
Is it wrong to be a Pokehero in a dungeon?

Alternate Title: PokeHero:(A tale of a backline mage who wants to be a manly swordman) Jonathan Inferna a man known by many names. The second coming of Salamander by spirits ,Sage of the forgotten age by humans ,Arsonist supreme by the elves. But to him he was just a withered old man long past his time. What happened to the young boy who's soul burn brighter than the sun itself, what happened to that optimistic lad who never gave up even when the world was against them .What has happen to make that boy oh so long ago turn to this. A sad and lonely Wizard hiding from his past and society He was content with this life. Until everything changed when she came into his life. She forced herself into his life by making him take her as a disciple and then forced herself into his heart. Like a raging bull of optimism and positivity she decimated the wall he made in his heart and forced him to realize that life is more than just self pity. Everything changed after her, he joined the hero's party in hopes to finish a dream he long gave up on. He must have not been heroic enough because his story was cut short with no happy ending. But now he's given another chance, in a world where God's walk among us, a world where monsters spew from the earth fangs waiting for a moment of weakness to devour all that come before them. This world was many things: A world where he doesn't have to be a mage anymore was, a world where he could finally be a Hero and have his own happy ending a world where he can live with no regrets. Follow Jonathan now Ike on his journey to find out what being a hero truly means with the last semblance of her legacy.

All_Mighty_Reader · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs


Deserted and barren were the only words that could be used to describe the landscape. Mountain tops were vaporized and crushed to fine powder finer than the most refined salts. The very rocks themselves were beginning to turn into a thick soup of lava; the mountain range becoming its bowl as gravity carried the viscous liquid down. Pillars of ice decorated the skies freezing their surroundings to the point where all seemed to stop before them.

A hooded figure stood in the middle of all this Chaos casually swiping the sweat off his brow with his sleeve before looking down at his left hand or what remained of it which was not much. He signed and shook his head before giving a look at the overgrown flying lizard before him.

Scales darker than night, a body so large that it can block out the sun for an entire city. Arow of razor-sharp teeth each larger than his body lined its mouth. Its once fear-inducing wings riddled with holes and cuts larger than houses caused thick black blood to ooze out. It flapped its wings failing to keep afloat.

"Let's end this shall we," The man said, raising his long staff that any self proclaims mage would carry with them. A circle filled with archaic runes appeared from the tip of his staff. Then another and another, each bigger than the last before the final circle dwarfed even the colossus of a dragon before him.

"Return to the ashes that birthed us all, for all sins are forgiven in time Ad finem Mundi," His clear voice rang before the cackled of flames roared from his staff and a wave of white fire rushed from its magic circle to the Dragon that was closer to death's door than death himself, at this point the door was the dragons. The flame turned anything it touched to ash, nothing was left in its wake neither the stone beneath them nor the lingering ice columns that pierced the heavens that came to life from another one of his spells.

The mage put his remaining hand over his face in an attempt to cover his frail face from the heat that was said to be able to end the world itself if left unattended. But much to his horror the dragon opened its maw before releasing a stream he knew all too well. The two flames collided with his fire breaking through the flames of the dragon at first much to his joy, but quickly losing its source of power The flames were known to have burned down the entire world before assuring a new age for all life began to sizzle out. No matter how close to death it is this is still a True Dragon that stood before him

"No!" the man screamed refusing to be defeated here, he poured all of his mana into the flame making the impact point between the two flames screech. With his flame pushing back against the flames of the dragon

"More, just a bit more damn it" he whispered under his breath as he quickly felt his mana core being drained faster than a teenage boy is drained after a night with the succubus queen.

Despair and regret clouded his once stoic face as his mana reserve hit rock bottom. His head felt as if it was going to explode any second now but he preserved, refusing to roll over and die.

He looked down at his last remaining hand as his pinky turned to ash. Quickly carried away by the wind, more and more of his body slowly deteriorated as he sacrificed it all to fuel the flames. If he needed to die today to kill the thing that took everything he loved and worked for from him, that was alright in his mind. It was his calling to feel this beast since the day he was delivered to this world.

483 years that is how long he waited for this moment. His being ancient was an understatement of all understatements even the Elvish princess called him an old man. Now that gave him a chuckle seeing how that same princess keeps insisting she's forever only 121 to any man she met. Thirsty little grandma, she was...don't tell her you heard that from him, he very much liked his balled intact.

"I'm sorry my disciple," He said with great sadness and regret dripping from his voice, he could have escaped but this was the job trusted upon him and he refused to betray the trust his allies put in him, it happened once, and once is enough for him.

"Master won't be able to see your smile" He shook his head in sadness at no longer being able to be pestered to all hells by that girl.

"Master come quickly, look at this new soup formula I made" She stood holding a bowl of steaming hot soup in her hand while she opened the door to greet him. Why she was wearing a maid outfit was beyond him.

He wasn't sure if he should mention how he noticed the skirt got shorter every time he saw it...

