

Looking around, her crimson eyes glittered with excitement as she found the small pile of drops inside a circular nest made of small stones. One of the vampire Killer Ants stood guard, its white skin contrasting against the crimson glow in its eyes. She picked up the drops on the pile.

Excellent. One pile down, more to go.

Summoning her power, Shalltear chanted "Summon Household," and from the depths of her shadows emerged several Vampire Wolves. Her voice carried a commanding tone as she issued her orders, "Now, my wolves, smell that ant and find where the other nests are."

The Vampire Wolves obediently sniffed the Killer Ant and set off, their senses guiding them through the dungeon. She followed closely behind, her graceful movements a blend of elegance and lethal purpose. Monsters crossed their path, and she swiftly dispatched them, reveling in the carnage.

But when she encountered an Almiraj, her crimson lips curled into a lustful smile. Floppy ears, white and yellow fur, and a fluffy tail. Hopping along on their hind legs, a long sharp horn sticking out of their heads. Contrary to their cute looks, they like to battle with their small one-hand axes.

Pinning the Almiraj to the ground, she licked her lips and drained its blood, transforming it into a vampire, a new minion to add to her following.

After some time, Shalltear, accompanied by the Vampire Wolves and a group of Almiraj, stumbled upon more small piles of drops. Her expression twisted in dissatisfaction, and she muttered in a soft voice, "Huh... Weird, I would assume that they should be bigger piles at this point." Her crimson eyes narrowed as she pondered the situation briefly, her dissatisfaction evident.

"Hmm... only 2 days have passed," she murmured, her voice carrying a hint of contemplation.

Maybe they weren't attacked much by other monsters.

Actually... I told them to evade monsters with weapons to evade the Xenos... didn't some normal monsters have weapons? Like the Almiraj? And the Orcs with Trees?

She shrugged nonchalantly, dismissing the thought, her expression returning to a state of detached indifference

"Whatever" she scoffed dismissively. "It is fine, if I really want money I go hunt down in the lower levels later on."

Now what I need is a monster that can talk, to infiltrate the Xenos...

I am gonna need to find a Lamia Mormos, it is the only type on these floors that matches with a talking Xenos.

Lamia Mormos, a weaker version of the Lamia that can be found on the 27th floor, are green-haired, yellow-eyed, big-breasted female monsters with sharp claws and long serpentine tail. Their skin is scaly and has a light blue color which becomes darker in their forearms.

A few hours passed as Shalltear relentlessly searched the middle floors of the dungeon. Her movements were swift and precise as she dispatched monsters along the way, her Almiraj entourage growing in number. Magic stones and drops accumulated in her possession.

Finally, her crimson eyes fell upon a Lamia Mormos. Her brows furrowed slightly in disappointment… because the one lamia she had managed to find had… small breasts…

"Tch! Where are the big-breasted ones when you need them?" she exclaimed with a hint of dissatisfaction. She sighed, accepting the situation, realizing that she could still make use of this lamia.

Without hesitation, Shalltear swiftly seized the incoming monster's hand and lifted her into the air, pinning her down against the dungeon floor. Using her gloved hand, she firmly pressed the lamia's head down, exposing her neck. Her lips curled into a sinister smile as she sank her fangs into the Lamia's neck, the taste of blood filling her mouth.

After draining the lamia Mormos's blood, Shalltear released her, observing the transformation taking place. The Lamia's once scaly skin turned a pale white, with a slight blue tint on her forearms. Her eyes now gleamed with a crimson hue, and her once green hair had transformed into a pale shade of green. Shalltear's hands roamed over the lamia's body, feeling the curves of her new vampire minion, a sensual grin spreading across her face.

The silver-haired girl separated herself from the Lamia, reaching into her inventory and withdrawing a collection of magic stones. With calculated movements, she arranged a small pile of dozens of magic stones on the dungeon floor. Her crimson gaze shifted to the converted Lamia as she pointed, issuing her command.

"You..." she directed her attention to the Lamia, her voice carrying a mix of authority and expectation. "You are gonna eat these magic stones while you listen to my orders." She gestured toward the pile of magic stones, indicating the lamia's task.

"Summon Undead 3rd" Chanting once again, Shalltear invoked her power, summoning a Level 16 Skeleton Warrior. The skeletal figure materialized, equipped with a round steel shield and a steel scimitar. Its attire consisted of a purple-tattered cape, pants, and a left-red pauldron adorned with brown straps.

She turned her focus to the Skeleton Warrior, the Lamia still by her side. "Skeleton Warrior, you are gonna protect the Lamia until your summoning time is out and help her hunt monsters around to get the magic stones so she can eat them," she commanded, her finger pointing toward the lamia consuming the magic stones.

As the lamia devoured the magic stones, her transformation began to take place. Each strand of her hair grew thicker and lost its physical presence, waving like ethereal tendrils in the air. Her tail elongated. The scales on her tail and forearms grew thicker, standing on end like pointed dragon scales. The crimson glow in her eyes became a permanent fixture, her eyes' contour taking a red color, contrasting against the black sclera. Her gaze held an enchanting allure, her eyes a mesmerizing sight. With each intake of five magic stones, the lamia's power visibly increased and her transformation progressed into a veritable evil spirit. At the end of the transformation, the Lamia tested her new attributes, her elongated and now retractable black sharp claws.

