
Chapter 2

Short haired Riveria goes from Mommy, to a really cute girl.


Raven paused momentarily in his thoughts before deciding to have no secrets from his goddess. Nothing. Well, besides the fact he's a reincarnation. No one ever learning of that.

"Lady Tiamat. If I am to be your child, I don't want to have any secrets from you." Raven said and she smiled gently at him.

"You need not share. They are your secrets. We only just met." She said sung softly as she was still hugging him.

"No. I want to tell you. Will you listen to a story?" Raven asked and she only nodded her head gently as they both sat on the bed.

"17 years ago, two powerful adventurers celebrated their level up together drinking. Drinking something so strong even their abnormal resistance couldn't hold it back. They ended up sleeping together. Nine months later a baby appeared. The parents were only best of friends. They didn't love each other, but they did love their child." Raven said softly.

"Together they raised their child while maintaining their duties to their familia. Then one day when the child was 6, they got a request from the guild. Slay the 3 calamities." Raven said and he could see realization starting to form on the goddess' face.

"They easily conquered the first two. Then they all went on to fight a dragon and lost. Most died. Those who lived returned to Orario only to hailed as failures. Kicked out of Orario and hurt. Hatred burned in the hearts of those who survived. Amongst them a 6 year old child watched as people cheered at kicking his remaining family out for failing. A burning hatred in his heart that sometimes still returns. A black flame desiring to burn it all to the ground. To get revenge for his family against those who kicked them out." Raven said in tears slightly as he remembered that day.

His fist was clenched so hard blood was coming out of it.

"My parents were Empress and Maxam. The captains of the Hera and Zeus familia respectively." Raven finished off and Tiamat hugged him gently.

"I'm sure you've already made them all proud my child. You always will. Now rest. Sleep and let yourself relax." Tiamat said gently and Raven let himself fall into the realm of Morpheus soon after as Tiamat hummed a song out.

"Rest well my child, I will protect you tonight. You aren't alone." Tiamat cooed softly as she laid down also and held her new child protectively as she soon joined him in the realm of Morpheus.


Raven smiled as he waited in the guild hall the next day. He was waiting in Rose's line again since it would be easier.

"Next, oh you are back. Did you already manage to join a familia?" Rose asked smiling and Raven nodded his head.

"Yes. I joined the Tiamat familia as its first member." Raven said and Rose smiled before she again called someone to cover her desk.

Time for more paperwork.

Raven was made to show an altered form of his status sheet, albeit one that only showed the fresh stats.

"Done. You are now officially welcomed to explore the dungeon. I know I am not your guild advisor, but I would recommend not exploring beyond floor 3 currently." Rose said and Raven smiled at her.

"I will make sure to keep your advice in mind as I explore the dungeon today." Raven said politely before he got up. A farewell wave to Rose and he was gone.


Grumbling slightly as he finally got into the dungeon, he started walking through the first floor.

For a while he didn't find any goblins, but soon enough a group of three spawned from the wall. He drew his sword and rushed them.

A single slash easily being enough to cut their heads off before they could react. Dodging a grab by the two he swung again and crudely cut off the nexts head. Then hard stomped the head of one he tripped ending its life as its head was smushed.

Collecting the magic stones was slightly annoying. Perhaps this was why his family preferred having supporters. To do the annoying work while they had fun killing things.

After that he continued on his walk through the dungeon. He had memorized the maps for the floors all the way to floor 87. It was the farthest his parents had managed to push together with Auntie Alfia and Uncle Zard.

It was from where the materials for his sword were from, alongside scales of the black dragon. It would be fitting for him to stab it through the beasts skull and end its life in the future.

Eventually while still on floor one he ran into a few more goblins. For the last one he just straight up stabbed his hand into its chest and ripped out its magical stone.

"That was fun, but disgusting." Raven mused to himself as he stored the stone away and flicked his hand sending ashes off his hand.

Eventually he reached floor two, where he had to side step out the way of a dungeon lizard trying to ambush him. He cut off its arm before decapitating it.

The rest of the walk through the floor was easy. Floor three was similarly easy. A lot of heads fell that day. Floor four proved similarly easy.

Floor five had him putting in a good bit of effort, but still confident he walked onto floor six.

He dodged several flying tongue on this floor. He felt kinda blessed that the dungeon was giving him so many monsters. Each time he'd grab its tongue and pull it towards him and stab it.

However while he was half way through, he saw a dark shape before his instincts warned him to raise his sword behind him and he did, he managed to block a war shadows claws from impaling him in the back.

Throwing his weight and strength into the push, he threw the war shadow back with great effort.