She led him to the kitchen where he ate the meal all while being stared at by his disciple with no breaks in her gaze sending small shivers down his back at how intense they were. That girl scared him sometimes but he loved her being around even if she was a bit scary

"Master, isn't it delicious? It's delicious, right? I know I'm the best you can already start giving me praise for my greatness" She jumped at his back pulling him into her chest and suffocating him much to his protest

" Now do you want the cake I made for you, or do you want to eat the sweetest dessert of them all… Me" She whispered coyly into his ear


"Get back to studying those formulas" He remembers saying in the sternest voice his mind could muster before rushing out of the room lest he gets tempted by the vixen in front of him.

"Ok" She whimpered holding her head

He almost started to tear up but the instant they came up the heat turned it to steam snapping his mind back to reality. One last push is all he needs and he would be able to get back to that dumb student of his no matter what it cost him.

Eye for an Eye, arm for a leg, life for a life. For every action, there is an equal opposite reaction. For every part of his body that was thrown into the fire, for every second of mind-numbing he felt his body go through as it ate itself apart; there was an inch gained at the two fire tug of war where both sides were both sides won't doing any tugging, And he would be the only one doing any winning in this game of death.

The sound of shattered glass echoed in his head as he felt his mana core shatter into fine powder as he sacrificed that along with both legs to fuel the insatiable flames. His flames overtook the flames of his opponent with blinding steps, finally given enough fuel to do its job.

Bones, Flesh, and organs quickly became no more than the most basic elements in its wake, as it turned the one proud Dragon into nothing more than a roasted lizard.

"Ha I won" he barely could say anymore as he collapsed onto the ground with no more mana to support his legless body that was quickly spewing out more blood than any human body should be spewing out

"I'm sorry kid, I guess you can't annoy master anymore" He croaked feeling his flesh roasting as he lay on the hot floor.

"Only if your master was a hero liked the ones you spoke of..like the one that young him wished to be" Regret filled his mind as his life from the second he cast his first fireball flew into his mind

"Maybe if I wasn't such a useless mage" What's the point of being able to devastate entire cities when you wouldn't be able to protect the ones you care most about? What's the point of being called strong when you need others to protect you

"If only I had a tough body those warriors, I could give you a shoulder to rely on and a back to look up to" He clenched his last hand tightly...blood flowing down his palm, nails piercing into his flesh. He wanted to be strong as well, he wanted to be manly too. He wanted to take blow after blow that could easily shred the toughest of men to shreds while laughing with a fair maiden in his arms but he was just a mage with a twig-like body. Mages could never be strong, mages could never be manly, and mages will never be the cool guys that save pretty girls from danger... god damn it the world's a bitch

"Only if I was strong then you wouldn't have to die…Elizabeth, Broke, Askan I guess I'll be seeing you all soon"

"Maybe master will be able to go on a pokemon adventure with you in his next life my dear May," He said using the remaining energy he had in his crippled body to look at the 6 half-red and half-white balls attached to his robe. A gift he was given to him by that eccentric student of his when he showed interest in one of the many tales she retold him about her world.

This one was especially strange, A tale of a masochist boy named Ash with his electric rodent on their journey to become the very best. All while catching monsters and putting them in balls to fight other monster catchers. This truly was a tale that would only be told by the maddest of madmen. But from tales of her world; it seems her world was filled with madmen or women. Hey, who is he to judge if a lady wants to be a little crazy in her mind? He still remembered the day she invited him to go on a poke journey with her, whatever that was

"Come on master work faster on that space spell so I can get my hands on my own personal Vulpix" She urged him into his study with stars in her eyes.

"And once I get one let's go on a pokemon journey together shall we" She whispered under her breath when she believed he was out of earshot…

"If it's with my cute little student, I would love to do anything," He said before pulling her in for a quick hug much to her alarm

"You…you weren't supposed to hear that" She rushed to one of the bedrooms in their small cabin before grabbing its pillow and throwing it at his head which only earned her a chuckle before he closed the door and got back to his research.

Guess that's another promise he can't keep, he truly was useless. Only if he could be a hero in his next life so he never had to worry about making anyone sad.

Jonathan Celdum Inferna breathed his last breath on the desolate plains of demon country during the 5th month of year 576of the Remodore Calendar, only 2 days before his birthday for whom no one would celebrate not even the archmage if he had not breathed his last breath in the ever cold grasp of his flames. All; including him have long forgotten the date to the pages of time.

A tale of a boy whose very first memory was how cold and cruel the world could be; Only seeking the smallest warmth the world could offer only to find it in the burned-down ruins of all those who long froze it. The tales of mages being respected and awed at; the flickering tides of fire magic drawn to him like a moth to a flame in hopes of finding the warmth of family.For all this to end in the cold embrace of his cold flames that have devoured many just as it will devour him. There truly exists no respite for those that don't bare the halo of the gods, blessed by no Gods was he, and to the fiery pits of hell he shall go.

This might be bad.Never mind it is 100% cringe but I'm rusty so give me tips on how I could improve my writing,also if you catch any grammer mistakes comment them and I'll try to fix them:p

Well anyway, I need to go back to refueling my Danmachi fanfiction addiction.Peace out and Airmid best girl

I'll try to be a conistent writer who doesn't drop this fic but no promises.Now bye for reals this time

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