"Both of you," Shalltear addressed the Lamia and the Skeleton Warrior, her voice carrying a firm tone, "are gonna descend the dungeon floors from the 19th to the 20th, one level down from where I am gonna carry you, and gonna look around for monsters that can talk, have weapons, armor, or clothes."

She emphasized the importance of their mission. "Don't attack them unless attacked first. Your goal is to become friends with them, infiltrate, and map places where they hang out and rest. They call those places Hidden Villages. Upon meeting you, they will probably want to take you there to know the rest of their forces."

Shalltear paused, her expression thoughtful as she considered the need for a code to distinguish their allies within the Ouranos forces. "Hmm... you are gonna need a code to distinguish them..." She pondered softly, her brows furrowing in thought.

"They will approach you and mention a phrase containing 'Silver,' and you will answer with a phrase containing 'Gold'," she stated firmly, her crimson eyes gleaming with determination.

The silver-haired girl then turned her attention to the several dozens of Almiraj that stood before her, their eager expressions and cute rabbit-like noises filling the air.

"Now, you Almiraj..." She began, her voice carrying a commanding tone.

"You are gonna go to the pantries from floors 12 to 15th. I want you to hang around there and learn everything about them. Learn the monsters' patterns, how to hide from other monsters and adventurers," she instructed, her eyes fixed on the Almiraj.

She continued, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "And occasionally, when lone monsters weaker than yourselves appear, you can kill them. Rotate among yourselves to eat the magic stones and grow stronger. Hide the drops where you can inside the pantries."

The Almiraj, itching for a fight, now emitted murderous rabbit-like noises, ready to embark on their new mission.

With a swift chant of "Gate" Shalltear activated her spell and transported herself to the 18th floor of the dungeon. The vast forest came into view, stretching out before her. She found herself positioned at the southern edge of the forest.

"Perfect Unknowable" she chanted, casting an invisibility spell upon herself. Hidden from sight, she gracefully traversed the forest, making her way toward the entrance to the 19th floor.

Descending further into the dungeon, Her invisible presence finally reached the 19th floor. The Large Tree Labyrinth, encompassing the 19th through 24th floors, unfolded before her eyes. Wooden walls, ground, and ceiling created the illusion of being inside a colossal tree. The radiating moss covering the floor emitted a soft blue light, casting an ethereal glow.

"Colorful, huh?" She remarked, taking in the sight of the vibrant plants that adorned the floor. Their vivid hues of red, green, cyan, and yellow added a striking contrast to the natural surroundings.

"Gate" The silver-haired girl chanted, and through the portal emerged the transformed Lamia Mormos and the Skeleton Warrior, ready to embark on their mission.

"Now, you both, carry on with your mission," Shalltear commanded, her voice laced with authority.

"Yesss" The enhanced lamia mormos responded.

With her parasol in hand, Shalltear began to explore the 19th floor, her petite figure delicately tiptoeing along. She hummed a soft melody to herself, displaying a whimsical and carefree demeanor. The juxtaposition of her cute and innocent actions with the progress she made towards conquering Orario added an air of intrigue.


The following morning, Shalltear found herself in her treehouse base located in Rivira. Having informed Bell that she would be taking the day off from training, she urged him to seize the opportunity and venture into the dungeon.

Seated comfortably, She focused on perfecting her mastery of copying the hieroglyphs of Orario's gods onto paper. She meticulously replicated each stroke, determined to achieve flawless proficiency.


As night fell, the silver-haired girl continued her dedicated practice, knowing that the moment of truth had arrived. It was time to test whether she could bestow the Falna upon others. Restless with anticipation, she resembled a child caught in a sugar rush, eagerly awaiting another serving of cotton candy. Her impatience was palpable, her eyes glimmering with excitement and mischief.

"Summon Household," Shalltear chanted, and from the depths of her shadow emerged a collection of creatures: Elder Vampire Bats, Vampire Bat Swarms, Vampire Rats, and Vampire Wolves.

She extended her gloved hand, beckoning one of the vampire wolves to approach. The majestic beast, with its dark fur resembling the night itself and eyes that glimmered with a cruel cunning, happily obeyed her command. It barked in delight and followed her with unwavering loyalty.

"Down and stay," she commanded, the wolf obediently lowered itself, its belly pressed against the floor while presenting its back to Shalltear.

Okay, the first thing is a name, since Falna is given to a person using their real name

"From this moment forward, you shall be known as Midnight" she declared, bestowing the wolf with a name of her choosing.

Next is the God Seal, which is used to make the contract binding. The gods engraved their seal next to the recipient's real name...

Hmmm... In my case, it will be Cainabel's seal then...

What will be a good seal for Cainabel?

What will be a good seal for the god of vampires, The One?