"Trying to impale me from behind? Not even going to-" Raven grunted before blocking another attack and spartan kicking the thing back. "Buy me lunch first?" He finished off.

It only roared at him.

"Huh, first time rejected by a monster of all things. Huh." Raven was momentarily depressed before he sighed and suddenly his stance changed slightly and he was on the offensive.

A slash against an arm of the war shadow. A second slash cutting off one of its legs. A final and this flash decapitating it while weaving slightly to avoid the uninjured arm.

Smiling he watched as the creature went up in ash. Grabbing the magic stone, and the lucky claw item drop, he started his way to return from the sixth floor the surface.

"Not to bad for my first day." Raven mused to himself smiling before he sheathed his sword after flicking off the blood.


On his way up, Raven slayed a few more monsters, but they weren't much of a challenge.

"Perhaps I should get a second weapon to give myself a challenge? What kind of weapon though?" Raven mused to himself before sighing and deciding he would choose his secondary weapon for another time.

After waiting in line he handed over his valis and drop item.

"25,650 valis. Well done, I'm sure you and your party must be exhausted kid." The exchanger said and Raven only smiled, let them underestimate him, it would be fine.

Walking out the guild lightly tossing up his now refilled money pouch he started heading home, but then had an idea.

"Excuse me, can I get four of these please?" Raven asked to a vendor who smiled and handed him their wears for 150 valis.

"Thank you." With a pleased hum he was on his way home.


"Tiamat I'm home!" Raven called out as he walked in and heard a pleased laaaaa. "I brought home some snacks!" An excited sound now followed by quick feet.

"You're home! Yay! Are you hurt!? Do I need to get a potion?" She quickly asked and he gently waved her off while patting her head.

"Hahaha I'm all right. I wasn't even hurt at all. The only thing that was a challenge was a war shadow and even then it was easy work once I got serious." Raven laughed as if he didn't just casually conquer a monster that slaughters those who have been adventurers for months.

"As expected of my child!" Tiamat said in reply before she took a sniff and saw the treat in a bag. "Chicken!" She said and Raven smiled.

"Yes. It smelled good, so I thought we could share them." Raven said happily and she laughed and hugged him. He had a feeling this would become common in the future.

For the rest of the night they talked and ate. Raven learned a bit about how tenkai was truly. He could only pity and admire the gods and goddesses forced to stay behind to ensure everything functioned.


Dear everyone

I arrived in Orario a couple days ago. On the way I met a merchant by the name of Bruce Wayne, being attacked by goblins and kobolds.

I killed them and managed to secure a ride to Orario. Upon arriving I went to the guild and registered, thought I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have had to do so... oh well.

Anyway, after very much paperwork, and then more paperwork, I became an adventurer, but needed to find a deity to enter the dungeon.

After a nice lunch at a small restaurant, I heard someone say "Found you!" It was a goddess. Afterwards I couldn't understand her, she talked in laaaaa's...

Another person came running up, Demeter she introduced herself, she translated for me. I was the one the goddess, Tiamat I came to learn, chose to have as her first child.

I accepted. She wasn't one of the deities you all warned me about.

Upon receiving my falna I became able to understand her. I still hear how she talks, I just understand it now directly in my brain somehow.

Anyway, today I explored the dungeon. I went all the way to floor six, a war shadow caused me to be serious fully to actually kill it and not be on the defensive. I turned back afterwards.

In preparing to head to bed now. I hope you all are doing well. Please tell Bell if he is slacking I'll smack him on the head a hundred times with my sheath this time instead of my wooden training sword!


Till next time.

- Raven Eveningshade

Pleased with his letter, Raven let the ink dry before sealing the letter and leaving it on the desk before hoping into the bed.

Tiamat demanded he sleep in the bed with her, and who was he to decline sleeping next to a beautiful woman?


Hiya everyone!

I know chapters kinda short, but it's on purpose since I plan to flesh out the story more and not do tons of time skips.

Yes there will be some, but I want to make use of the four years I have myself to work with. Need to have some fun after all and fully plan everything out.

Anyway, since last chapter I've done a bit of thinking on the third part of the small harem for the MC.

-Riveria (confirmed)

-Tiamat (confirmed)

Now here's the options I'm willing to do.

-Ais (aged up to match the MC's age which means editing the timeline for her leveling up possibly, or not, really depends)

-Ryu (one of the top three girls)

I'll obviously have final choice, since it's my story, but opinions from other people are always helpful. Might not even choose either of the two. I just feel these two have the best options to work with.

Till next chapter friends!