
Chapter 5

"what are you doing? Why do you look so terrified?" He ask while holding me by my shoulders that snapped me back in my reality

"Uh-.. Uhm...?" She tries to respond but can't seem to find the right words to express what she felt


"Uhm.... Nothing..." She responds with a really nervous and clumpsy voice. "Well maybe we can eat together?"

"Hayst... Fine." He responds really calm about it

"Wow! It will be great now! Maybe I can feed you myself if you want?" She asks with a really bright voice

"I am blind. Not a baby." He said while looking away

"Aww. I pardon can't see the difference."

"Please... Don't talk like that"

"Okay I won't"

While both of them were talking someone were looking and spying them really silently in the dark

And who it might be?

While they are eating Eula can't help but stare at him quietly... She was amused that her master were eating so healthy right now.

"Why are you staring?" He asks

"Staring? Me? How did you know?"

"I just know" He felt an immense aura that seems to be staring at him such intense! Of course he'll know

She sighs. "By the way. How is your days while I'm being your loyal servant?"

"Its alright I guess...."

"hehe I knew it! I'm perfect at accomplishing my task. No?" She said with full confidence.

"Uhm... okay? " he responded

*Why does he look so confused? I have been a great maid all this time* she thinks

While he was having flashbacks of her clumsiness