It needs to be one of the characteristics that only the True Vampires and not other vampire types have then...

After a moment of contemplation, a sudden realization sparked within her. "Our lamprey-like mouth!" she exclaimed as if an epiphany had struck her.

"And the last thing I need is the foundational epitaph," she spoke softly, her voice filled with contemplation. Pondering deeply, she sought to create an epitaph that would serve as both a description of the present and aspirations for the future, much like Hestia and Loki had done with their children. This epitaph would lay the groundwork for future status updates, becoming the very Excelia foundation.

Recalling the words she had read before, she recited while nodding to herself, "The hieroglyphs recorded their deeds and accomplishments, forming the foundation on which their Status was based."

Taking a moment to prepare, Shalltear bit her index finger, allowing a small droplet of her own blood to well up. With careful precision, she began drawing on the wolf's back, forming a large lamprey-like mouth enclosed within a circle. Inside the circle, she inscribed the hieroglyphs, each stroke carrying profound meaning and power.

Gods and goddesses wrote these hieroglyphs in their own blood, allowing the 'ichor' within it to unlock the limitless possibilities of their mortal followers. An adventurer's Status was like a reflection of their soul. The Status worked like a contract between a god and the being who received their Falna—their blessing.

Finally, she released a single drop of ichor, which rippled through the epitaph she had drawn. Like a spreading wave, it expanded from the wolf's back, filling the intricate details of the status with a deep, dark, blood-red hue. The epitaph glowed with an otherworldly radiance, signifying the bond between god and follower, and the immense potential that lay within.



A vampire's touch, a wolf's cruel delight,

In the tapestry of darkness, you are the knight.

Your shadow, an ode to your cunning and strife,

A symbol of power, embracing eternal life.

Red eyes glinting with a slick light,

Tracking foes beyond all sight.


Rank: One

Total Level: 7

Racial Levels:

Vampire (7)

Job Levels:

( )

Strength: I-80 Defense: I-13 Dexterity: I-97

Agility: H-155 Magic: I-0

Development Abilities:

( )


( )



She blinked, her eyes widening as she stared at Midnight's status. A moment of laughter had swept over her, filling the air with her joyous amusement. "AhahhahahhaaaaAAAHAHAHA! Yes! I can give Falna to others!" Her excitement was palpable, and her mood soared.

Gradually, her laughter subsided, and she composed herself, directing her attention back to Midnight's status. With a gentle touch, she caressed the wolf's fur, her expression softening into that of an affectionate mother. Yet, as her eyes scanned the details, a sense of surprise washed over her.

"Huh? Did the YGGDRASIL System get mixed up with the Falna?" she uttered, her voice tinged with astonishment. Her gaze fixated on sections of the status that shouldn't have been present, that shouldn't have belonged to the wolf. The Racial and Job levels appeared on the back of the creature, causing her to raise an eyebrow in disbelief.

Driven by curiosity, she allowed her fingers to glide along the wolf's spine, tracing the dark-blood-red characters of the hieroglyphs. They undulated with a steady rhythm, silently emanating a strong light. However, as her fingers reached the Development Abilities section, something peculiar occurred.

A black rectangle with golden embellished borders materialized in the air, hovering before Shalltear's eyes. The white hieroglyphs atop it read 'Development Abilities,' while at the bottom, the words 'Select' and 'Cancel' adorned its edges. Yet, the center remained empty, devoid of any discernible content.

"....wat...." she murmured, her mind momentarily stunned as she attempted to process the unexpected phenomenon before her.

"... that's a YGGDRASIL window... a YGGDRASIL pop-up...." she mused, her voice tinged with a mix of fascination and uncertainty, her thoughts swirling in a whirlwind of confusion.

"Ha..ha...haha..hahahahaha... Did I just break the Falna system? Is this because I am an NPC?" she questioned, her laughter carrying a hint of desperation.

Her hands instinctively reached up to cradle her head, as if attempting to hold onto her sanity in the face of this unexpected development. "Why the fuck is there a YGGDRASIL window instead of the floating letters like Hestia or Loki had in the Anime when they updated a status?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with frustration and disbelief.

Yearning for a resolution, she pressed repeatedly on the upper portion of the window, but to no avail. However, when she pressed the 'Cancel' option at the bottom, the window abruptly vanished, bringing a sense of relief to her. "Oh!" she exclaimed, a touch of relaxation coloring her tone.

With newfound curiosity, she proceeded to press various elements within Midnight's status, like a child eagerly exploring a new toy. In response, the 'Magic' and 'Skills' sections displayed similar empty windows, evoking a mischievous smile on Shalltear's face. "Okay... I think I've more or less figured out what that means... the gods have the ability to see the Development Abilities and the Skills before assigning them to a slot in the Status," she contemplated, her excitement growing.

Realizing the potential of this newfound knowledge, she couldn't help but revel in the possibilities. "That means I can also do that~~" she declared, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"Now I want to see what the others' Statuses are gonna show~~" she exclaimed, her anticipation akin to that of a child eagerly awaiting the unveiling of her gifts on Christmas morning.