
Is it worth going to hell for someone that’s already dead ?

A story about a broke 17 year old boy from Neokyo called Saito Katsumi. A lot of strange things have been happening in this city, people are missing, corpses are found in almost every alley,.. rumors are saying this city is cursed, and that hell has come down to earth. After meeting a suspicious maid called Mikami Chizu, Katsumi’s story as an exorcist begins. Saito Katsumi fights against evil spirits inspired by beings like grim reapers, fallen angels, and even demons from Japanese folklore.

Jaimiez · Urban
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9 Chs

- Our First Mission Commences

"Now that you've got your sword and Chizu-chan has her pistols, let's finally start with our training." Sensei said.

"The first 3 months of your training, the two of you will be training individually because you need to learn the basics of your weapon before you go into real combat." He added right after.

"Katsumi-kun, I want you to build more muscle, you also have to get a feel for your sword, try to go for at least 1000 swings a day and learn various sword stances and techniques. Chizu-chan, I want you to train on the basics of dual-wielding pistols, which means I want you to learn the required breathing techniques used for dual-wielding weapons, and I want you to learn how to reload 2 pistols at the same time. If you manage to learn these 2 things in less than three months, you can practice on your accuracy during the remaining time you have."

"Sensei, I have a question," I said.

"What is it, kid?" He answered.

"Is it okay if I leave my sword here and I come to train here every day? I don't want to get my older brother involved in anything dangerous because of me so I haven't told him I'm training to become an exorcist." I explained sensei.

"Yes, that's fine, but you won't be able to hide this from him forever, y'know?" He slurred.

"Thank you, Hirano-sensei. I'll tell him when the time is right." I stated, with a smile on my face

And so, Mikami-san and I began our 3-months individual training, I went to their house after school every day, and left just before it got dark. I got a lot closer to Mikami-san during this time because we saw each other every day for three months straight, during this period I had a lot of time to talk to her and so, I got to know more about her. I even told her about me and my parents, that I have a good-for-nothing dad and a dead mother. Which I never usually talk about with anyone except for my brother or Ren.

After 3 months of training, I noticed significant changes in my upper body, I got abs, my arms and shoulders look more muscular than before and I even felt a change in my stamina the first few weeks, I'd be exhausted after 200 swings with my wakizashi, now I can swing at least 3000 times before starting to feel fatigued.

I've also seen some of Mikami-san's training and she also made a lot of progression. You may not be able to see it at first glimpse, but her technique and accuracy with her pistols are amazing. It's crazy to think she's learned all of that in only 3 months.

"Good job keeping up the training for three months, I'm glad to see how much you've both progressed. You're now both ready for the real deal. I have a big announcement to make tomorrow, but for now, just enjoy yourselves and eat all you can. Katsumi-kun can you stay here for the night?"

"Yeah I can, but why?"

"I'd like to leave as early as possible tomorrow so having you sleep over today means we can leave earlier tomorrow."

"Okay." I nodded

For the rest of the evening, Mikami-san and I were talking about all the new techniques we learned while eating and drinking. Hirano-sensei was in his room the whole time, planning things for tomorrow.

"Aahhhggg, I'm full. I'm going to bed, good night Katsumi." Mikami said after finally giving in to her stomach.

"Yeah, good night Mikami-san."

I wasn't that sleepy yet so I ended up training with my wakizashi, amazed at all the progress I said "thank you, brother Kei. I feel like you're helping me get stronger"

"I'm sure he is, Katsumi-kun" sensei said while putting his hand on my shoulder. "You should go to sleep now, tomorrow will be an important day." He added.

"Yeah, I know, good night, Hirano-Sensei."

"Good night, kid." He responded.

The next day early in the morning, sensei announced our first mission. *Finally, after 3 months, I'm finally going on a mission.* sensei explained the mission while we were having breakfast. He will be leaving us in a place where a lot of people have gone missing lately. "It's a forest that's close to a cave, so I'm assuming it's the work of goblins or hobgoblins, they're known for kidnapping humans, they're probably hiding the missing people's bodies in that cave," Sensei told us.

" Hobgoblins? Hobgoblins as in evolved goblins?" I questioned

"Yes, goblins are D-tier spirits and hobgoblins are C-tier, while a goblin king is B-tier. Individually, they aren't strong, but they move in groups, Which makes them a real pain in the ass. Have you any seen a hobgoblin before?" sensei clarified to us, following with a question towards me.

"No, I haven't, I've only seen 1 evil spirit since I got my spirit watch and that was a goblin."

"Okay, hobgoblins are uglier and scarier than goblins so don't freak out when you see them." he jokingly said.

"Ha-ha, I won't"

Sensei took us to the forest by car and dropped us off in front of the forest. "Okay, I'll let the two of you take over from here. I'm not coming with you because that would ruin the purpose of this training. I don't want you coming back before you killed every goblin in this forest. Make sure to take good care of each other and be good partners. I don't want to lose my disciples again, so you both better make it back alive."

"Yes, Sensei." Mikami-san and I said in sync.

"Oh, by the way, Chizu-Chan, you're going to be the team leader for this mission."

"Yes, sensei," Mikami-san said as we walked into the forest together.

With our weapons in our hands, we looked for the goblins.

"We've been walking in this forest for almost 10 minutes now, and there's still no sign of evil spirits. Maybe they've left the forest?" Mikami-san muttered.

"The goblins are deemed to be close to the cave, so we just have to locate that cave" I responded.

"Yeah, you're right, I'll keep my guard up," she agreed

We picked up our tempo and looked for a route to get to that cave.

Out of nowhere, an arrow was shot, directed at us. Mikami-san and I quickly hid behind trees. "That was close, if that arrow was pointed a little more to the right, that arrow would've hit me for sure," I said.

"Katsumi, once the attacker reveals himself, we attack." For a situation like this, Mikami looked very calm and she even planned a counterattack already.

We heard footsteps approaching, it didn't sound like the attacker was alone. The footsteps kept multiplying until we were finally able to see the silhouettes. We were surrounded, it almost felt like they expected us to come. "Mikami-san, we're surrounded, what do we do?"

"Looks like most of our enemies are just goblins, I also see 2 hobgoblins, one on each side. We're commencing the counterattack, you take one side and I take the other."

"Okay, you can count on me," I answered

"Oh, and Katsumi... don't die."

"Same goes for you, Mikami-san!" I said as I charged towards the group of goblins, led by a hobgoblin.